
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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250 Chs

Chapter 151: Armor Casting (Part 1)

Atop the majestic altar with eight corners and nine levels, Muria was bound by dozens of flowing light chains, suspended in mid-air with his black hair scattered, hanging down to his waist. His eyes, once bright and spirited, were now half-closed, showing a tired appearance as if he was neither asleep nor awake.

Through the slits of his eyes, the spirit of the void could see that the young Titan's originally bright golden pupils were now dim and lifeless, carrying a hint of deathly stillness.

"Ts, all nine weapons have already been forged. You're not going to give up now, are you?" Several streams of light flew out from the altar, merging into the spirit of the void's translucent and ethereal body. Then, Hephaestus couldn't help but stretch out a solid finger to poke Muria's cheek.

Muria's head tilted, and his eyes completely closed...

Following that, "Buzz!" A double-bladed battle axe, carrying an ancient, vast, and old aura, flew out from the flames. With an unstoppable ferocity, it cleaved towards the spirit of the void.

Without any surprises, the body formed by the spirit of the void was split in two by the battle axe, dissipating into spots of light that merged into the ground. The axe, unabated in its momentum, crashed into the ground.

"Boom!" Amidst a roaring sound, the giant battle axe, taller than Muria's Titan form, half of its blade plunged directly into the ground. Starting from where it landed, countless cracks spread out.

"I say..." The spirit of the void reformed its body in another location, but just as it began to speak.

"Boom!" A dazzling golden thunderbolt shot out from the eternal flame, instantly piercing through Hephaestus' body, pinning him against the wall of the forging hall. Then, countless fine thunders exploded, revealing a war spear with mysterious divine patterns.

"Damn!" Seeing the spear piercing through his chest, nearly two hundred meters long, Hephaestus couldn't help but curse under his breath. He then looked at the other seven weapons in the flames, his face showing a hint of helplessness.

The body of the spirit of the void dispersed, merging into the walls. Although its body was powerful, it still couldn't withstand the edge of weapons forged from legendary metals. It knew better than anyone the power these weapons possessed.

"Can't you feel anything as weapons connected by blood with Muria?" The spirit of the void, with a helpless and somewhat amused voice, echoed from all around.

"He's just temporarily unconscious. It won't be long before he wakes up. Besides, his unconsciousness is due to the birth of your spirits, and it has nothing to do with me."

The explanation silenced the forging hall for a long time. The seven weapons in the flames ceased their restlessness, quietly absorbing the ancient divine scripts.

As for the other two weapons that flew out...

"Buzz!" The spear with exploding thunders and the double-bladed battle axe trembling with dragon flames, then the spear was pulled out from the wall, and the axe rose from the ground's cracks.

The two weapons shook in mid-air, emitting circles of spirit patterns, seemingly apologizing. Finally, they turned into two light rainbows and darted into the eternal flame, as if somewhat embarrassed.

"Really now." The spirit of the void reformed its body, shaking its head. It naturally wouldn't bother arguing with newly sentient weapons; that would be too demeaning.

It looked towards the gradually fading eternal flame, commanding, "Just nurture yourselves well in the flames, and wait quietly for your master to wake up."


"Hmm!" In a daze, Muria, lying under the altar, opened his eyes, feeling bewildered. Holding his head, he slowly stood up, his head throbbing painfully, feeling uncomfortable and unwell, similar to staying up for several nights in a row in his previous life.

After being reincarnated as the child of a Titan and a dragon, this was the first time he experienced this long-forgotten feeling.

Of course, this discomfort was negligible, a minor inconvenience compared to the agony of his soul being torn apart previously.

"Wake already? Tsk, faster than I expected!"

Muria turned his head, looking at a Titan marveling at him. Seeing that familiar face, Muria immediately felt an urge to punch him.

"Your kind of Titan is indeed rare, a hybrid. But what's key is that you even meditate and train your mental strength. Quite rare indeed. But, this might be why you woke up earlier than I anticipated."

"Heh!" Muria suppressed the urge to punch, knowing he would need his help shortly.

The young Titan looked up at the altar's top, where the eternal flame danced. The altar, stained with his blood, had returned to its original state along with the eternal flame.

The spiritual patterns of the altar shimmered with multicolored lights, and at the ninth level of the altar, the eternal flame returned to its colorless state from when he first saw it, with nine-colored divine lights circulating faintly above the flames. The light column had returned to its original state of flowing light waterfalls.

"My weapons!" Muria's gaze firmly fixed on the nine weapons wandering in the flames, a surge of joy and excitement rising from the bottom of his heart.

"I can control them!" The connection through blood from those nine weapons transmitted to Muria as he stretched his hand towards the top of the altar.

Then, the spiritual light soared, and the divine weapons swept through the internal space of the forging hall.

The clashing sounds echoed in the forging hall, sparks flying everywhere. Except for where Muria stood, all other places in the hall erupted with dazzling sparks, with tiny scratches appearing on the floor, walls, and ceiling, which then healed as if alive.

A nearly two-hundred-meter-long Fangtian Huaji (halberd) wrapped in wind and thunder broke through the flames, flying towards Muria at high speed.

Muria looked at the weapon, clearly meant for adult Titans to use. With a thought, the black and purple-patterned, gold-trimmed Fangtian Huaji shrank as it fell into his hand, adjusting to a size that matched his physique.

"Clack!" When Muria grasped the Fangtian Huaji, it had completely shrunk to match his size.

"Boom!" Wind and thunder spread out, dragon flames ignited, and Muria, holding the halberd, pressed its diamond-shaped spear tip into the ground, directly piercing the floor and causing cracks to spread from the point of impact.

"Halberd name: Seven Sins!" Muria whispered the name of the halberd in his hand, as if it had been born with its true name at the moment of its creation. The legendary weapon in his hand had its name the moment it took form.

At that moment, scorching dragon flames and dazzling thunders burst from the Seven Sins battle halberd, then continuously flowed into Muria's body. Simultaneously, tiny ancient divine scripts emerged on the halberd, enveloping Muria in a mysterious aura, plunging him into a state of enlightenment regarding the soul and power.

The divine weapon nurtured him back!

Muria's aura, under the feedback of the Seven Sins battle halberd, began to slowly climb, becoming even more powerful.

Beneath Muria's feet, rings of soul intent, shining with dazzling golden light, appeared one after another. Seventeen rings, eighteen rings... due to the "gift" from the spirit of the void, the nineteenth ring formed, then slowly, the twentieth ring of soul intent began to condense...


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