
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Cómic
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19 Chs

fighting....again!!!! (chapter 13)

A/ well, this is an actions based fanfic, instead of a crafting based fanfic, and for those who are getting board of the seamless actions, just wait, this is the training arc, and there are much more of these.


The crowd's excitement was palpable, their cheers mingling with the sound of fists meeting flesh. Kai knew he couldn't solely rely on Muay Thai techniques to defeat Liang, who was a master in the art. With sweat trickling down his brow, Kai's mind raced.

As Liang prepared for another onslaught, Kai unleashed a Cross, followed by a quick Jab, The combination was swift and effective, surprising Liang. The announcer's voice boomed once again. "What's this? The super rookie is displaying some impressive boxing skills!"

Kai's lips curved into a confident smile. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Liang's expression shifted from surprise to determination. He returned with a flurry of Elbow Strikes, forcing Kai to use his Clinch technique to control the distance. The arena was filled with the sounds of their struggle—a mix of grunts, thuds, and the crowd's enthusiastic shouts.

Kai's experience during the time skip had taught him the importance of adaptability. He realized he needed to mix his techniques strategically. He feinted a Jab, luring Liang into a defensive stance, and then followed with a swift Roundhouse Kick, aiming for Liang's head.

Liang's guard wavered, allowing Kai to execute a Jab-Cross-Hook combination that left Liang momentarily stunned. Kai's movements were seamless, a dance of both Muay Thai and boxing techniques.

The crowd's cheers reached a crescendo as Kai's strikes found their mark. Liang's experience wasn't enough to counter the unexpected blend of styles Kai presented. As Kai landed a final Cross that sent Liang staggering, the referee stepped in, signaling the end of the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Kai, the super rookie, has triumphed over Liang 'The Thunder' Chen!"

Kai's chest heaved, sweat-soaked and victorious. His gaze met Liang's, a mutual respect evident between them. As they exchanged nods, the crowd's applause and cheers enveloped them.

In the heart of Gotham Park, a rare pocket of tranquility amidst the city's chaos, Kai found solace beneath the sheltering branches of a majestic tree. The park exuded an unusual sense of calm, a brief respite from the city's ceaseless tumult. Dappled sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting a gentle mosaic of shadows and light upon the ground.

Leaning against the gnarled trunk, Kai closed his eyes, allowing the distant sounds of city life to fade into the background. He was engrossed in the audio playing from his phone, his mind engaged in deciphering the nuances of a martial arts technique. The voice on the recording seemed to waver between conviction and uncertainty, leaving Kai with an impression of contradiction. A skeptical thought crossed his mind — "This damn monk's a con artist" — as he mulled over the teachings.

A solitary leaf detached from its branch above, a whisper of nature's touch, and fluttered down to rest upon Kai's knee. His fingers instinctively cradled the delicate leaf, turning it over thoughtfully. The momentary stillness of the park allowed for reflection, and Kai's thoughts turned to the possibilities ahead.

"Maybe I should travel the world, try and learn different martial arts," he mused aloud to the serene surroundings. The idea held a certain allure, a sense of adventure and expansion. As he spun the leaf between his fingers, his mind began to explore the concept more deeply. "I can't be hasty; I have all the time in the world," he reasoned, a faint smile gracing his lips. Determination burned within him as he whispered softly, "I will become the best fighter one technique at a time."

With a resolute exhale, Kai shifted his attention to the next martial art on his mental list — jujitsu. Retrieving his smartphone, he watched a video featuring a monk demonstrating jujitsu techniques. The intricate moves unfolded on the screen, and Kai's analytical mind absorbed each detail. He stroked his chin thoughtfully as the video ended, contemplating the challenge that lay ahead.

"It's not that complicated," he remarked aloud, his voice carrying a note of contemplation. "But then again, not all martial arts look complicated at first; it's when you start practicing that you see the real difficulty," he continued, drawing from his own growing experience. Leaning into the tree's solid embrace, he let the wisdom of his own journey sink in.

In the midst of his musings, a sudden burst of elation painted Kai's features with a grin. His gaze fell upon the time dilution button, a device of immense significance in his journey. "Looks like you are finally ready," he said with a triumphant tone, pressing the button without hesitation. In an instant, reality shifted and morphed, unveiling a new layer of existence.

The park's familiar beauty took on an ethereal quality as the environment transformed around him. Time dilation was a concept Kai had come to master, each click of the button revealing a new layer of possibility. [1 second (normal outside time): 1.5 years] The numbers held an inherent promise, and Kai nodded with satisfaction. "Eighteen months, I can work with that," he declared, the world now holding a different temporal rhythm.

Pushing off from the sturdy tree, Kai stretched his limbs as he savored the change. The sensation of readiness coursed through him, a culmination of past experiences converging into this pivotal moment. The setting sun cast a warm glow across the park, enhancing its natural allure. As he looked around, he noticed a few dappled puddles on the path, reflecting the world above in shimmering microcosms.