
Chronicles of the Timebound: A Marvel Odyssey

"Marvel Chronicles: Timebound Odyssey" follows the journey of Ethan Grayson, a brilliant young scientist who finds himself mysteriously transported to the heart of the Marvel universe. Through a twist of fate, Ethan discovers that he possesses the power of time manipulation after coming into contact with the Time Stone. As he navigates this new reality, Ethan must unravel the secrets of his newfound abilities while navigating the complex dynamics of the Marvel universe. I do not own any other character except Ethan Grayson -- Author

Khushal · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
32 Chs

Author's request - Not a chapter

Hello guys, Khushal(Writer) here.

This is my first time writing a novel, so I'd really, I mean really, appreciate it if you guys could give some reviews on the novel along with some of the parts which you liked and some that weren't up to par. It'll help me reflect on my writing and might even make further chapters better.

Story will start to become more interesting after MC acquires power of 2nd stone, as I explained before that usage of power of time stone comes with heavy consequences.