

Author: BlueAngel7
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Read ‘CUTE CRUSH’ Online for Free, written by the author BlueAngel7, This book is a Teen Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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In life,a person must live to understand that there are good people and bad people existing. For my case and today,I come to talk about the reality.Live is a circle, everybody should understand. For someone to be referred as a good person,he or she is always doing at least good things to others. Remember we are people,and only people can stay together, with love, peace and kindness. Learn to respect one another, love your friends and all people in general. By that, good things will happen to you in your entire life. What you do today,is your pay back tomorrow.Do good,Do good and that good will turn on you. Some people may be living under the strainous life,life full of struggles,they are always wondering what sort of life are they really in or living, without neither flashbacking of their past deeds nor dreaming for a better life tomorrow. The difficulties or struggles imposed in their lives is because of their bad doings, they may be have shown bad gratitude towards other people. Sometimes it's because you disrespected your elders like teachers in school or either your parents at home.In this realistic life we are currently living in,those things will forever hunt you in your entire life. And if you so that generous, don't give up on helping the needy,and in this case I came to find out that some people help others either to boost themselves or to find love. Take example of some cases in the surrounding,men assist needy girls to get the girls loving them or go boost around how helpful they are to those needy people.Thats too bad indeed. I live to say what's the truth, even if you wanna stone me to death then you are free to do so,and I will be ready to die for speaking the truth. Red-eye people,who always get angry to other people's progress in life,be ready to stay a very difficulty life forever. The pain shall remain deep down in your heart just because of jealousy. Not unless you change your minds and attitude towards others. Live to appreciate other people's effort,they will also do the same for you. Remember we are like brothers and sisters, despite the differences in skin colour,continents or countries we come from.i repeat do good,do good and just try to be good in life, you will reap only goodness.@H.S.J printers. Printed by PHISHON.

DaoistFCVMyT · Realistic
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Labirin (Dimensi Misteri)

Caution! Cerita ini penuh dengan Adegan yang tidak patut untuk di tiru. Adegan di dalam novel ini mengandung beberapa Adegan Gory yang menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman setelah membacanya. Dianjurkan bagi para pembaca yang sudah menginjak 18 tahun ke atas. Labirin (dimensi misteri) Angga, menjadi salah satu dari banyaknya orang yang terpilih yang pada akhirnya masuk ke dalam sebuah tempat yang tidak pernah ia datangi sebelumnya. Tempat itu merupakan sebuah dimensi yang penuh dengan tanda tanya, dan menjadikan orang-orang yang masuk ke dalamnya merasa depresi hingga pada akhirnya menyebabkan mereka memiliki sifat egois yang tinggi, bahkan sifat itu mampu membuat mereka menjadi seseorang yang tega menghabisi nyawa orang lain secara sadis. Sifat itu muncul secara naluri karena mereka ingin mendapatkan kunci untuk kembali pulang ke dunia yang pernah mereka singgahi. Tidak ada waktu yang berdentang, tidak ada pula situasi siang dan malam yang mendatangkan mentari dan rembulan. Hanya memiliki terang beserta gelap sebagai penggantinya, dan juga dinding semak tinggi yang menutupi pandangan dalam mencari jalan keluar. Tak ada yang bisa di lakukan oleh Angga selain melawan balik mereka yang hendak menyakitinya dan melindungi orang-orang yang membutuhkan dirinya. Satu hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh Angga, bertahan dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan kunci kembali. Bagaimana perjuangannya untuk bisa lolos dari dimensi misteri itu??

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