
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantasía
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16 Chs


A dirty blonde scrawny looking light-skinned young man with light green eyes walks into Hale while observing his body as though it is not his. He stops looking at a Dante who looks at him with disgust and envy.

" Shrae, you've returned! And you must keep the balance bring forth your chaos I won't stop you, just pay me what is due "

" Dante! I see you haven't changed in all these years. Fine but I'll need a few things first "

Dante draws out his scythe and gives it to Shrae as a couple of Dragons, Celestials and Demons arrive minutes after.

" It was faint but only you can put out this amount of energy," says a Celestial as he bends the knee thrusting his weapon to the ground crystallizing it.

" We have awaited your return "

Shrae smiles as a sculpture is brought to him, Dante removes the white striped red gem from his chest and placing it on the statue. The gem breaks apart and crumbles as does the statue while the previous body falls unconscious, A spiky blue-haired average build young man with black irises rises from the dirt.

" The resurrection of Shrae is completed. Fear him, Revere him for he is the destined salvation of our world "

Keiyan Shrae and Geoffrey Hall smile ominously looking at the horizon as they advance towards Balta with their army.

" First the magi, then the rest of them heh!"

Dante arrives in the domain of the celestials.

" Now the table is all set. "

Meanwhile, in Shrae's army, a strange young redhead woman approaches him in his tent

" You do know that you won't survive this battle "

" I do but it's all part of Nero's plan, we'll return as celestials and reign over this realm but until then "

Shrae places his hands on her waist, his hands firmly grip her dress, as they look intensely in each other's eyes, his lips slightly graze her as his hands run along the threshold of her body, her soft moans fill the air.


Eryis go to meet with the Aldron, the grand dragon celestial in his golden palace

" My Lord, the Aryon boy is has gone to battle as the darkness draws nearer"

" Come forth, the celestial are calling for council, I'll leave a portion of my essence behind in you, I have suspicions about this assembling "

A flash of white light mixed with a sporadic wave of fire spew out of the palace as Aldron flies out, towards the horizon.


The border platoon sights a battalion far of the borderline heading directly towards the outskirt cities, Leils, Artio, Garnt.

" Deploy the Outsiders, Deploy the Royal Guard, "

"Invaders from the south, "

" I repeat invaders from the south"

" Man the rail turrets "

" At least over 100,000 enemies within range "