
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Arc 2-chapter 5

Having done his business with her , he immediately went to his home and started to refine the temporal demon spirit paper.

Sitting cross legged in his back yard , Xiao Tian chanted the Technique of 'Divine Dragon Authority' but this time instead of soul force gathering around him , it was inside his oul realm changes occured .

The paper dissolved into nothingness , while the words converted into a ball of blood mass as the Quetzalcoatl bathed in its blood.

Feeling the rays of sun on his skin , Tian stopped Cultivating.

Xiao Tian- ' So, it is actually made from blood of a primordial Spiritual beast , it will take atleast one month to completely refine it and I will also gain an ability once I completely refined it. As a bonus , it actually strengthened my soul force'

As a black gold level expert , He can stay 3 months awake without any problems. So, Cultivating the whole night didn't made him feel even a least bit tired.

Going to the academy , he sensed a malicious intent but soon it was shifted , he sensed it yesterday too however due to the situation he avoided it besides nothing is a threat to him.

Following it , he saw Shen Yue , the young master of Shen family or sacred family whatever he didn't give a s*it about them . He can Practically slap them and everyone including the Patriarch can turn into meat paste but.... some old ancestor will come out of hiding so, it's best to not cause trouble .

He did remember bumping into a kid yesterday . Realizing he provoked an young master and seeing that Shen Yue is giving Nie lie more crazed looks he understood he dodged a bullet. Nie lie's hate for sacred family also didn't escape from his view. He realized Nie lie's spewing every negative emotion there is towards them most probably , they have betrayed him or something similar.

He was glad that Nie lie is here , he'll probably fight against Sacred family and a lot of drama will happen. He could probably steal their treasury without making noise.

Entering the class room , he sat down and sat down blending into crowd however he sensed a Intresting presence sitting beside him but didn't get up . There's still time so, he closed his eyes sleeping on the table.

~Winged dragon family manor~

Xiao Ninger slept her night peacefully for the first time , waking up early in the morning . She decided to check the background of her saviour who helped her and wanted to pay back anyhow she can.

Going to the halls of the manor , she began eating until her eyes landed on Elder Yan and found resemblance to the mysterious boy who helped her yesterday.

Xiao Ninger : Elder Yan , I am curious . I met someone in my classroom just like you...

Elder yan: That must be my son , Xiao Tian. Did he misbehave somehow ?!

Xiao Ninger was shocked to hear that the one that saved her is her own cousin.She felt ashamed that she didn't recognised him .

Xiao Ninger: No ! I'm sorry I didn't recognise him ,elder yan.

Elder yan : you don't have to worry about the waste , young miss. He is not worthy to be remembered by someone as talented as you , he is just as useless as his mother . Even alchemist association has expelled him . He was my ultimate dissapointment in life

Ning'er want to decline his claims but the note told her to keep her meeting a secret . She thought it was best to stay silent about everything but she felt anger that elder yan is looking down on his own son, by the tone of his voice when speaking about her cousin . She deduced that he is not valued in family.

Xiao Ninger : I see ...

This conversation made her now personally search about what happened between her cousin and clan. She thought he must have been hurt when she treated him like a stranger . She wanted to make up for hurting him like that, by the look of his relationship with clan he could watch her suffer yet , he saved her and didn't even asked for anything, giving her peace and treasure.She even went to library and searched about the book , just like he told , She Understood her condition is very serious . She could have lost her Cultivation or die , she would have given up listening to it and give into anything he demanded of her but he didn't do anything like that , he didn't scared her off or took advantage of her, he just cured her without breaking her will, there's even a Technique of cure but she couldn't understand much of it but it takes time and it is quite painful yet he cured her without her feeling any pain. These realizations only made her admire the mysterious classmate more. Knowing he is her own brother which he knows it but didn't say it to her , only made her more guilty but happy that he's someone she is so close to .

Later , Xiao Ninger packed some food for him . She atleast want to have a conversation with him.

Xiao Ninger went to class wearing a nice dress, until now . She had to wear clothes that covers her bruises but now , its not a problem . It's not anything new , just wearing something special to meet her cousin.

She saw him sleeping in the last row and sat down next to him.

"oh my god! our Goddess is wearing a beautiful dress today!! "

" Why did she took the seat at the back though "

" I don't know and I don't care , she's damn gorgeous !"

"Ah! She's indeed one of the twin Goddess's of our class . She's extremely pretty "

Xiao Tian heard the commotion and he couldn't help but be wierded out

Xiao Tian : 'This is a Cultivation world alright . These kids are really see the pretty girls as Goddesses . What's with these exaggerated titles ,stupid teenagers '

Nie lie and co stood in the corner of the class , they heard the commotion and saw Xiao Ninger sit behind in pretty dress.

Nie lie's eyes landed on Xiao Ninger

Nie lie : ' Xiao Ninger , she vanished from Glory city around this month in my past life, I wonder what happened to her. That must be Xiao Tian , the trash of Winged Dragon family , even he left the glory city earlier than Ninger but they never met in my past life. I guess , my lashing out on Shen xiu due to unstable memories yesterday must have influenced some things and made them meet each other . It is easy to see her wanting to speak with him'

Nie lie shrugged thinking nothing much about them , Xiao Tian is ordinary kid so, he want nothing to do with him. Xiao Ninger may be talented and pretty but he knows how pretty Ye Ziyun gets as she grows up and in his heart , he only have Ziyun. Besides, there is no shortage of Genius's in Draconic ruins realms , he already have allies here and he'll get many there.