
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Darkness Falls

" Black Star Piety! "

Shrae says releasing clouds of dust of black stars with a ten-mile radius in the outskirts of Balta. The soldiers who were fighting against him abruptly with their weapons kneel before him then rise to join his ranks veering the once peacekeeping kingdom into a warzone slaughtering everyone and anything that gets in their way as they approach the castle.

The scouts and Max arrive in Balta but they realise that it is too late, the royal family is missing and all the inhabitants of Balta are dead lying on the cold blood-soaked ground.

" We're too late "

" And we have no idea where Shrae is ?"

" What do we do now? Cause at this rate it seems that mythika may have fallen as well "

" Uhm sorry! New guy, I still don't get what you fruity loops are saying so I'm gonna ditch this party "

Jesse places his hand on Max' shoulder

" You brought those people, didn't you? So isn't your responsibility to take care of your mess "

" No no, you misunderstand me boy, I came here in search of something and those asshats followed me here, so I don't have to do shit! "

Max flings Jesse's hand aside and walks away, as the rumble in the throne room breaks open and the melfrôth twins come out of the dirt as coated in blood.

" Mythika scum! "

" Have you finally come to take Balta or perhaps you come to mock us? " says Lucien as he walks toward the scouts.

In a haste, the top rankers draw out their arms surrounding Lucien who smiles as his sister stands behind Dave with her sword to his neck.

" I don't like violence, especially when it's unnecessary, now tell your people to stand down "

" you heard the Lady stand down that's an order "

Jesse walks away from the gathering looking at the skies as they begin to darken

" Something's wrong "

During Shrae's invasion

In the celestial realm.

Dante the death god, and several others fight against the celestials.

As Dante secludes Claire Nix, they get into a heated battle. Dante tosses his scythe at Claire, she dodges jumping on top the scythe running toward Dante thrusting her hands covered forward like a spear. Dante draws back the scythe with its chain-link dragging Claire towards him, a random ball of fire separates them. Dante looks at Hiton who is taken down by a figure engulfed in blue-black gleaming flames.

Claire appears behind Dante thrusting her hand through him.

" Gaaarghk! " Dante coughs out blood then uses a short blade to cut her fingers. She pulls her hand out backing away from Dante who brings out a vile of red goop and opens it pouring it in his injury, it closes up slowly whilst making a fizzing sound as Claire tries to regroup with the other celestials.

Dante smirks as he rushes towards Claire attacking her from above, pinning her down by the shoulder with his scythe. She screams in agony as Dante forces the scythe deeper into her bone cavity, she watches the other celestials get torn apart by the four others who came with Dante.

He mercilessly rips her arm off, the four others come revealing themselves to be God Slayers.





Shrae arrives at Mythika with his army as the scouts and the melfrôth twins decide to head towards Mythika.

The Army of Mythika manages to push off the first wave of Shrae's beasts.

  A momentary standoff as they catch their breathe, suddenly both sides rush at each other, clashing sound and fists. Several balls of fire land at amid the clash separating them, the smoke clears revealing the Godslayers Reith Lynne now Commander in Chief

" Onward!! "

 the troops rally forward ever hyped, Lyma and Hellspawn step in front of their troops

" Shrae you waste the assets given by him "

 Shrae who's atop of clocktower smiles and says 

" do what you must I'm going to look for the book of Zerlar ".

 Lyma draws out her sword realising a pressure wave that incapacitates their troops " heh " she zooms forward into the enemy's defences

" Limit Break: Beyond human "

Reith calls for the retreat of her troops but it's too late they've been severely wiped out, Hellspawn mutates into a more grotesque version of himself oozing out 3 lumps of black red clay which develop into clones of himself

" Legion is our cowling, destruction is our calling "

Hellspawn and its clones rush towards Reith but are intercepted by Team Markus who arrives on the scene.

" Markus where's the rest of the scouts "

" On their way commander, Team Maneuver 13 "

" Roger that sir "

Anne, Evelyn and Mary each apprehend a clone while Markus fights Hellspawn. Lyma walks toward an opening

" Commander bring forth your strongest and let us make this fight interesting "

" She just challenge the commander, doesn't she know who Reith Lynne is " mutters some of the soldiers

" Aaron you're in charge, Ava you're Second-In-Command," says Reith as she walks towards Lyma

" My My aren't you confident, Well Reith are you prepared to die at the hands of a Godslayer "

" Well Godslayer meet THE GODSLAYER," says Reith drawing out a broad Arthurian sword with Norse like cravings on it.

          Ovolix, Dante and Aryon stand in front of the Aaron and the others, as they move to begin their assault a ball of fire drops amidst them followed up by sporadic bursts of lightning, Dave and the remaining scouts arrive alongside the melfroths

" Dante, these two are survivors of Balta," says Ovolix pointing at Lucien and Lucia

" You assured me they were destroyed "

" Did I now? They must have survived, deal with them " says Dante dispersing his scythe while his gaze is set of Dave.

" Jesse and Percival go after the last one it seems that this two have their eyes set on us and the baltans "

" Dave Cormick! That order is not approved you'll stand here and hold the line "

" With all respect Aaron, this war not training I control my troops not you and if you have a problem with that then you can book me for insubordination after we've won."

Aaron looks at Ava who is worried about her elder sister, Dante summons spirits of the dead, going in for a full-scale assault.

" Superior Technique: Thunderous Lightning Emperor! " Blue and Yellow electricity dances around Dave's body enveloping him in some sort of armour, in the twinkle of an eye he bursts through Dante's Armada, going for Dante's head-on. Jesse and Percival approaches Aryon,

" I don't have time for games children "

" Neither do we "

" Black Star: Dusk Setter "

" Dragon Wrath: Brimstone " Jesse is covered in a magma like a shell armour.

" I thought the last line of Dragon users died a century ago. Your auras are impressive I'll grant you the privilege of experiencing mine at Infinite potential " Aryon takes a split second pause then dashes in between Jesse and Percival

" Celestial Dragon Slayer "

An outburst of heat a flames causes Jesse and Percival to back away, Aryon follows Jesse grabbing him by his face and tosses him towards Percival. He stands in front of them both, with a subtle look of anticipation. Ovolix apprehends Lucien, Lucia and Max.

" Baltans and other, are you prepared for this fight against an immortal "

" Dude did you just call me other, that's the low man "

" Sister, you know who he is don't you "

Lucia nods slightly gripping her unsheathed sword tightly as she says

" Here he comes "


       Meanwhile, Reith and Lyma appear to be at a standstill with on her body armour shattered on the left side and the Godslayer blade cracked, Lyma dashes towards Reith who stands her guard readying to counter her attack.

" She swung from the left last time attacking my less dominant side, so that means she'll hit me from below "

Lyma appears below, in front of Reith thrusting her sword upwards, She deflects it to her right, countering with a well-timed punch giving a little distance between them. " You're strong but I haven't even begun to show you the extent of my abilities, We've been playing at 10% lets dance at 30% "

" Keh! You read my mind " says Reith removing her armour except for the arm and leg braces.

" Here I come, Godslayer "

They clash their swords, releasing devastating shockwaves with each strike, they continue relentlessly, attacking each other nonstop like rabid creatures increasing their power, a slit appears on Lyma's face she backs off as she licks the blood dripping from the side of her face, Reith is seen slightly huffing, Lyma smiles breaks her blade and releases a terrifying intense outburst of power,

" Beyond 100%... No one has ever seen this and you'll be the first to experience it untamed. Divine Weaponry "

    Numerous portals open up, with weapons dropping out of it. Using her telekinetic ability given by the flint she levitates the weapons.

" Can the godslayer defeat a nearly omnipotent godslayer? " Lyma says with a slight smirk on her face as She grabs a golden tipped blue lance.

" Drop dead! " the lance moves at the blink of an eye grazing Ava who teleports to save her sister just in by a hairsbreadth.

" What are you doing here? Who's defending the front line? "

" The next in command after Cormick, "says Aaron grinning

" My my you look beat "

Lyma releases a wave of weapons at them, They are all deflected by a dark blue flaming force field, Aaron turns around smiling

" Reith, Ava let's end this "

"Sporadic Thunder!" shouts Dave spiralling bolts after bolts of lightning at Dante, who dodges jumping upwards avoiding most.

" Roaring Earth " Amber follows up Dave attack hoping to trap Dante in an encasement of stalagmites, it works momentarily Dante bursts through the stalagmites only to be faced with a rain of lightning. As the smoke disperses Dante removes his burnt clothing.

" I've been avoiding a fight with mortals cause my touch kills instantly, Like venom it destroys what it touches, to think I'd be tempted to use it now "

   A dark cloud of smoke forges his scythe. He grips it saying  "I'm defending myself from here onward. you have a total of 10 strikes. "

He points at an ouroboros snake tattoo

" Cut this off and I'm mortal "

" Tremor burst"

Amber rushes in drawing out a small dagger Dante put his arm forward allowing the knife to pass through. stopping at the handle.

" 9 left "

He uses the handle of his scythe pushing Amber aside.

" You took damage why risk that "

" So you'd see me bleed once "

" Amber get back! Indiscriminate shock " Dave shoots out streams of lightning at Dante who tethers it through his scythe into the earth.

" 8, use an actual weapon next time maybe you'll get me "

   Dante tosses Dave blood-splattered broadsword laying on the floor.

  Markus, Anne, Evelyn and Mary are seen fighting a fused Hellspawn.

" Erupt: Hellfire "

     The ground rumbles, magma bursts forth from the ground. Scattering Markus and his allies.

" Absolute Zero: Dawn Dance," Anne says releasing a frost wave all over the battlefield creating a dense cloud of steam.

" Trace on. Markus, Anne and Mary I've created a psychic link between us and I've pinpointed its location in the steam. Your orders Markus " says Evelyn

" Okay, Maneuver ß," says Markus as him and the others surround Hellspawn.

" Combined Technique "

" Enhanced Absolute Etherious "

Mary enhances the abilities of her team. Markus and Anne rush after Hellspawn and cut through it using huge ice sickle swords. Evelyn finishes it off with a psychic pressure collapsing it into itself.

  " We're done here," says Markus as the steam clears. The blood of Hellspawn spread out across the battlefield gathers back into its distorted body.

" One of Many," says Hellspawn as blood drops on the ground slowly dripping from Evelyn. Its hands stretching out from her abdomen.

" Evelyn!!! " shouts Anne as she rushes towards her.

" Get down! " Markus pushes Anne aside as

Hellspawn split Evelyn in half and reaches for Anne, cutting of Markus' hand.

" We have to retreat or we'll die," says Mary shaking in fear.

      Percival and Jesse are seen panting heftily with bruises on their body, Aryon standing in front of them says

" your magnificent auras are fading, you're yet to put a scar on me, I'm disappointed "

" We're not done yet. "

" We can still fight "

" Black Star: Dusk Setter "

" Dragon Wrath: Inferno "

" Celestial Technique: Counter "

       Suddenly both Percival and Jesse powers switch off. They look at Aryon in awe, believing that their doom may be imminent.

" Celestial Technique: Full Impact, I've restored your abilities better than ever, come at me with all your might "

" Black Star: Disintegrate "

      A huge black orb covers Aryon, it breaks apart with small fragments of dust coming off him, he smiles

" A taste of your powers beyond its... " Jesse interrupts Aryon by dash punching him, Jesse's hand shows on his face, he backs off. Aryon spits out a tooth.

" I recognize your aura now, You're a descendant of mine," says Aryon in a serious tone.

" Celestial Technique: Restoration. "

" Percival we need to combine our ultimate moves, we might defeat him at our current power level "

" Agreed, But are our moves compatible? "

" You do know I'm right here and well Combined Ability Celestial Dragon Wrath: Divine Dragon godslayer "

     Heat and pressure waves spur out across the battlefield drying out the air. A dragon-like Aryon appears.

Max is seen shooting at Ovolix from a distance while Lucia advances with an executioners axe as Lucien prepares a spell.

" Primitive weapons," say Ovolix creating a forcefield, shielding himself from their attacks.

" Etargetnisid," says Ovolix turning their weapons to dust " noisulper " he repels Lucia and Max to further sides of the battlefield. Lucien stands up.

" Cleared the noise "

" Yes, a mage against a superior mage "

" Lightning Dispersion "

Strains of lightning fall around Lucien as he says " Deflection " diverting all bolts of lightning away.

" Firefall," says Lucien releasing waves of fire upon Ovolix who drops his cloak.

" Wall of Ice," says Ovolix repelling Lucien's attack.

" Summon: Great Winged Beasts. "

Ovolix summons humungous 3 headed winged beasts of grotesque nature. Standing on top one of its head.

" Summon Dragon Centipede."

Lucien summons a giant red dragon with centipede-like jaws and armour covered with dragon scales.


     The creatures clash, while the mages on top them continue their battle of spells.

Max flies into the castle only to rise and see Shrae walking in while Lucia flies into the battle against Hellspawn.

       Lyma is seen dodging Reith's attacks, Aaron follows up with a stream of his flames, Ava teleports Reith out of range as Aaron's flames intensify searing Lyma's left ankle, She uses her telekinesis to create a whirlwind of weapons attacking everyone in the immediate vicinity. Aaron creates a forcefield once more, Ava teleports Reith and herself in.

" She's going out of control "

" We have to put her down "

" Ava can you get me close "

" Yes but your sword can't do any damage to her "

" But Aaron's Flames can "

" If I drop this forcefield then we might get incapacitated or worse but then "

Aaron warps the forcefield into a wall of flame enveloping the whirlwind. Lyma bursts out of the flames,  her body slightly burnt, with a mimic of the god slayer.

" Final Dance children. "

Reith stands in front of Aaron and Ava, points her sword at Lyma.

" Now! "

Lyma and Reith rush towards each other thrusting their swords at each other like jousters a huge wave of dust swells up. As it settles the GODSLAYER covered in Aaron's flames is seen piercing through Lyma. And the mimic shards are seen piercing Ava, Aaron and Reith.

Lyma coughs out blood

" I'm not done yet "

" Neither are we "

Ava teleports Lyma towards the sky. As she free falls Aaron creates a tunnel of flames engulfing her in it.

" Cruel Furnace "

" I thought you were above naming your abilities "

" Yeah, but I had to be this it was looking cool ".

Hellspawn attacks Markus but is distracted by Lucia who falls in after being repelled from her brother' side. It stops its assault on the remnants of team Markus and pauses to see Lucia who stands to her feet blood dripping from her head staining her blonde hair, vexed by Ovolix's trick.

" Forge Magic," she says creating two Arthurian swords. " The sight of this creature irritates me ".

She rushes towards Hellspawn.

" Wait it regenerates," says Markus who is seen catching his breath.

    Lucia goes on ahead leaping forward. Cutting of Hellspawn's head. Its body drops and starts twitching. The head rolled over saying once more 

" One of many " as its forelimbs stretch forth to grab its head, reattaching it to the body.

" A higher ranking demon general. Looks like I'll need assistance, which one of you can help."

Mary stands up followed by Markus and Anne " What do you need us to do "

" In the books of Angarm Zerlar, demon generals are said to have 7 hearts dispersed in their bodies "

" I'll enchant our bodies to increase strengths and speed," says Mary

" We'll provide back up, you take the lead," says Markus to Lucia.

Hellspawn attacks in the same manner which it killed Evelyn but is deflected by Lucia who counters by cutting off its arms.


" Forge Make: Demon Slayer Garza, Xerez, Lutheran, Deventer " Lucia gives Lutheran to Markus and Deventer to Anne.

" Enchant: Maximum Impact "

" Absolute Zero: Avalanche "

Anne freezes Hellspawn's feet continuously preventing it from moving. Lucia and Markus dash towards Hellspawn cutting its arms to its body.

Lucia stabs Hellspawn underneath its mouth while Markus stabs its chest through.

Hellspawn wails in agony, growing extra limbs and breaks free from the ice as they continue their assault. Markus is injured by its claws as Lucia deals the finishing blow by stabbing its last heart with Xereez and leaving it there the heart rots away slowly then turns to dust.

" you've wasted every attempt, and here I was hoping you'd provide more support, oh well I'll just kill you now "

Dante is seen reaching for Cormick's face with his bare hands, stalagmites pierce through him but he remains relentless until a beam of light from the heavens shines downwards.

" That bitch is still alive, I'll be back for you later "

says Dante removing himself from the stalagmites with no pain. He begins walking away then pauses.

" Be happy you didn't die today "

Claire drops from the skies creating a crater on impact. Dante smiles saying

" I knew you couldn't be killed so easily, what about the others "

" Their physical bodies are dead, but their remnants live on in me, Dante its time we ended this "

" Gladly "

Dante grabs her neck, she clenches his hand breaking his bones. Dante withdraws what's left and backs off to a distance saying

" Soul bomb "

a large white orb containing the souls of the soldiers killed in battle.

" Counter,"

says Claire dispersing the soul bomb and restoring them to purgatory.

" Celestial Seraph Technique: Divine Light of Purity "

a white beam from the heavens shine on the battlefield and concentrate on Dante like a laser beam.

" No that's not fair, Claire you bitch fuck this "

Dante slowly enters a running pace moving further away but he is devoured by the beam of white light.

Claire turns around and passes by Dave and Amber who are in shock. She heals them then disappears.

" What just happened? " asks Amber

" We almost fought with death itself," says. Dave catching his breath while sitting on the ground, Amber sits beside him.

" So he was never joking ".

" Divine Celestial Technique: Vanquishing Spear of Light "

" Black Star: Collapsing Gazer "

Jesse throws the spear of light at Aryon, who breaks it apart with his draconic armour, he walks straight through Percival's attack.

" This is an utter disappointment "

    He dashes towards them punching them in their midsections.

" I think its time you both died, I'll kill you than your friends back there. Dragon God flames "

As he sets them on fire, Jesse pushes Percival backwards dusting off the flames.

" Sacrifice! How unnecessarily stupid for one of mine "

" I'm not yours I'm my person. Dragon Wrath: Eternal Inferno "

      Jesse and Aryon clash exchanging blows over and over as with each blow the other comes back stronger.

       Ovolix is seen dominating the fight against Lucien his creature about to eat his until a gigantic sword swing across the battlefield and stabs the winged beast. Lucien looks at the horizon to see Lucia, Ava and the others who have succeeded in defeating their foes.

" Looks like you've already lost Koalin Garth. Drelyon attack! "

The dragon centipede cuts off the middle head of the beast, Lucien leaps towards him as a dagger appears in his hand. He grips it stabbing Ovolix's heart.

The dagger absorbs the drop of infinity from his heart, Ovolix withers away like a crumbling leaf in autumn.


    Percival staggers to his feet seeing blood allover he looks at Jesse who still pushes himself returning blows, he notices an opening in Aryon's armour.

" Jesse dodge, Black Star: Disintegrate "

" Celestial Technique: Counter "

Aryon disables Percival's power-up causing his attack to be meaningless. He appears in front of him.

" Rest! "  knocks him out with a punch.

" Jesse there isn't much time, you need to listen to me," says Aryon as he turns around his body slowly disintegrating.

" What's going on ? "