
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Book&Literature
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Chapter 150: The Nine Kingly Weapons (Part 6)

Muria frowned as he looked at the nine weapons floating in the Eternal Flame, or more accurately, the embryos of the nine weapons, after the first weapon—a Halberd of the Heavens—began to take shape.

Hephaestus then separated all the legendary metals and, following certain specific legendary alloy formulas he mastered and Muria's requirements, consecutively forged the embryos of eight more weapons.

"There's still something missing!" Muria keenly felt the connection between himself and the nine gradually forming weapons. Doubt and dissatisfaction grew in his heart; the relationship between a Titan and their weapon wasn't supposed to be like this.

Titan girl Heiluoise, after receiving enough legendary metals from her father, Ansol, immediately went to the Void Forge to create her exclusive weapon.

It was a hefty ax-spear. Muria had seen Heiluoise wield it—it truly moved as an extension of her arm, not just metaphorically.

When she held the ax-spear, cutting through ordinary Soul Intent-level demons was as easy as slicing through vegetables.

That ax-spear, to Muria, felt like a living being with its own will.

Yet the nine weapon embryos before him, perhaps superior in material because they were forged from legendary alloys, couldn't compare to Heiluoise's ax-spear in Muria's opinion.

His weapons lacked a certain spirit, akin to a vegetative person lying in bed. Alive, but without their own thoughts or will.

"Not bad, you actually felt it." The voice of the void spirit, carrying a hint of surprise, echoed from all directions. "The final step is missing. Only by infusing one more thing will your exclusive weapons truly take shape."

"What thing?"

"Your soul! Or, more precisely, a piece of your soul."

"I see!" Muria pursed his lips. "So, the final step involves tearing a piece from my soul?"

"No, the tearing of the soul is my responsibility. What you need to do is endure the pain of the soul being torn."

"How painful is it?"

"After experiencing it once, you wouldn't want to go through it a second time."

"…" Muria fell silent.

"Young Titan, are you really decided on forging nine weapons? Nine weapons mean I have to tear nine pieces from your soul."

"Can you tear them all off at once?" Muria didn't know how painful soul tearing would be, but judging by the spirit's tone, the pain of the soul far exceeded that of the body.

"Unfortunately, for your life's sake, I cannot."


"Tearing too much at once, I fear your soul might collapse. So, it has to be done in nine stages, giving you time to recover in between."

"Okay, I understand. Let's do this!" Muria nodded, spread his arms wide, and looked up at the ceiling of the Forge. "Hephaestus, bind me. Make sure I can't break free."

"What are you planning?"

"Tearing the soul must be painful. I'm afraid I'll cowardly beg for mercy and give up on forging the weapons. So, I'm asking you to restrain me, then tear my soul. Don't release me until my weapons are successfully forged."

"…" A silence fell, as if even the void spirit Hephaestus hadn't expected Muria to make such a request. But after a short while, an appreciative sigh sounded: "As you wish, young Titan!"

"Whoosh!" The sound of chains rattling echoed. From all around Muria, brilliant chains of light extended, wrapping around him tightly.

"Whoosh!" Bound in a cruciform, Muria was pulled into mid-air by the chains of light, hovering above the altar. Then, the void spirit Hephaestus materialized in front of Muria, his form appearing extremely ethereal, as if about to dissipate with the wind.

After appearing, without any delay, the spirit reached towards Muria's chest, and his ethereal arm went halfway in as if grabbing something, then pulled with force.

"Roar!" Muria, in his Titan form, veins bulging on his face, was restrained by the chains of light, unable to do anything, not even express his pain through body language.

"The first time!" Hephaestus, observing the soul piece in his hand shimmering with five-colored spiritual light, frowned slightly before throwing it into the Eternal Flame, integrating it into the Halberd of the Heavens.

"Your soul is somewhat unusual!"

The void spirit observed Muria, whose handsome face was twisted in pain, looking somewhat ferocious. "It's more solid than other Titans of your age, so tearing your soul will cause you greater pain.

Young Titan, there are no other beings here, so you don't have to endure so hard. You can scream out, vent your pain. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. After all, I'm just a void spirit that no Titan cares to deal with."

"Have other Titans screamed out when you tore their souls?" Muria smirked, his white teeth stained with faint gold blood.

"Yes!" Hephaestus affirmed.

…On the metal floating land where the Void Forge was located, all inscribed glyphs lit up, the devouring force spreading into the endless void became more terrifying, attracting countless void currents, transforming into streams of light, and then entering the Forge.

As the floating land activated, the already numerous streams of light became denser. Eventually, they formed a multicolored light curtain on the floating land.

Then, above the Void Forge, the light curtain collapsed inward, funneling into the pyramid's interior for further purification, then falling onto the Eternal Flame on the altar.

And then, "Roar!"… The muffled roars continuously emanated from the silvery-white Void Forge, the voice's owner seemingly enduring indescribable pain, wanting to endure but unable to bear it.

"The ninth time!" The transparent void spirit withdrew its hand from Muria, holding a light orb shimmering with five-colored radiance, the ninth piece torn from Muria's soul.

"Um!" Muria, nearly unconscious from pain, heard the number nine and barely lifted his eyelids to look at the void spirit. Through its transparent form, he saw the faint gold Eternal Flame.

Within the flames, eight weapons vibrated excitedly, dancing up and down in the sacred flames, actively absorbing newly formed ancient divine runes. Only a chain shimmering with hazy starlight floated in the flames, gently vibrating, seemingly with a hint of envy and longing.

"Hehe!" The void spirit chuckled lightly, throwing the five-colored soul piece into the Eternal Flame, directly onto the chain.

Merging smoothly without any resistance, Muria's soul piece integrated into the chain that seemed to have condensed a dazzling galaxy.

"Whoosh!" Like the final touch to a masterpiece, the starlight chain came alive at that moment. The sound of metal friction rang out, a sealing power spread, causing the nearby weapons to momentarily freeze. Like the other weapons, it roamed the flames, absorbing the ancient divine runes.


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