
Death Note In MHA

"Is this a world you enjoy?" "Not really, no, It is simply the most entertaining. Light's world was entertaining, sure, but this one is even better." "Don't try anything too crazy. You got past the Shinigami king once, I doubt he will let you do it again" "..." The other Shinigami left after giving his warning, however, Ryuk was hardly going to listen. "This one looks interesting. All the others have no potential. He will do nicely," On that day, you could hear a creepy laughing in the distance, but no matter where you hear it from, for some reason, you could never get closer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update every Wednesday Weekly Power stones: 15 = 1 New Chapter 35 = 2 New Chapters 60 = 3 New Chapters Discord here: https://discord.gg/U3pbRWvhPP

AFallenAuthor · Cómic
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13 Chs

A Trick

"Well, your cackling sure did get me up, what's so entertaining about me sleeping?"

"Why, I'm thinking of what entertaining things you will do the next day!"

"Well, you laughed yourself up a storm for no reason. It's Monday, I'm going to school."


"Because if my grades go down, and I start skipping school, people will start suspecting things."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Izuku? Izuku!"

"Y-Yes teacher? I apologize, I was lost in thought."

"Huuuh, it's fine, can you read this part of the book please?"

"Yes, sir."

It's a cut from the Old Testament.

"Ahem, 'And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take a peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword'."

"Yes, very well done Izuku. For that well done performance, I won't punish you for not paying attention."

"Ughhh, I'm bored, can't you hurry up?"

Izuku stayed silent; he already told Ryuk that he can't speak to him during class after all.

"Ahh, right. well, you don't have to respond to me, just listen to me,

"ACE responded. There is news about it in the main city."

The bell rang, signifying the end of class for the day. I got up and quickly left class, before Katsuki and his 'friends' could get to me. I was much more interested in ACE then bullies, after all.


"DEKU, you are in Japan. This is due to the "Sludge Villain Incident" which was your first killing, while it wasn't broadcasted outside Japan."

"Well, that's just common sense," Izuku said, out loud while watching the broadcast from the government, although not live, because he was in school.

"However, I do believe that I know something that you dont."


"You can control people before they die."

"Yeah, that was the whole point? Hold on, he's acting like this is it, does he believe that this will change everything?"

"You are using innocent people now, truly, how cruel of you."

'yeah, I don't really care.'

"That is all, we will announce more information to the public when we get it."

'... are you serious?' Izuku was extremely dumbfounded. This can't be the level of the great ACE that found All for One, right?

'That can't be it, but I also know that I left nothing else but the controlling death info? Or is his next play to confuse me? hmm.'

"It's likely that he is saying this to confuse me, but if he did find anything, I wouldn't be able to know. I can't join the police because I'm too young and I don't have the skills to hack the police department. The best option to do in this situation...

"Is to continue the plan. The plan wouldn't be messed up simply because I left something out. The plan isn't dependent on that. I will continue."

Ryuk laughed, as Izuku didn't realize he was mumbling.


"Rook, sir! We just got a call from one of the information numbers and they have given some surprisingly useful information!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Those useless everyday people wouldn't be able to give trustworthy information!"

"But sir! We checked to see if the information was correct and it was!"

"Hmm! Well lay it on me already!"

"It appears that DEKU is restricted to the Kansai region!" (For those who don't know and are probably too lazy to google it, Japan is divided into 8 unofficial regions, Kansai being one of the smallest regions)

"Perfect! put our focus in that one area then!"


(The next day)

"Heh, perfect, they fell for it."

'By restricting the killings by heart attacks to the Kansai region and killing in other regions through other means, they believe that I can only kill in the Kansai region. This makes them think that I am in that region, but they wouldn't reveal this to the public, which would be going against them. In this day and age, trust between heroes and police to the people is the most important thing. By restricting themselves to the Kansai region and not telling the public, all somebody has to do is leak the information that they are only searching through the Kansai region, and the trust in the police will fall. It will be the people versus the government. ACE will lose his Queen with this play, the police and government support, in this game of chess.'

Ryuk laughed and, this time, Izuku realized.

'Maybe I should fix my mumbling problem. That could get a little dangerous...'


"Rook, sir! You're going to want to see this!"

"Ughh, what did that fucking vigilante do this time."

"It wasn't the vigilante sir! The public has found out that we are only looking in the Kansai region! They are mocking us and saying we can't be trusted! Government support, as well as support from the World Heroes Association has been retracted!"




"Hey, Ryuk, have I ever told you how annoying you're laugh is?"

"Haha, but look!" He points towards the TV screen while floating upside down. "They're rioting! They're rioting!"

"Yes, they are rioting. That was the whole point of this play. Did you not heart me while I was mumbling?"

"Yes, of course I did, but it's so much more fun to actually see!"

"Heh, you know what? Yes, I agree..."


"Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have left Rook in charge. I mean, seriously, what is this? He's done such a terrible job."

A frown can be seen from the light of his laptop.

"Let us begin then."


'fuck, fuckfuckfuck Fuck Fuck FUCK FUCK. I'M SO FUCKED.' Rook was screaming in his head. He had fucked up so badly by blindly walking into DEKU's trap without reporting back to ACE. Not without due worry, though, because at that moment, he got an email.

Next time, he would be found in an alley, but that's for a different time. Because at that moment, a man walked in, not a single feature was identifiable. (Think Watari). When he got to the front of the room, he stayed silent and simply placed a laptop on the desk. flipped it to face everyone and opened it. With a speaker on the laptop, it turned on, revealing the 4 symbols of each suite; clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds. A strange, altered voice came out.

"I am ACE."

1067 words

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