
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Cast In The Moonlight

There, under the gentle moonlight, stood a child.

With soft, black hair, and intense crystalline blue eyes, the child didn't look any older than ten. The child, dressed in a white and black long wide-sleeved outfit, he looked like the perfect image of a clan child with his fine and delicate facial features.

When the moonlight kissed his skin, the two remaining in the room felt like they were staring at a creature that could not possibly have existed on Incantix. He painted a stunning picture, like a being crafted and spun from the finest of moonlit threads.

That was, if he had not been smiling so gently as he walked closer towards them. As he neared, it became apparent that there were splatters of blood on his face, marring the otherwise ethereal beauty that should have given a gentle feeling to him, and the blood was so thick that his outfit looked more red than white.

Their breaths caught in their throats as he neared. He looked so harmless and innocent, as children of his age did, yet the presence of the blood splatters upon his face said otherwise.

Jack trembled, his legs giving out from under him as he tried to get as far as possible from the monster in human skin that was masquerading before him.

"M-monster," he whispered, fear and terror infused into his soul. Inexplicably, there was a faint tinge of awe and worship that also edged his tone.

Similarly, Kieran was watching in a daze as the moonlight revealed his 'uncle', practically drenched in the blood of the Rothschild branch members that had been so happily torturing him for the sake of making him scream and getting back at the main family members.

He had not realized that it was Alec who had come to his rescue, though he had caught a glimpse of those peculiar blue eyes in the slight flash of moonlight.

Even before that, he had known that it was not his brother, as the way of fighting did not match his brother's fighting style at all. While his brother was not rash, he preferred to handle things in a straightforward manner, ploughing through obstacles that were in his way.

Neither was it his parents. His mother preferred to leave the fighting to them, and his father usually protected his mother so well that she never had to lift a finger.

True to heritage, both Kieran and Dietrich learnt their fighting style from their father, though it had branched out some, so it wasn't them either.

His helper's fighting style seemed to lean towards being quick and efficient, but moved without a sound or trace, more like an assassin's. There were only the faintest whispers of the blade slicing through the air before a life ended.

It was only because Kieran had been straining his ears so hard that he even caught those whispers of death at all.

That left Kieran in the dark, both figuratively and literally, wondering who his helper was.

To say that he was shocked that the light revealed that his saviour was his supposed uncle was an understatement.

Alec's smile faded into something more subdued, the gentle smile remaining on his face, nonetheless. With a single thought, the lights in the room flickered on, casting them in light.

The moment the light came back on, the hold that Jack had over Kieran snapped.

Kieran immediately surged forward, subduing the man even with his injuries. It was as if he had been waiting the entire time to be freed – such that the moment he was, there had been ho hesitation in his movements at all.

It seemed like the man's magic had to use darkness in order to have a proper subduing effect on someone. Perhaps the branch family wasn't as incompetent as he thought?

Mn. Unlikely.

Even as the man was held down in a hold that prevented him from doing anything, Jack was still staring at Alec with wide, terrified eyes. He was trembling like a leaf as Alec walked closer, all but bucking as he tried to get Kieran off himself so that he could move himself away from the whisper of death that was walking towards them.

Alec twitched. What did he think he was doing, making his injuries potentially worse? The teenager's front was practically coated in his own blood, unlike Alec, who wore the blood of his enemies.

Still, Alec did not dissuade Kieran until he managed to subdue the man in front of them. It shouldn't be too hard.

Alec leaned down, closer to the shaking man, his smile widening slightly. "Are you going to fight back?"

Jack shook his head so hard that he felt dizzy. The rage that had earlier filled him upon realizing the demise of his sisters had faded from himself so quickly that he couldn't even remember feeling it.

Now, all he was left with was the terror of what this smiling boy would do to him.

Honestly, if it had been someone glaring at him, or someone of similar stature to himself doing the killing, he didn't think that he would be half as terrified as he was now.

He didn't know how to explain it. There was just something deep inside him screaming that he should just submit if he still wanted to live.

However, the combined package of the killer smiling so naturally like nothing was wrong terrified him more than the sight of his sister's combined calls of boredom when they didn't have any 'missions' for the family.

Along with the death whisperer's young stature, he dreaded to think about what he would grow up to become.

Alec trailed a lone finger down Jack's face, not feeling the familiar revulsion at having to touch someone. Strange. Was it just because he classified the man as someone he had defeated, or…?

"Good. I would hate to have to hunt you down and kill you," he said casually, as if he was stating a fact instead of a threat.

Even Kieran shivered slightly at the composed tone coming from the boy, let alone Jack. Just who was he?! Since when did Welkton City have such an individual in their midst?

Alec hit the sleep acupoint on the man's neck, causing him to slip into unconsciousness.

Jack slumped forward in Kieran's hold, his body going slack.

Alec started unclothing the body, causing Kieran to squawk. "What are you doing?!"

"There's no better way to make sure he's unarmed than stripping him naked," he said matter-of-factly, silencing any protests.

Alec then stripped the stained bedsheet from the bed, ripping them to shreds and using them to expertly tie the man to the bed, spread eagle without any chance of fighting back even if he woke up again.

Kieran's lips twitched at the scene. Would he ever be able to come back to his room without seeing the scene of this playing out in front of him? A naked man spread out on his bed tied there?!

Alec's smile widened in irritation when he realized that Kieran wasn't doing anything to stem the blood flow that was still continuing freely down his carved-up torso.

"Nephew, are you going to take care of your wounds any time soon?"

Kieran snapped out of his daze. "You didn't have to remind me," he coughed, hiding his embarrassment.

He rummaged around in his drawer, pulling out a bottle of pills. He ate one, and the wounds on his torso knitted close with an admirable speed.

Kieran sighed as the pain disappeared from him completely, leaving him feeling fine, if not for the blood loss that made him rather unsteady.

Alec made an approving sound. "How convenient."

Kieran nodded. "Dad gave it to me. Do you need any?" he asked, looking his uncle over. "They're working using support magic, so it's able to heal most wounds."

"I am fine, thank you."

Since Alec was so covered in blood, he was unable to tell whether or not he was in need of assistance. Kieran squinted as he realized that there were no visible wounds on the boy's body. This only caused him to feel a deeper admiration.

"Come. These were not the only intruders in the house."

Kieran grew serious. He appreciated that the other didn't try to keep him out of it. His brother usually tried to baby him when he got hurt, so this was a refreshing change.

"We should head towards my parent's bedroom."

Alec left the lights on. It wouldn't do for their prisoner to wake up and utilise his magic on whoever entered the room. That was, if he was still conscious.

Alec exited the room first, and upon first glance, he could already see that the Ash Phoenix had disappeared from its previous perch on the windowsill. Now, where was it?

Alec consulted the bonds between him and the Rothschild's many, many doors.

Bonus Chapter #2

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

Kieran: Excuse me, what do I do with the naked man on my bed?!

Alec: *walks off*

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