
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

second time dilution and a secondary goal (chapter 14)

Chapter 14

Seasons had turned in the span of Kai's dedicated training. The once verdant park had now transformed into a mosaic of fallen leaves, bearing testament to the passage of time. Broken branches littered the ground, mingling with the footprints that told the tale of countless hours of practice. The very trees bore the marks of Kai's unwavering commitment, a testament to his unyielding pursuit of mastery.

In this autumnal setting, Kai stood before the tree that had become his silent companion. He wore nothing but a pair of trousers, his upper body bare, revealing a canvas of strength etched in the form of toned muscles. The healing touch of time had erased the evidence of battles past, replacing bruises with vitality. His hands, thighs, and legs bore testament to rigorous training, with the muscles standing more pronounced than ever.

A sense of determination radiated from him as he spoke softly to himself, the words mingling with the rustling leaves. "Deep breath," he intoned, summoning a focused energy that seemed to charge the air around him. He began his movement, teetering forward with his lead foot, each step a dance of precision. The world seemed to quiet around him, his focus narrowing to the rhythm of his own breath.

The first punch launched like a coiled spring, a jab from his lead hand extended with graceful precision. The air responded with a soft whoosh, as if acknowledging the movement's significance. Without pause, the cross followed, a punch propelled from his rear hand with a surge of power. The very earth seemed to vibrate beneath the energy he channelled.

Transitioning seamlessly, he pivoted on his lead foot, the motion fluid and controlled. The low kick materialised as an extension of his body, striking with calculated accuracy against an imaginary opponent's leg. The ground seemed to absorb the impact, a testament to the force behind the technique. With a deftness borne of practice, he shifted his weight once more, his lead hook slicing through the air with practiced efficiency.

The rhythm continued, the choreography of his body playing out in a symphony of movement. Each pivot held a purpose, a well-honed orchestration of force and intent. His body flowed with a practiced grace, executing hooks and uppercuts that seemed to carry the weight of his dedication.

As the uppercut reached its zenith, the cross came to life once more. It was a step forward, a continuation of the dance, as if his body was an extension of his will. The environment responded, the very leaves in the air seeming to hold their breath as he unleashed his momentum. The culmination of the cross led seamlessly into the elbow strike, a seamless transition that spoke of the countless hours he had invested.

The impact of his imaginary strike seemed to reverberate through the air, as if the environment itself recognized the culmination of technique. His body was a conduit for his intention, a testament to the unwavering hours of practice. The energy that surged through him seemed to connect with the world, each movement a thread in the fabric of his journey.

Kai's final move held a note of satisfaction, a jab that served as a precursor to the climactic embrace of a clinch. The world around him seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting the culmination of his artistry. And then, like a crescendo, his body moved forward, capturing an unseen opponent in the fold of a clinch.

The rapid knee strikes that followed were a testament to his understanding of range and proximity. Each strike held intent, a manifestation of his determination to seize control. The environment seemed to echo his movements, as if the world itself was a spectator to his journey.

As the final knee strike landed, a sense of completion hung in the air. The leaves whispered their approval, the fallen branches bore witness, and the very earth seemed to resonate with his achievement. The training ground had become a testament to his growth, each movement etched into the tapestry of time.

With a slow exhale, Kai stepped back from his training, the aura of accomplishment enveloping him. His chest rose and fell with measured breaths, a calm that spoke of readiness and mastery. The autumn breeze carried his energy, rustling leaves and carrying his intention far beyond the confines of the park.

Sitting amidst the rough, uneven ground, Kai reclined on his back, his gaze fixed upon the empty sky above. "I did it," he whispered to himself, his voice carrying a note of disbelief. His fist shot upward, connecting symbolically with the boundless expanse of the heavens. "I finally blended those disciplines," he exclaimed, the very thought sparking an irrepressible grin that stretched across his face.

"I mixed two distinct martial arts into one," he articulated, his elation tangible in the animation of his words. With an exhale, he propelled himself to an upright position, each breath a testament to his accomplishment. "This sensation is nothing short of liberating," he declared with a chuckle, punctuating it with a swipe of his forearm to clear away the beads of perspiration collecting on his forehead. He couldn't help but wonder, though. "Why am I still feeling this heat?" he pondered, dabbing away the persistent sweat.

His mental perplexity didn't deter him from action. Rising from his spot, he embarked on a nearly fifty-minute stroll. Oddly, fatigue seemed to steer clear of his physique, his sole concession being a subtle shift in his breathing cadence, swiftly adapted to. "And just like that, the heat subsides," he noted, nodding to himself in triumph as he reached the edge of a serene pond.

Casting off his sole article of clothing, he spared a moment's gratitude for the few onlookers. Luckily, their presence wasn't for the reasons one might assume. Cupping water in his hand, he cast his mind back to those intriguing videos of the monks. "Fake monks," he muttered as the liquid slipped through his fingers. "I should start practising soon. Who knows, I might add some of it into this new martial art, making it stronger," he speculated, taking a deep breath.

He chuckled heartily, "Perhaps, one day, I might make the ultimate martial art." His laughter rang out, as if echoing the vast possibilities. "To do that, though, I'll have to learn every martial art under the sun and forge them into a superior mix." His eyes sparkled with the notion. "Learning every single martial art... not a shabby secondary goal, not shabby at all," he mused before plunging into the pond, submerging himself in a world divorced from the one beyond the water's edge.