
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Arc 2-Chapter 4

Once the classes are over , Xiao Tian left the class. Meirong left the school finding the class extremely boring and her thoughts are still on the expert that Reincarnated mainly the temporal demon spirit book.

Xiao Tian on the other hand went to the academy training grounds as usual . He has been training here for last three years and he likes the evening atmosphere outside the Glory city.

Yes , The training grounds are nothing but the space outside the walls of city covered by an array acting as a trap. The horned sheep are merely traped here from the outside and settled here being used as fodder to train.

Going to deeper part of training grounds , He began to Practice his daily routine of exercises however sensing a familiar aura near by , he stopped.

Xiao Tian : Ning'er?

Ning'er gave another surprise this time to him. She's sick , he recieved so many constant shocks today that he didn't notice her health condition.

She stopped near by his location and is Practicing her Cultivation Technique. He approached and saw her in pain as she's Cultivating but stopped all of sudden.

He understood why her Destiny is blank now.

Generally , if he didn't Reincarnate she is fated to meet Nie lie who'll cure her and she will join his harem slowly starting with a romantic sub-plot but now , he exists in this world . So, not everything will happen how it suppose to happen but changes can be made. So , some Destinies are Blank ,he might encounter someone like her in future . Their paths are dependent on who makes the first move .

That explains the Blankness of her Destiny , anything can happen to her. He can now save her or leave her , either way she's fated with either him or that old man.

He doesn't care just because Nie lie is some protagonist . He needed strength to survive in this world , it doesn't matter if Nie lie exists or not. He has to do everything to get stronger. Xiao Ninger have something he needs which will make him stronger .

With that resolve in mind , he decided to save Xiao Ninger for his personal gain.

Xiao Tian : You know , Cultivating at night will only makes your situation worse.

Xiao Ninger got alerted when she suddenly heard a voice , she didn't sensed a presence until that voice spoke. Taking the dagger from her storage ring , she held it in offensive stance while looking at the source of the voice. She saw the same oddly familiar but extremely average boy that stared at her this morning.

Xiao Ninger: Who are you and What do you want?

She asked in a cold voice but then , his words registered in her mind.

Xiao Ninger: h..how do you know and why should I believe a complete stranger like you.

' So, she forget me , makes sense since I barely had any value in clan. Not to mention , I look like average Joe giving feeling of nothing special about me '

Xiao Tian : Arctic disease , a disease caused by moon essence condensing in your meridians. That's why , you feel pain everytime you Cultivate and you Cultivating under moon only makes it worse. It's better if you stop Cultivating till you are cured .

Xiao Ninger loosened the grip on the Dagger as her pain made her left weakened yet she didn't drop down still having her guard against him. What he said makes plausible but she never found any record of her disease. No one had her symptoms until now in glory city , hence there's no cure . How can she trust him to cure her then.

As if reading her face , Xiao Tian replied to her.

Xiao Tian : I understand why you can't believe my words but I'm saying this for your own good. The Technique you are Practicing ' lightning dragon Cultivation Technique' is the reason why you have this disease , it's not a good Technique. You can check it in book of woodlands in our academy library

How did he know about her family Technique , this raised suspicion about him in her heart. Xiao Ninger knows that some Commoners try to mug noble kids to get the Cultivation Techniques of noble families since the noble family Techniques are superior . Not to mention even her own Technique is highly valued in her family.

Xiao Tian : Well, you don't have to beleive me. I can cure you , even give you a Cultivation Technique .

Xiao Ninger: Let's say , I believe your words , why would you do that? what do you gain?

Xiao Tian: This is going no where , fine let me show you then.

Xiao Ninger prepared for an attack but she found blue wisps of energy leaving her body instead of feeling pain or weakness . She felt getting better and better every second , all of her pain she suffered until now felt like nothing more than a dream. Her body condition returned to healthy state , she didn't even know when was the last time , it felt this soothing and relaxing without any pain.

Xiao Tian don't want to converse any further so,he began to activate Devour , absorbing all of the soul force from Xiao Ninger including the moon essence stocked up in her meridians at the same time healing all of her wounds inside her body. Finally when he completely absorbed her soul force curing her she let her soul defences down , the page shot out which is sealed in her body and his quetzalcoatl absorbed it.

He should thank Meirong for this, she's the one who taught him ancient healing Techniques . If he didn't learn it , he had to use another Technique called 'Daoyin Technique' to heal her without any side effects , not to mention he also have to manually remove the page from her body and touching the girl of a noble family is a big deal here and he's sure it will raise flags with her. Hell, even now he raised a potential flag and he knows it but thanks to his seriously average appearance he doesn't have even an ounce of protagonist aura so, she won't have any Romantic feelings for him other than , at most gratitude all thanks to his Average face.

This is what he hopes will happen according to his Understanding but he didn't realise that woman are complex beings and there are no books of knowledge to completely understand them.

Tian picked up an unused soul crystal and Manipulated the soul force of Xiao Ninger he is absorbing and infused it .

He was not surprised by what he saw , Xiao Ninger have dual soul attribute of 'wind-lightning' and legendary soul form of 'Winged dragon' , just as expected of a harem member of a protagonist. They are blessed people by heavens. He is not complaining since he is also in the same boat as them just that he is the own Protagonist of his life.

Writing down a Perfect Technique for her called ' Sky Monarch dragon Cultivation Technique' on a paper . He gave the Paper to her . He doesn't fear if she will reveal it to the family , soul forms also speaks about the type of person they are. One of the characteristics of Dragons is they never betray their helpers .

Xiao Ninger watched all of it with shock , she can't believe what's happening infront of her. An unassuming boy cured her without even touching her and gave her a Cultivation Technique . He didn't even moved from the spot , he was standing far away from her from beginning till the end. The paper flew into her hands, out of curiosity she read the chant , but the moment she read it , she could not able to focus on anything else because the Technique is so powerful that she felt ashamed to think her Technique is superior. The Cultivation Technique the mysterious boy gave her is so profound that hers looked like trash .

She came out of daze as her soul force burst forth and covered her whole body. She felt unimaginable power yet it is not even her Cultivating.

Not being able to accept such a treasure, she was about to return it but there are no one visible in her vision.

She flipped the page and saw a note.

' You don't want to be controlled by Destiny, right ? then become powerful, it is the only way to get whatever you want. Oh, and this is our little secret'

She held the paper tightly as she shed tears of gratitude feeling a soothing comfort with her own body which she didn't felt for a long time" I ...want to know more about you and thank you ....."