
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasía
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470 Chs

Lurking In The Shadows II

Jill growled, ripping her out her blade where she'd been having the time of her life extracting all the pain and suffering from Kieran Rothschild's pliant body, unable to even tense up when she cut in.

The blood that had welled up from the sliced skin had been lovely. Like red on a freshly painted canvas.

There had been just enough light for her to be able to see the flickers of pain in the teenager's eyes whenever she sank her blade in, but he just! Wouldn't! Cry!

Of course, that only made work harder to draw out the smallest of cries from him.

Just as she was sure he was about to break, her fun had to be ruined by a splatter of some viscous liquid at the back of her head. Her movements froze ever so lightly.

Jack Rothschild struggled to maintain his composure as his younger sister was unceremoniously cut down in front of him by a bastard hiding in the dark. Though he was unable to see it, he still felt her life force fading from existence. The feeling of Maria's energy slowly fading from the plane of existence was traumatising.

Maria Rothschild's last moments were a look of shock and incomprehension as she clutched at her sliced neck, the blood gushing out from between her fingers, unable to be stopped regardless of her efforts.

She made a gurgling sound before she collapsed, her eyes forever opened in the face of death. She never even had a chance to use her own magic to try and fend off the assailant.

Alec didn't make a move to further touch the body, allowing it to slump to the floor like a broken marionette in a move of callousness that was done to provoke the anger of the man that was maintaining the magic he was using on Kieran's body.

The body audibly thumped onto the floor.

The sheer rage he felt at his sister being discarded so easily, like she was a piece of trash, enraged Jack.

But still, Jack grit his teeth and did his job by maintaining the magic hold that he was using on the Rothschild main family's progeny, trusting that Jill would take care of it.

Right now, it was his job to prevent the situation from escalating.

The killer didn't even have the decency to face them in the light. Jack conveniently ignored how they were the ones who had left the room encased in darkness, setting the stage, so to speak, for their own benefit.

If Alec could hear the guy's thoughts right now, he would make sure to make him suffer a bit more before killing him. Or rather, would he make sure the guy lived so as to ensure his suffering for a while longer?

As if he was the one at fault for their general incompetency!

Jack yelled in anger. "Fuck! Guys, where are you! Why aren't you taking care of the bastard already!"

There were no answering sounds for him, only the familiar movement of barely audible sounds of blades slicing through the air as Jill fought against the masked assassin. The darkness was working with him for once, leaving him feeling horribly inadequate.


There was no answer because they were already dead, but Jack was still hissing as if they would crawl out of the woodwork.

Jill's lips pulled into a snarl as her movements were jerky. She did not appreciate being interrupted when she was working on her life's masterpiece. She was sure that Kieran would have been her life's greatest masterpiece had she ample time to ruin and take him apart piece by piece, but now it was all ruined!

As such, Jill's swings were wider than they usually were, sloppy with the rage that filled her. She didn't even stop to think about how her sister had been murdered, so lost in the haze of fury that something had threw her out of the spectacular mood she'd been in earlier.

Or so she projected.

Alec was dodging from the woman's wide swings, her movements telegraphed so clearly precisely because she never thought that he would be able to see so well in the darkness.

Luckily for him, he had made the right choice Awakening himself to provide more vision in the darkness.

As long as he had the faintest hints of light, he would be able to move around unobstructed.

Jill screamed in frustration. "Come out, you little bastard! Face me like a man!" She wanted badly to scream at her brother to just let the main family bastard go and lighten up the room so that she could use her magic but rethought it. She should be fine.

From what she could tell, there should only be one assailant, otherwise both she and her brother would already been cooling corpses lying on the floor. If she got her brother to release Kieran, then they would be evenly matched instead of outnumbering him. Or her.

Alec rolled his eyes. Did she really think that her screaming that would cause anyone to quote face her like a man unquote? Alec was more inclined to think that they would all run away instead.

"Where *are* you!?"

Alec moved back further, making sure to mask his already silent footsteps, waiting for her to give an opening.

Jill calmed down slightly when her lovely blade never once touched a hair of her opponents, nor did her lovely blade ever draw any blood. As a result, she grew more cautious, waiting for the silent assailant to make a move to kill her.

Alec's lips curled into a wider smile when he saw how cautious she had become. She was doing her best, covering the flaws that she'd previously revealed, and sure enough, Alec knew that she hadn't been as unguarded as she projected.

There had been various 'openings' in her moves, but there was always a perfect counter that she was able to exact should he have taken the bait.

That was fine.

Although she had been the one who was facing him, that didn't mean that he had to play along with her little games.

The man crouched next to Kieran, keeping him immobile, was just as good a target as any.

Alec's lips pulled into a genuine grin as he darted past her.

Jill whirled around when she felt the faint killing intent that was directed at her brother. No! He was the only one left, since her younger sister already dead!

Her heart leaping to her throat, her blade immediately cut through the air towards the small figure's neck, ready to execute the insolent whore who *dared* have designs on her remaining sibling.

Before she could complete her motion, however, the assailant's dagger buried itself in her neck, slicing out. The warm splash of blood immediately erupted from her previously smooth neck, painting the assailant's body with redredrED –

And Jill Rothschild knew no more.

Alec purred as the blood splashed onto his face and body, a shiver wracking its way through his body. The cooling warmth on his body gave him strange feelings that he didn't know how to classify.

A slight laugh bubbled out of him before he could stop it. Alec clamped down on the urge even as the smile on his face widened.

As the fight drew to an end between Jill Rothschild and Alec, Jack was trembling even as he tried to his best to keep his composure.

Jack's heart pounded loudly in his chest, drowning out all other sounds as the fear crept up on him.

Maria had died, and now, his twin, Jill, was also dead. How could he not know what the sound of utter silence in the room meant as the gurgle of what was likely choking on blood faded from the room.

He didn't even know how they did it. Jill had always been better than all of them with a blade, which meant that most of the dirty work was left to her, and she thrived on it.

Jack always thought that together as a team, the three siblings were invincible. Now, he was the only one left.

They should not have come here. Fuck greed, fuck jealousy. He had to warn the others – but his legs wouldn't move or listen to his commands.

It was at this moment that the cover that shielded Alec's movements in the darkness dispersed as the clouds moved away, once again casting enchanting moonlight into Kieran's room.

The moonlight moved along the expanse of the room, finally casting light onto their murderer.

Bonus Chapter #1

Rxelcreators' thoughts