
Dark Designs: Star Martial God Technique

Oneshot turned into a mini series. Waking up in Star Martial God Technique, surviving is one thing. Not killing people due to their views is another. No profit gained in the creation of this.

Magmatide · Cómic
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101 Chs

Day 86-147 Dark Moon Family makes their move Part 1 Liang Zhan Tian

At the Dark Moon Family, Liang Xiang was groveling in front of the old Patriarch over his incompetence. The old man berated him thoroughly in front of everyone present.

The activities of Ye Xinghe and Liang Yu had made it to at the right people. Who knew the Great House of the Eternal Heavenly Family would do such a thing so quickly.

"To let this happen is beyond an insult to the Family! Lit up six stones for talent! Has the vice-principal of the Heavenly Academy in his corner and several students of influential families! Was able to have both Xia Yuning as a fiancee' with An Xueyun as well, not to mention having the respect of the Merchant Families!"

*Fwish!* Powerful flames erupted around the room. His very eyes are hidden from sight due to intense qi leakage. Threatening to cause harm to anyone one who tried to stop him from disciplining people.

"We didn't know he was so gifted!" Liang Xiang dared to look up. "Those we sent to the school never came back to report! The Academy only said they attack someone they shouldn't have! They insist the death was not caused by them!"

"The only other with the strength to deal with them or bold enough was the principal of the Academy." Liang Zhan Tian calmed down a little after hearing that. If that was the case, then it could be expected. "Tch! The brat Xia Yuning is his apprentice I found out. Odd considering he is a Star Martial artist. It would have made more sense for him to be behind Ye Xinghe's training!"

"The previous Steward.. caused such problems from what was found out. Several of the families under your Dark Moon Family are causing trouble and have brought it up to the Empire." The new Steward, Chun spoke up to draw attention from Liang Xiang. "Thankfully the move by Ye Xinghe in taking over Blue Carp Town caused a stir."

"Then.." Liang Xu, the groomed heir of the Dark Moon Family spoke up. A brush of qi from Zhantian ended the possible question. "..urk!" Just a brush he was injured and humiliated.

"Then nothing. I will head to deal with Liang Yu." Liang Zhantian was powerful and experienced, only held back by a failing body. Believing Liang Yu only accomplished what he has done through treachery and gains of luck. He was proud of it but also angry about how he went about it. "Do not cause trouble, wait until I return!"

Leaving the compound, he missed the guards of the Dark Moon Family that entered from outside. Beyond his notice really since he was never home recently.

The group consisted of Liang Jian and the others of the Dark Moon Family that belonged to Liang Yu's faction. They were going in to deal with the threat ahead of time like discussed. Old scores needed to be settled by Liang Jian and Linlin.

Ye Xinghe accompanying them to check the Secret Room to see if the Heart Method Maxium was different in any way by chance. Hopefully, Liang Yu was done eating the Divine Eclipse Fruit to push his cultivation higher with his new lovers.

'What can I do with this little piece of ASpect of Time I wonder?' Around his finger tips, a small blue-white flame circled around. After diving into the Aspect some when studying the Flame Vortex Core, the idea of reversing time appeared to him. 'If I can reverse the time around the Secret Chamber, what will I find?'

Excitied, he headed in as the killing already started by the infiltration team.


At Blue Carp Town Duel-


Liang Zhan Tian stared at Liang Yu actually scared. It was preposterous for it to be the case but the member of the younger generation exuded power that he couldn't quite place. More than the 9th Heavenly Layer Liger behind him that looked amused.

More than the various Demon Bears moving around. Xia Yuning stared proudly, knowing that the old man was in trouble already. His mind already dealing with the fact he would lose.

"Great Granpa ZhanTian, why not swear to Liang Yu to make sure you get to live?" Yuning offred. The man had connections and was a powerhouse technically at the 8th Heavenly Layer in most circles. Her grandfather already told her about his exploits before she and the others came to Blue Carp Town. "It would be for the best. The Dark Moon Family will grow far under him."

"Under us." Liang Yu corrected. "You practice the Heart Method Maxium. Such a dangerous technique. It is not for the faint of heart. You need to be in an active troublesome place and surround yourself in so much misery and dominance to grow while retaining a sense of self. At least how I understand it so far."

It was the reason the old man couldn't get pass Astral Sense as well. Especially one used by Liang Yu. Ye Xinghe informed him the moment the old man left the Dark Moon Family via the Connection the two shared.

"You practice it!?" Zhantian was suprised. Thinking the foolish son of his allowed someone to get into the Secret Chamber like that.

"Nope. I look into it but it is not for me." Liang Yu denied it. Since he did not use it in this life it is true. Of course, he wouldn't say Xinghe practiced the advanced version with corrections to it. "It can be fixed into something else but that is a discussion for later."

He was hopeful that the Prime Soul would be able to reverse enough to find more in regards to the technique.

It was quiet for a few minutes but the situation was still tense for some. Liang Yu relaxed and gave the Liger a few head rubs. It purred as the battle intent of the old man was rising.

"Duel me, Liang Yu, let me see the future of the Dark Moon Family that rides on your shoulders." A straightforward man, his desire to fight was strong after the rising anger he felt recently.

"Very well." Liang Yu gestured for the doors to seal. The Concealment Runes going up and preventing sound from escaping the place. The Dark Moon guards smiling as they knew it was about to get good. Changed they maybe from the others, they still were warriors and respected the strong more than anything. "I will give you more respect than you deserve and show you more of my cultivation so it sinks into your very soul."

*Fwish!* Rich flames circled around his body with a white intensity blinding others who were unprepared. An Xueyun blocked her eyes feeling the flame built up before getting out.

*Bzzt!* Each step was accompanied by lightning that jumped around wildly.

So far it was not to impressive until he was released at the 7th Heavenly Layer. Then everyone's jaws dropped seeing Dragon Transformation mixed with fire and lightning that danced around in a type of fusion.

Xia Yuning and An Xueyun eyes going wide seeing this. They were not privy to this the same as many others on the outside. All for good reason since a careless blurting out was more dangerous than a well-planned knife by an enemy.

"What is this trickery!?" The old man backed away as the Fire Martial Arts suppression kicked in. His Cultivation was inferior to his opponent which only furthered to infuriate him more. "How!?"

Dark Black scales adorned Liang Yu's forearms like guards. From his temples, horns protruded heading backward with a slight curve upward at the tip. Each breath produced a white fire that pushed out.

The pushed-out flames would circle around his back forming a corona of sorts. Ambient qi moving about as a byproduct constantly getting refined by it.

"You should have your guard up." He reminded him while taking a further step. A trail of fire and lightning following behind as he struck.

*Bam!* ZhanTian flew back hitting the wall in a daze. His clothing burned off and his limbs twitched from the invasion of the lightning forcefully. Exerting his own qi quickly, the old man charged back and used Fireblade.

The first strike hit against a forearm scale. Despite being at the very height of the 8th Heavenly Layer, his qi couldn't penetrate the scale. It didn't help that his physical body itself was to weak.

Lack of training and medical care would do that to you. Focusing on breaking through to the next layer was so psychologically detrimental to so many it was a wonder they lived so long with the slightly increased lifespans.

"Hah!" Liang Zhantian smacked his palms together using the Blazing Sun Flame Explosion. Hoping that Liang Yu was some type of mutate of a Flame Martial arts therefore not as resistance to his flames.

With a push of Fire Body, Liang Yu took the attack head-on. Only protecting his internal organs from the intensity and the heat. A small exhale to prevent flames from getting in.

The guards in the room kept the attack from affecting the surroundings. The roof was covered in flames. The pressure causing the papers to fly about with Xia Yuning grabbing them to prevent a fire from breaking out.

"Nice attack old man." Liang Yu stepped out with the flames getting sucked into the Corona on his back. "May want to stick to different kinds of attacks." The only thing different is that he was actually sweating a bit. The conflicting flames acted really weird to his body.

The sweat was not actual sweat. Secretions of his body mixing the various qi leaving his pores.

"Swordwork it is!" Creating a Flame Blade, he gave his all. Liang Yu's right and left wrists had two Flame Blades produced. Blue-white flames clashed against red flames. 'I won't be able to match him for long!'

The two exchanged over a hundred blows in a few minutes. Liang Yu was impressed in the old man's skills. Helping him come to a decision about what to do in the end.

"So strong..." Zhantian was on his knees staring unbelievingly. He lost in terms of qi and fighting power. The old man looked up ready to accept death. "..I misjudge but a member of the family like yourself will do well."

Liang Yin said nothing as he remember the last time his father was killed. Thinking it would be the same this time as well. But he was suprised at the next move by his grandson.

"Swear to follow me and all will be well." Liang Yu offered as he shook away the transformation and relaxed his qi. He was good sparring material after all and he did not feel like reforging his body to keep from losing any information that old man had. "Will you follow me until the end?"

More strategists were needed. More people to lead in time of fighting.

Seeing such power from "his" descendant, the Heart Method the old man practice submitted before he did. The technique was also able to sense the "Connection" between Liang Yu and Ye Xinghe. It created a weird sensation that informed a weird sensation to the soul of Liang Zhantian.

"This old man submits to the Patriarch of the Dark Moon Family!" Those in the room were gobsmacked seeing the old man submit so openly. He was known for his pride and arrogance like so many in the clan. They expected some type of bargaining to take place. "I will make sure your rule reigns as long as I live!"

"More of govern, not rule." Liang Yu channeled Star energy into the old man causing him to be shocked once more. Having felt the healing of Star Martial Artist before, he knew this to be another impossible instance. "Eat this after you break through to the 9th Heavenly Layer, it will alow much more than normal cultivators at the same Layer.."

The fruit was ripe and very tantalizing. The smell alone helping push ZhanTian into the 9th Heavenly Layer with the healing Star Energy in his body.

"Another 9th Heavenly Layer backer.. defintely getting dangerous," Xia Yuning muttered with a smile. No doubt in her mind that the old man wouldn't breakthrough.

"Just happy he didn't kill his great-grandfather." Xueyun sighed wistfully. An Xueyan, her sister just smiled not bothered in the least. "It is time for bed missy." Talking to her sister felt weird at times. Giving the impression she was talking to a wizened adult instead of the young child.

Xueyan helped Liang Yu understand the power of the Flame Vortex pretty quickly for a few of his abilities. The returning of knowledge to a soul further. Which needed fine-tuning but at least he could turn it off fully before doing it.

"Ok." Xueyan went along but turned to look at Liang Yin. "I know you have a lot to talk about grandpa, so you get to miss out on a story tonight."

"I will make it up to you with a good one next time." Liang Yin smiled then staring at his father, felt a sour taste in his mouth. He needed to resolve a few personal issues with him. "So much gained in a short time. Zhantian will have to earn his keep."

"Haha, that is true." Liang Yu chuckled as he felt the Connection grow stronger between those in the room. Despite the history of the Dark Moon Family and everything that was done, they were all happy the man was not killed. Since it was more power involved. "I will leave you to teach him the laws."

Walking out, the Liger followed him dutifully. It was happy for another sparring partner!

"Patriarch Liang Yu," Zhantian called out. "..the Shengong Family and the Imperial Family.."

"Both are enemies and will be killed." Liang Yu's eyes radiated a powerful qi as he released all of his cultivation fully. Terrifying Liang Yin and Liang ZhanTian in how much power he held back before. "The Imperial Family is being controlled by the Demon Emperor of old. If you can have your friend Hong Yan hand his family over to us then all is fine, if not, do not worry about his life."

Status: Ye Xinghe Health: 2000 Qi: 6300

Power: 38 Defense: 41

Willpower: 34 Intellect: 37

Connection: 213

Flame Vortex Frost Phoenix: 6th Heavenly Layer

Demonic Star Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Air Beast Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Dragon Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Heart Method: 4th tech level

Frost Air Body: 5th tech level

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