
Death Note In MHA

"Is this a world you enjoy?" "Not really, no, It is simply the most entertaining. Light's world was entertaining, sure, but this one is even better." "Don't try anything too crazy. You got past the Shinigami king once, I doubt he will let you do it again" "..." The other Shinigami left after giving his warning, however, Ryuk was hardly going to listen. "This one looks interesting. All the others have no potential. He will do nicely," On that day, you could hear a creepy laughing in the distance, but no matter where you hear it from, for some reason, you could never get closer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update every Wednesday Weekly Power stones: 15 = 1 New Chapter 35 = 2 New Chapters 60 = 3 New Chapters Discord here: https://discord.gg/U3pbRWvhPP

AFallenAuthor · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


"Just making sure, so I don't have to write this down again, Rule: 'You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name', right, Ryuk?"

"You really like reciting those rules now, don't you?"

"Ok, then," Ignoring his little remark, I started to search for someone who would fit my needs. After searching for about 10 minutes on bookface, I found somebody

'32 year old, Katsugaya Mitsugichi, a person who supposedly hates criminals and villains with a passion, but wasn't given a quirk suitable for battle. He'll be perfect'.


'heh, it's just as easy as writing a book'

(Author's note: Shut the fuck up)

Oh, I should also start writing ahead. I can't be writing 24/7.

Ryuk laughed, because it took Light a way longer time to come up with that idea.

As I drifted into my own mind, just before falling asleep, i thought

'I really like that name'.



"This fucking hellhole of a world. The villains keep on fucking getting what they want, and the heroes can't do anything about it, is there a hero that can stop them?"

The man was looking through news articles at the time, and found something interesting.

"Mass murdering vigilante? He seems perfect! OOH! Here's an idea, why don't I send a message from 'him' to a TV studio! That could get his name around a little more!"


"Phew, it's done. I'll deliver it in person, it feels right."

Unfortunately for the man, he unconsciously picked up the pistol on the bedside table before he left.


"Hey, Rook, I'm here for my daily report on the Vigilante. We got 254 people calling claiming to either have information on the killer and 23 people calling in claiming to be the vigilante, going by different names, such as Kira, Zoldyck, and Koro. We don't believe any of them to be the Vigilante, but we wrote down their names, just in case."

'I didn't try so hard to get promoted only to get stuck on ROOK for an unsolvable crime. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW THEY DIED!'

The representative of ACE looked exhausted, from many sleepless nights and false alarms, he wanted off this mission. Nothing has happened after all! The vigilante didn't fall for the bait, so we don't know if he's even in Japan. For some reason, though, ACE is still focused on Japan.

"Hey, Rook, you're going to want to see this!"



(In a public square)

Everyone was simply going about their days. Nothing was different, even if there's a villain on the loose, the heroes will get him eventually, won't they?

"Emergency announcement!"

All of the televisions that were on the streets immediately turned to the broadcast that was being put out.

"We have breaking news! Sakura TV has been given a tape which apparently is a response from the vigilante to the Hero Public Safety Commission and the World Heroes Association!"

"Huh? The villain hasn't been caught yet?"

"What's happening?"

"Mommy! I wanna go home!"

"We here, at Nippon Television, have been given clearance to broadcast this message!"

The screens quickly turned back, and changed to a name, a name the world soon would fear.

"Hello," said a mans voice, without a voice changer or anything.

"My name..."

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breaths.

"... Is DEKU."



"Rook, sir, we believe it to be one of the higher ups. We don't have the authority to give people like them clearance."

"Well, put it down, already!"

"We're trying sir!"

"You may be thinking, 'You're not the vigilante! Prove it!', and you are right. I cannot just say something without anything to back it. As such, on November 14th, today, at 3:06 pm, in 1 minute, the current person hosting the gameshow on channel 217, will die suddenly from a heart attack. I will wait."

"Quickly, get another tv in here!"

The tv was turned on as fast as possible, and changed to channel 217.

Everyone waited with their breath bated.


















The show host fell to the ground, without a second sound.

"Do you see, now? I am...


"HEY! UNIT 2! Track his voice and figure out who this bastard is!"

"... ACE. I know you are listening to me. Tell me, ACE...

"Do you like chess?"


In a dark room, there were three things. A monitor, a PC, and a human. The room is too dark to see his characteristics, but you can hear something.


"Interesting, DEKU, you want to play a game? If that is what you desire, then tell me.

"Does one play the pawn or the knight first? To me it looks like you like the knight."


"Hmm, I guess it's time to come out. Sure, you can play chess online, but it's more fun in person."

"Understood, master ACE. What identity would you like to use today?"


"huuuuuh, it's done."

Mitsugichi was proud of what he did, but something felt both wrong and right, like he did what he was meant to do in this world.

He was ready to go.




On that day, an innocent man died. The first innocent to go, for an insane heroes whims.


Ryuk was laughing.

"Is that all you do? Like seriously, I just woke up," Izuku complained.

"Well, that's rude, don't you think? Besides, my laughter's from how impressed I am," Ryuk responded while, still, cackling.

"It sure doesn't seem like it. Anyway, I'm interested in seeing how ACE reacts."

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what, Ryuk?

"Provoke him. Also, it seems like you left a few holes in that message."

"Ah yes! I said it before, it would be no fun if I left him with nothing. Based on what I left behind, He will figure out I can control people before they die. He shouldn't know anything about my schedule or anything else about me, so he will latch onto that fact, looking for something in it, and when he does find it..."

Izuku smiled a very creepy smile, a smile he would not have been able to make before the roof.

"Won't it be so amusing to see the look on his face when it's just him loosing his queen?"

Ryuk laughed, once again, despite not knowing anything about chess.

1102 words

Stones! Stones! Im showering in stones!

All jokes aside, I aint going to be able to write the new chapter that fast. Like seriously, I put an announcement saying the next chapters coming, and im immediately bombarded with almost enough for a whole new chapter. I will still write the next chapter at ten powerstones, but it'll take a second. Also, the new free chapter will be increased to 15 powerstones.

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