
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 13: Shattered Illusions and Ancestral Power

A primal roar tore through the fetid air of Quan Chi's Tower as Cole launched himself towards the sorcerer. Scorpion, momentarily distracted, turned just in time to witness the newcomer's attack. Confusion flickered in his fiery eyes. Was this another enemy, another soul condemned to torment in Netherrealm?But before Scorpion could react, a wave of searing heat engulfed Quan Chi. Cole, fueled by righteous anger and the surging power of the System, unleashed a torrent of fire that sent the sorcerer scrambling back. The swirling portal of souls flickered and dissipated.Scorpion lunged forward, his spectral blades crackling with hellfire. "Who are you?" he roared, his voice a guttural rasp. "Why do you interfere?"Cole, dodging a fiery swipe, met Scorpion's gaze. "I'm here to help," he said, his voice ringing with sincerity. "Your family... they're not who you think they are."Scorpion hesitated, his fiery rage momentarily tempered by Cole's words. He looked towards the spectral figures, his wife and son, their faces filled with a love that seemed too real, too perfect."What do you mean?" Scorpion demanded, a flicker of doubt creeping into his voice.Cole, ignoring the heat radiating from Scorpion, pressed on. "This is an illusion, a trap set by Quan Chi. He wants to manipulate you, to fuel your vengeance."Fury contorted Scorpion's face. "You dare lie to me?" he roared, his spectral blades poised to strike.Just then, the System blared to life, projecting a holographic image before them. It depicted a gruesome scene: Scorpion's burning Shirai Ryu temple, his family lying lifeless amidst the carnage."This," the System boomed, its voice resonating within the chamber, "is the true memory. Quan Chi orchestrated the massacre, twisting your soul with grief and rage."Scorpion stared at the image, the truth sinking in like a weighted hammer blow. His entire being, his existence, had been built on a lie. The anger, the all-consuming desire for vengeance – it was all a twisted tool in Quan Chi's game.A wave of despair threatened to drown him, but amidst the emotional maelstrom, a flicker of hope remained. Could it be true? Could his family still be saved?Cole, sensing Scorpion's turmoil, stepped forward. "They're not gone yet, Scorpion. But we need to act fast." He shared another message from the System, one that made Scorpion's spectral form solidify."Temporal Anomaly Detected. Past Event Echo. Potential for Resurrection Ritual."A spark of determination ignited in Scorpion's eyes. "Tell me what to do," he rasped, his voice raw with grief and newfound resolve.The System, with Cole acting as a conduit, laid out a plan. It involved harnessing Scorpion's spectral energy, channeled through the residual essence of his family at the site of their deaths, to perform a true resurrection ritual. It was a risky maneuver, teetering on the edge of temporal paradox, but it was their only chance.With a heavy heart and a steely resolve, Scorpion and Cole emerged from Quan Chi's Tower. They tore through the desolate landscape of Netherrealm, navigating through hordes of demons until they reached the Shirai Ryu temple, now just a charred husk of its former glory.The air crackled with residual energy, the ghosts of Scorpion's past swirling around the ruins. Cole, guided by the System, helped Scorpion focus his spectral essence, drawing upon the love and grief that had sustained him for so long.As Scorpion channeled his energy, the charred remains of the temple shimmered. Spectral figures appeared, faint echoes of his family. But this time, the grief in their eyes was genuine, the love palpable.With a final, agonizing scream, Scorpion poured his remaining energy into the ritual. The ground trembled, the air crackled with power, and then, silence.Cole and Scorpion watched with bated breath as the spectral figures solidified. A gasp escaped Cole's lips. These were no illusions, no puppets of Quan Chi. These were Hanzo Hasashi's wife and son, alive and well.Scorpion, his spectral form flickering with exhaustion, collapsed to his knees, his arms wrapped around his wife and son. Tears, unseen but deeply felt, streamed down his spectral face. After years of torment, a semblance of peace had finally been achieved.Cole, witnessing the reunion, felt a surge of warmth within him. He wasn't just Cole Young, a champion thrust into a destiny he didn't choose. He was a descendant, a bearer of a legacy, and in a small way, he had helped to rewrite the past.As the first rays of dawn painted the Netherrealm sky a bruised purple,