
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Película
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19 Chs

Chapter 12: Echoes of the Past

Months bled into years. The Emerald Haven became a haven of focused training, a crucible where Cole, Allison, Cetrion, and Drahmin honed their skills to a razor's edge. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on Cole, the potential future of Earthrealm resting on his shoulders. But amidst the rigorous training, a nagging question lingered in his mind.The System had revealed his connection to the previous Cole Young, a champion who had fallen defending this realm. But who was this man? Where did he come from? The System offered no answers, its focus solely on his present purpose.One evening, as Cole lay under the starlit sky, contemplating his destiny, the System blared to life, its message cryptic but urgent. "Potential Temporal Anomaly Detected. Netherrealm. Intervention Required."A surge of curiosity, mixed with a sliver of apprehension, coursed through him. Netherrealm, the desolate realm ruled by the tyrannical Shinnok, was a place of unimaginable torment. What anomaly could possibly warrant a direct intervention?He shared the System's message with Allison and Cetrion. A tense silence descended upon them, the gravity of the situation heavy in the air."Netherrealm is a dangerous place, Cole," Cetrion warned, her voice laced with concern. "Stepping foot there could have unforeseen consequences."Drahmin, her crimson eye gleaming with a dark glint, scoffed. "Netherrealm is where Outworld sends its criminals to rot. What could be worse?"Allison, however, saw a flicker of hope in the System's message. "Perhaps this anomaly is connected to your past life, Cole. Maybe it's a chance to find answers."Cole, after much deliberation, agreed. Armed with the System's arsenal of skills and fueled by a desire for the truth, he decided to venture into the Netherrealm. Leaving Allison and Cetrion behind, with Drahmin sworn to protect them, Cole stepped through a shimmering portal, a portal leading into the heart of darkness.The stench of sulfur and decay assaulted him as he arrived. The Netherrealm landscape was a desolate wasteland, a twisted parody of Earthrealm, where skeletal trees reached towards a blood-red sky. Grotesque demons roamed the landscape, their eyes burning with malevolent hunger.Cole navigated the treacherous terrain, the System guiding him towards the source of the temporal anomaly. He fought off waves of demons, their attacks testaments to the brutality of this realm. With each fight, Cole grew more adept at wielding the System's power, his movements a blur of fire, earth, and the raw fury of Cetrion's elemental magic.Finally, he reached a crumbling fortress, its twisted architecture radiating a dark energy. The System identified it as the Quan Chi's Tower, a place where the vile sorcerer practiced his dark arts. Inside, a chilling sight awaited him.A hooded figure knelt before a swirling portal of souls, chanting in an ancient and guttural tongue. As the figure turned, a wave of recognition washed over Cole. He stared into the hardened eyes, the scarred face, the smoldering skull emblazoned on his chest – it was Scorpion, the specter of vengeance.But something was different. This Scorpion seemed younger, his anguish less consuming, a flicker of humanity still clinging to his soul. As Cole watched, a spectral woman with flowing black hair and a young boy materialized beside Scorpion. Their faces, though etched with sorrow, held a love that transcended even death.The System's message echoed in Cole's mind: "Temporal Anomaly Detected. Resurrection ritual in progress. Subject: Scorpion's Family."A wave of realization crashed over him. This wasn't just a random anomaly; this was the moment Scorpion's family was murdered by Sub-Zero, the event that set him on his vengeful path. But here, in this alternate timeline, a dark sorcerer was attempting to resurrect them.Understanding dawned upon him. The System, his connection to Earthrealm's fate, the burning desire to protect – it all made sense now. He was not just Cole Young, a resurrected fighter. He was the descendant of Hanzo Hasashi, the man who became Scorpion. He was the echo of a fallen champion, reborn to fulfill his destiny.A fierce determination ignited within him. He wouldn't let this timeline repeat the tragedy of the past. He would protect Scorpion's family, ensuring the birth of the warrior who would become a vital part of Earthrealm's defense. With a roar, Cole charged towards Quan Chi, the fate of realms hanging in the balance.