

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Ciudad
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10 Chs


Anne's POV*

I'm fucking mad, I'm so mad right now. I'm so unlucky, I mean, life is so mean to me. I'm sitting in my sitting room with my head bandaged, and my right arm in a sling. I have a terrible headache and my arm keeps throbbing in pain, arrgh! Could my life be any worse? Stella walks past me dragging a large suitcase, she smiles at me and continues dragging the suitcase to one of the rooms...yeah life could only become worse.

I was very uncomfortable with Stella moving in here, but I didn't have a choice. I mean, I'm practically useless as it was. I had an accident that left me with with a large head wound and a broken arm, let's not mention the trauma I'm going through, I don't think I'll be driving anytime soon. I had refused to stay in the hospital, I don't like places like that and my mom kept watching me like a hawk.

Thankfully, she was gone for now, she had a business summit to attend and as a seasoned entrepreneur, she was one of the speakers so she couldn't cancel. It was one of those conferences that had people from all over the world attending. She left for France yesterday. I needed help, and mom had insisted Stella stay and help me till I recover after all, she was less busy, more like jobless and she agreed.

She was packing into my house like she was going on a honeymoon. What was she so excited about?! You're gonna be my slave till I recover bitch .

At least Luke was moving in temporarily too. I mean I need to taken care of myself properly right? But something was up. The way he agreed so quickly, he must really want me. We hadn't been able to arrange any meetings since my accident. I'm excited thinking of all the things we could do, I'm so excited. I said that before right? I spent two horrible fucking days in that hospital and I couldn't wait to get some action tonight.

Stella came out humming a love song arghhh! What was up with this girl? I asked myself. Well, I'm happy, in pains but happy. With Luke here, I'd be well taken care of. Something was up with Stella, she was too happy, I had to find out why.

My phone rang. This was the sixth time Mom was calling today, she must be very free, wasn't she supposed to speak at the summit? I picked the call and headed to my room. I liked to lie down while answering her questions.


Luke came in a few hours later, looking tired and hungry. He slumped down on the couch and put his two legs on the table at the center. He hadn't even taken off his shoes . He was very hungry and tired. It had taken a whole day of hard work to convince his boss who was his elder brother to let him take a few days off. Even when he mentioned that his 'girlfriend' had an accident and needed him to stay with her because she had no one else, it didn't move him a little bit. That guy was a pain in the ass. Stella then came in whistling a few moments later. Something was weird about her walking steps, it was almost like she was dancing?

"What's got you so happy?" Stella didn't notice Luke and was startled, she looked at Luke and felt a sharp pain below her abdomen, what was that?

" Hi, ermm I wasn't ... expecting you." What was Luke doing here?

"Oh, I guess Anne didn't tell you, I'll be staying over for a few days to take care of my 'girl.' " Luke stressed the girl that Stella cringed. Luke saw her visible reaction and grinned, his tongue was between his teeth, he was baiting this girl. She was just so innocent and bad at the same time, it was driving him insane.

"Well, you're welcome, I don't suppose you expect me to cook for you too?". She didn't even look at him while talking.

"Stella, come here", Luke beckoned to her with his right hand and she hesitated, dragging one feet in front of another she made to way to where Luke sat.

* Luke's POV*

I want this girl so bad, like my hands are itching to touch her. She's so petite, she looks like she could break if I hurt her. I want to touch her.

"Stella, come here." She didn't move at first when she stood in front of me, it took all my will power to drag her down and kiss her. I wanted her so fucking bad . What was wrong with me? It wasn't as if Stella was the prettiest girl I had seen, something was definitely wrong.

" Stella, why are you so excited?" She had begun to twist her fingers again.

" Ermmm...ermmm, actually my boyfriend is coming over, he has this week off."

She blushed? Her what ? She had a boyfriend? He was coming over? Well fuck shit, how am I supposed to fuck her with her boyfriend coming over? convincing her while we were alone was bad enough?I needed to seduce her now, I needed to kiss her before I ran mad. I was probably mad already, she was standing before me fully clothed in black jeans and a white top, but all I saw was her naked body, images from the other evening flashed before my eyes, I almost couldn't stop myself from groaning out loud, how was it possible that I was craving a human being so much?

I stood and went close to her, she moved back then I stepped forward again, she moved back then I chuckled, he looked up at me with questions in her eyes, I could clearly read 'what are doing?' in her eyes...damn have I mentioned how beautiful her eyes were? I held her waist and pulled her close, she gasped...I wanted to hear that sound when I slid into pussy, she smelled so nice too. Did this girl have the intention to kill me?

"Luke..what are you doing?" her voice was shaky, was she scared? My left hand went to her lower lip, teasing and rubbing,bher breath hitched and her heart began to beat faster. She was way shorter than Anne her head only got to my chest. I bend to bite her ear slowly, her short breath let on that she was as aroused as I was. I bit her ear lobe and licked her middle ear, moving down to her neck to bite it softly, her hands come up to hold my upper arms immediately, like she needed my support to stand. I bite more deeply, licking the path my teeth passed and she moaned softly. I wanna hear this sound for the rest of my life.