

As we go through the computer, miss grace has been so nice in training us, in the various part of computer

"Where is the rest room" I said as I turned to Katy,

"Oh, it's down the hall way, by your right" she said while going through her bags

"Thank you" I said as I stands up"miss grace please excuse me, I want to use the restroom

"Do you know your way around" grace asks as she walks towards me

"Yes, Katy told me the way to the restroom" I said as I walk towards the way Katy said

The way hall way was beautiful with a lot of paintings and colorful designs, the noise from the computer room was still heard as I walk towards the restroom.

I made my out as I finished my business, walking back towards the computer room

"What took you so long" Katy asks as she eats from her gala, while I sit down

"The hallway is beautiful, I can't stop admiring it, that's why I took time" I replied while paying attention to miss grace

"Yeah, this building is really beautiful, the owner is not always around, so sometimes we just play around the hallway, miss grace is her manager, that's why she acts like the owner, than mr Paul and mrs Ruth are other staffs" Katy said as she throws her gala in the waste bin close by

"Oh, that makes sense now to me" I said as I watched two girls, argue over a note book

"Mary and Ann stop that, you both should pay attention" miss grace said as they stopped there argument

I got lost in my taughts as the most cutest boy I have ever seen walks in with his friend while pressing his phone

"You guys are always late" miss grace said as she should Ann something on the system

"Sorry ma" the other guy said as they goes to their sits, I was still lost in my world as Katy taps me

"Yes" I turn as I asks

"Miss grace is talking to you " Katy reply's as I turn to miss grace

"Where's your mind at, hope you are understanding all we are doing here" miss grace asks

"Yes miss" I replied even as I was still day dreaming about the cute guy that walked in

Miss grace finished with the training for the day, as well all starts to pick our things " what's that guys name, the one over there" I ask Katy

"Oh, his name is Micheal, do you have a crush oh him" Katy replied as she makes a silly face

"What no, I was just asking cause he came late and he looks cold" we walked out to the building

"Yeah, he's always with his friends, don't know much about him, I met him here and we don't relate that well" Katy reply's as she eat from a gala she brought from her bag

"Oh, it's okay. Just wanted to know" Micheal and his walks out as his shoulder brush me, as I look him well, he has a very tall height and a dark skin, he is like an Africa Greek god, with those beautiful black eyes and a lovely face

"Am sorry about that I didn't mean too" Micheal apologize as I got lost in his voice, as it was the first time hearing it, it sounded like a beautiful melody to me, still lost as I got tap by Katy

"Oh it's fine, am okay" i reply as he walks off with his friend, what just happened, this is the first time I felt something like this, I was crushing on this guy I just met ...