
Dark Designs: Star Martial God Technique

Oneshot turned into a mini series. Waking up in Star Martial God Technique, surviving is one thing. Not killing people due to their views is another. No profit gained in the creation of this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Day 86-147 Put them in their place


Scarlet Serpent Demon Beast-


A few days later it was time to push plans further for the soldiers.

The length of an Olympic size swimming pool was feel with the Blood of the Scarlet Serpent Demon Beast. The meat was cooled and preserved for use later. The skin used to make leathers for the soldiers.

Basic Runes inscribed on them by Ye Xinghe to calm himself and to advance his techniques futher. His skill saw a large increase from the single focus.

Liang Yu worked on helping others in the academic field and medical studies. As well as spending time with Xia Yuning and An Xueyun, it was funny how close they were becoming considering everything beforehand.

The word was already out the Eternal Heaven Family was receiving flak from the Royal Family for the 9th Prince getting snubbed. Which they took out on the Dark Moon Family and the Great House backing them.

"All the Dragon Martial Artist ready?" Liang Yu called out. 15 members of his group nodded walking in. "Your people ready?"

"Should be." Ye Xinghe watched the 30 Dragon Martial Artist that improved enough go in. At least half of them were those who gathered at the Lin Tournament and broke through. "This will hurt somewhat just cultivate diligently and we help you along. Keeping you from dying anyway."

As they all started cultivating, Liang Yu used Astral Sense to make cuts in their bodies and then use the Lightning Field technique to keep the bioelectricity in their bodies from going haywire. The demon beast's blood started going into the flesh invigorating the blood cells and improving the bones.

Ye Xinghe pushed his Star Energy into the blood and controlling it with the use of the Heart Method. Keeping blood pressure down and having the Frost Domain keep them from overheating from the Rich Qi involved. Freezing the flow of those who lost control before letting it flow once more.

The knowledge of modern medicine with two people involved who were of the same mind and understood the methods so intimately allowed the procedure to go smoothly.

A few Divine Eclipse Fruit were used in the process. Liang Yu and Ye Xinghe had not used them on themselves yet or on their close people yet. The seeds were planted in their Internal Spaces respectfully and were growing at an ok rate.

"To work on so many at once is quite a feat. But what about all the excess blood?" Liang Jian asked. He could tell it was to much for those involved but the psychological aspect may be what he was going for. "They got the easy method compared to us."

"There is not going to be any excess." Ye Yue stated. "After those insides can not go anymore, the next is the Demon Beasts. Then the rest will be used to make Blood Elixers. Which will be used as supplies to further the training for everyone."

"I knew you said he was good at making Elixers, but I didn't know both were." Shen Sheng was suprised to see it at work. The power exuding from the blood pool was tempting to him. In fact, those of the North Lord Mansion wanted to go in themselves. Their blood throbbing in anticipation. "Hmm."

"Well if you all weren't part of the North Guard Mansion and actually part mine I might have sought to gain you entry." Xia Yuning teased. Shen Sheng and the others looked away embarrassed. "If everyone does a good job in the future, I will see about getting a chance for you all."

"They will have to provide the material themselves." An Xueyun voiced. "Reptile-based Demon Beasts would be the best in this case. Since most are Dragon Martial Artist."

The process took hours to complete. Those that couldn't proceed further were removed. An instant change was felt by those still in. The process became stronger and more painful.

Due to the large qi reserves of Ye Xinghe and Liang Yu, neither were even close to running out. As the people finished, they were not allowed to rest at all. Forced to do exercises and receive check over by Star Martial Artists and the training Doctors and Nurses.

Everything was cataloged for review later. Best way to improve after all.


Late in the evening-


Members of the North Lord Mansion had arrived at the Main House.

"Ye Xinghe and Liang Yu," Liang Yin called to the two. Seeing them both as family for the most part. The soul of his grandson was inside them twice technically with Liang Yu still him in various ways. "The North Guards want to speak with you."

"Let them come in then." Liang Yu looked at the map that showed most of Blue Carp Town. The territory expansion was soso but more was better for expansion correctly. Liang Yin didn't leave, causing both to look towards him. "What is it?"

The others kept to their work and discussing the change in Demon Beast activity 50 miles to the west. The scouts of the Frost Birds and White Wolves sending back a lot.

"They want .. you both to head to them." Liang Yin gave a wry look as he could see this may be a problem.

"Pft, such disrespect after coming to our home like this uninvited and late." Xinghe frowned sending out his qi towards those outside. "It is just those weak ass generals of his. They are barely worth the consideration."

"But an insult all the same." Liang Yu mentioned. Just because he was the more understanding of the tow, did not mean he would let this happen. "You won't let them insult so easily will you?"

"When you put it that way." Xinghe's eyes flashed in malice as they left the meeting to the others and went out to deal with the problem. "It would be great if we could just kill the fools."

"Hmm, yeah. But they are good meat shields." Liang Yu rubbed his chin as they moved.

The moment they got outside they were greeted with an unusual scene. The general standing straight and looking down at the Azure Feather and Dark Moon Family guards who prevented them from entering.

"I just don't understand why you are all so prideful." Xinghe had his hands folded looking outward. Shen Sheng stood with his people next to Xia Yuning. Very clear he was not with the others and their stupidity. "Surely you do not think you are better than either of us or our people?"

He pointed between himself and Liang Yu then the guards.

"Humph.." The very first one that wanted to act arrogant was put in his place along with the others.

*Crrrrk!* The entire company were frozen up to their necks as a heavy pressure pushed down from above and below.

*Fwish!* Flames burned against the skin burning the hair a little.

*Bzzt!* Lightning jumped from person to person causing numbing in the arms and legs.

"Xinghe thought it best we just make an example of you all." Liang Yu's eyes glowed purple as he pushed the Astral Sense to cover each soldier. Checking over for any traitors that could be in the group that he rembered. "I do not want to participate in such a slaughter indiscreetly. It would also weakness us a great deal."

"But you will bare the shame of this arrogance and this foolishness. Never think again that you can act like this to anyone of my people or in my territory." Xinghe shattered the ice around them but sent it upward cutting each of them on the cheek. "These marks will never heal. Get three of them, you will be executed on the spot."

Turning to go back inside, the matter was left to Liang Yu to deal with fully. He was more interested in taking care of the expansion instead of the squabbles of military people who were just beaten dogs. Plus they were his people more than his own.

Fan Tiangand 9th Hevanely Layer and Hong Tianhui 9th Heavenly Layer were both embarrassed they couldn't make a move against two youths and those at a lower level than them. Rumors were just rumors after all.

The fact they were regular 9th Heavenly Layer cultivators and nothing special or used advanced techniques would keep them mediocre. Shen Sheng, who was both younger and at a lower Layer could beat them if he went all out.

After their pride was wounded, they set about to make changes in their way of thinking. Heading back to the side of the North lord since it was all ready risking being away like this. The princess was in safe hands and they could relax more.


Xia Yuning & An Xueyun-


"Keeping enough to only help patrol is not that bad of an idea but shouldn't you keep more for the growing threat of the Eternal Heaven Family?"

"Nope." Liang Yu rubbed the back of his neck at the numbers that were building up. The Dark Moon members he had were growing in number but he still needed to make the move at the right time. However, the enemy would not follow his wants. "The deterrent is to strong and would cause to many to just think we are relying on your people instead of our own strength."

"We can't leave the town so unprotected." An Xueyun thought the patrols were odd.

"We only need to protect what is ours. The other clans have not submitted." Liang Yu frowned thinking that over. Both himself and Xinghe did not force the people to surrender. Zhao Ning was still recovering after gaining the Wolf Demon Beasts. Ying Lu and Mo Yu helping tend to her and the demon beasts further. "Another trip will help in that regard soon."

"Then for our future family." Xia Yuning looked at An Xueyun who nodded. "I have invited several experts to come to join. Keeping them seperated from the North Lord Mansion of course and reminding them they would be joining us and the Dark Moon Family that opposes the other."

"The people are willing to follow. With more leaving after hearing about you take forces in the same as Ye Xinghe." Xueyun said. "Numbers won't be a problem from estimates since a lot like the idea of the laws that have spread out."

"Grandson.." Liang Yin came over with a slightly troubled look. "..I know you are not worried about bloodshed but the checks on those coming through and the enforcing of laws will be the biggest obstacle."

So many were use to bribing to come and go as they pleased. That stopped as custom checks were used after every exit and entrance.

"That is why Blue Carp Town will become the Capital for us." Liang Yu knew how long it would take to turn people over to him. "Some people can't and will not change. The law is available and will be read to any who seeks to enter our territory. If they decline to follow or adhere to it, they will be turned away."

"My training is coming along nicely, I will make sure to take the law into understanding further." The old man nodded.

The reassimilation of himself went along nicely and made his soul stronger than others. Even more after he took a long day to reflect.

"You are one of the few Saints, so do take care grandfather." Liang Yu reminded. "It is getting late, it is best if you all go and rest." The room cleared out except Xia Yuning and An Xueyun. "Is there something else?"

"Well.. cultivation." Xueyun poked her fingers together embarrassed. "Paired cultivation with us.. to get stronger. Linlin already told us the most would be gained if done with you. Going to the higher levels.."

If it was darker in the room, the teen could act like an emergency signal with how bright she was.

"Yeah." Xia Yuning was just as embarrassed but wanted to do it all the same. "The final stages we are not ready for and Xueyun is to young for it, but we can do the other levels. We even prepared a room for it."

"Alright." Liang Yu knew this would come eventually so he was prepared for it. "But you two better control yourselves better. If you are flustered now, the chance of something bad happening can occur."

"We know." Xia Yuning stated as she pushed him forward. The tub had medicinal herbs in it a well. "Don't worry about the medicine, it is good for the skin!"

"Ok, geez." Liang Yu got in the large tub and waited for them. His eyes were closed as he centered himself. 'I swear I know this herb.' Filling the two enter, he felt the distinct feel of breasts on his chest. "Hey now.."

"I am of age so be quiet!" Xia Yuning was close to fainting from embarrassment. She was bold but this was another level. "Don't you dare open your eyes!" She looked at Xueyun who shook like a leaf in the wind behind him. "Get rid of your robes."

"Yeah no.." Liang Yu was slightly creeped out since An Xueyun was younger. Something just felt very close to illegal about the situation. She was not the most mature emotionally either. "Besides, I can compensate for control either way."

"Unreasonable. We are both your fiance'." Yuning pouted but Liang Yu's eyes were closed. Realizing it didn't matter, she settled down and started the process. "Hmm!?"

An Xueyun was quiet from embarrassment and the fact the distinct feeling of several types of qi entered her. Liang Yu used Flame Vortex Core Qi and his Star Qi on her.

Xia Yuning settled down feeling the Flame Vortex Core Qi, Star Qi, and Dragon Qi enter her body. It was more beneficial for her but it would require her to work more in the future if she slacked off.

"Ooh!" An Xueyun felt her body all a tingle as she circled the energy completely. The sensation was better than getting refined by the smelting effect. But the benefits were less. "I can feel my Dantian surging and my meridians are so pleasantly full."

"As long as you keep focusing, it will be fine." Liang Yu had good control but he was only a man after all. Xia Yuning was a little more vocal and he had to drown it out while still cultivating. What was worse is that his skin started to tickle. "These herbs!"

As the situation pushed Liang Yu's already skewed morality, Xinghe was diligently cultivating without a care.

Status: Ye Xinghe Health:2000 Qi: 6300

Power: 38 Defense: 41

Willpower: 34 Intellect: 37

Connection: 213

Flame Vortex Frost Phoenix: 6th Heavenly Layer

Demonic Star Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Air Beast Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Dragon Martial Arts: 5th Heavenly Layer

Heart Method: 4th tech level

Frost Air Body: 5th tech level

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