
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change. Films: -Konosuba -Goblin Slayer -Fate Zero -The Garden Of Sinners and etc. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/EggZy

EggZy · Cómic
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163 Chs

[56] Wrap-up of "Goblin Slayer"

Chapter 56: Wrap-up of "Goblin Slayer"

A significantly larger crowd than ever before had gathered in front of Saiki's wooden hut. This subtle buzz of activity made the undead Saiki, clad in armor from head to toe, feel uneasy and awkward. Meanwhile, Durin descended from a carriage that had arrived from a distance.

Seeing Durin's arrival, the adventurers present all showed excited expressions because they knew that today they would be filming the final scene of "Goblin Slayer." After the filming wrapped up, the movie would be ready to be released at any time.

During this time, Durin glanced at the somewhat nervous and despondent actors of the main cast in the distance. Clearly, including Daphne, these actors who starred in "Goblin Slayer" had developed a connection to the film, or even somewhat immersed themselves in it.

But regardless, every story has its ending, and Durin, well aware of this fact, ignored their despondency and simply said, "Let's prepare well now. Let's not be careless later."


Receiving a lackluster response, Durin shook his head and approached Saiki. He spoke, "Looks like you've prepared quite well. This hut is cleaner than when I last visited."


Seeming still caught up in the shock of so many people coming to his home, Saiki appeared somewhat awkward. Understanding this, Durin smiled and asked, "By the way, what about those children you adopted?"

"Because of the filming, I sent them to stay in town for now..."

As they spoke, Saiki led Durin into the hut, where Alyssa had been waiting for some time. Clearly, because she and Saiki were old friends and she knew his identity, Saiki was willing to invite her in.

"This place is too small, and I'm worried it will disrupt the carefully arranged environment, so I asked the other adventurers to wait outside."

Hearing Alyssa's explanatory words, Durin, knowing that the Guild Master simply didn't want to hear other adventurers talking about him, said slowly, "Anyway, let's call in the actors for today's filming."

As Durin finished speaking, a group of stumbling, somewhat nervous adventurers soon walked in from outside. They were all actors for today's shoot. Because this scene was second only to the Adventurer's Guild in scale, there were so many people in this small hut that it was almost overcrowded.

In response, Saiki couldn't help but sigh helplessly, "Um, I'm a bit worried about my furniture..."

"We'll buy you a new set afterward."

Ignoring Alyssa's extravagant words for now, Durin simply smiled and addressed the crowd, "So, as discussed earlier, everyone here today will participate in this scene. You've all received the script well in advance, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Of course!"

The excited words of the adventurers reflected their seriousness, and Durin quickly began directing the shoot. With Alyssa, the Guild Master, overseeing everything, these adventurers were completely organized and orderly, unlike previous chaotic situations.

Finally, everything was ready before the sun set.


As night fell, the final scene of "Goblin Slayer" began.

In the verdant fields, the adventurers were ready, hiding in the bushes. In the distance, a group of goblins swaggered toward the seemingly undefended hut.

Just as the ambushing adventurers were preparing to charge, their expressions suddenly changed. The goblins were carrying a huge wooden board, seemingly intending to use it as a shield. And on top of the "shield," a human girl was bound, serving as a living shield.

This scene was from the original work, where the description depicted a girl completely naked. However, Durin couldn't dare to film it like that, so he had the girls wearing clothes as they were hung up. Though the scene was still quite distressing, at least it could be broadcasted openly and honestly.

In the face of such a scene, the adventurers were angry but managed to restrain themselves. When the goblins with shields approached, a fragrance suddenly wafted across the field, and in the next moment, the goblins holding shields fell to the ground.

"Hypnosis magic."

As per Goblin Slayer's plan based on goblins' behavior, hidden mages successfully used hypnosis magic to incapacitate the enemies. The remaining adventurers rushed forward to rescue the helpless girls.

Then, the fight proceeded according to the script. The adventurers, experienced in nighttime battles, showcased their skills convincingly, ending the fight with real techniques.

Soon, the storyline led to the final battle of "Goblin Slayer" against the Goblin King!

As for the actor playing the Goblin King, it was undoubtedly our good friend, the Troll. Throughout "Goblin Slayer," trolls frequently made guest appearances as bosses. These days, Headless Knights were rumored to be lurking in monster dens across the Northern region, trying to capture trolls for the performance.

The result was undeniable. The already sparse troll population decreased further during this period. Although it was an improvement compared to the goblins, trolls were naturally fewer in number. As a result, the Northern Adventurer's Guild received significantly fewer requests to exterminate monster dens during this time.


In the forest.

When the Goblin King realized that his carefully laid plans had been thwarted by the adventurers as if they had foreseen everything, he let go of his last pawn and started running madly into the forest. He knew that as long as he was alive, there would always be a chance for him to rise again.

Just like when my nest was slaughtered by a group of adventurers, even I, when I was young, should have faced death. But when that female adventurer tried to spare me because of my youth, only to be stabbed to death by me in return, I realized that as long as I was alive, I could have everything.

As long as I returned to the nest alive, using those women to breed more goblins, there would come a day when humans, those foolish creatures, would be wiped out by me!

However, as it fled with this thought in mind through the prepared passage, a figure suddenly appeared before its eyes, causing its pupils to contract sharply.

"I knew you would think like this, you fool. A big army like that could see through the bait at a glance." Slowly, like a demon emerging from the woods, the Goblin Slayer said, "Your nest, it no longer exists."


In an instant, the massive goblin king lunged at the Goblin Slayer, the size of the goblin king, comparable to a troll, completely overwhelming the average-sized Goblin Slayer. Additionally, the axe in his hand was no ordinary weapon!

In the intense battle that followed, the Goblin Slayer, whose actual strength had not truly reached silver level, was no match for the goblin king before him. He was ultimately knocked down hard. However, just as he excitedly attempted to kill the creature before him, two thin walls of light suddenly covered its body.

"Great God of Light, I beseech you to bestow your holy light in return, to protect us, the vulnerable—Sacred Barrier."

Emerging slowly from the shadows, the priestess chanted while without hesitation, she encased the goblin king in a defensive barrier, completely immobilizing it. In this situation, the dagger previously inserted by the Goblin Slayer into the goblin king's body also plunged deep into the massive goblin's chest.

In this moment of despair, the goblin king, enveloped by the Sacred Barrier, actually spoke in the language of humans, crying out, "I'm sorry... I won't do this anymore. I'll return to the forest and live peacefully..."

In response, the Goblin Slayer, who was originally lying on the ground, stood up and, with his broken sword, slowly inserted it into the neck of the goblin still harboring hope. He muttered, "Goblin King? You're nothing but a filthy goblin... whereas I am the Goblin Slayer!"


Instantly, as blood gushed out from the massive goblin, the night battle came to an end, marking the official completion of the movie "Goblin Slayer."


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