
computer training

"Bye mum" said Ivy as she took her back bag going out of the house

"Have you heard your breakfast" said Sarah,ivy's mom, as she walks out with a bowl of soup

"I will when I get back" Ivy said while going back to the dinner table

Today is my first day starting a computer training I was excited to go..so I lost my appetite

"Okay, make sure you take care of yourself" Sarah replied with so much love in her eye

"Are you set Ivy" Anthony Ivy father saint while coming down from the stairs

"Yes dad, let's go I don't want to be late" Ivy responded as she kiss her mum good bye, Anthony bids goodbye to his wife as he left with Ivy.

The engine off the car was awaken as dad rides through the streets of Asaba, my name is Ivy Anthony, 16 years, finished my secondary school fews months ago, any only child, it gets lonely sometimes, so my parents put me in a computer lesson, my mum is a banker while my dad works as a manager in a oil company

"Ivy…Ivy we are here, wake up" I heard my dad said as I battle to open my eye, i slept off through the ride, the excitement made me tried

"See you when I get back, take care, I love you " Anthony said brings the car bath to live again

"Okay dad, love you too" stood as he rods off into the street,I stare at the building in front of me, it's not very big, but it's beautiful with colorful paintings

"You most be Ivy" a dark skin lady said as she walks towards me, she's not so tall,but beautiful

"Yes miss Ivy Anthony" I replied with a bright smile

"What a beautiful smile" she complimented me, I get that a lot from people "am grace by the way, I will be the one training you, in all you need to know about computer, follow me" we walk into the building

Everyone one was busy with computer, some were being trained, while were typing, the hall was big and beautiful with different types of equipments

All eyes turned on me as they stopped what they were doing " this is Ivy, she's our new student, be nice to her, sit by that girl over there" she pointed to a not so fat girl with glass, as I walk towards her, I got nervous cause of the stares "I will be back, continue with your walk"

Miss grace walks out, as everyone continue that works

"Hi am Katy" the girl by my side said "you are beautiful" she commented

"Thank you"I replied with a bright smile"am Ivy, nice to meet you"

"Same here, I heard your name from miss grace, hope we can be friends " Katy said as she dressed her glasses well

"Yes we can" I replied, made one friend, I smile as I hope to enjoy this new experience.

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