
Entrance Test for Detectives

Entrance Test for Detectives

After the case was settled, Red immediately left the scene because he received a message from Vanessa that they are nearby but can't get near his location because of the police blocking there way.


"What took you guys so long to arrive!" Red said in disappointment. But in truth, he was secretly rejoicing because he solved a case because of them not being punctual.

"Well.... "Leo hesitated whether he should tell Red or not.

"Hey, what happened over there? Why are there police officers blocking the way? "Vladimir suddenly interrupted. Leo looked at Vladimir thankfully as he said on himself, thank you bro!

"A murder has happened inside!" Red said calmly, like it was not a big deal.

"WHAT!!!" The group said in shocked, except for Vanessa who is obviously in bad mood.

"Why do I feel that you're so calm saying the word murder?" Leo asked curiously.

"Because, it's really not a big deal for me." Red answered. Leo opened his mouth widely while thinking only one word, fuck!

"Getting back to the point, what was our purpose of meeting here again?" Vladimir asked

"We are going to get your detective identification card." Red answered.

"For what purpose again?" Vladimir asked. Obviously, he was obstructing Red from asking Leo why they're late.

"Obviously, so that we are allowed to solve some cases "Red said, annoyed of Vladimir's Q&A. He then smirked and thought, do you think I won't ask anymore why you guys were late?

"Why were you late again?" Red smile slyly.


"It was because they tried to arranged a blind date with Vanessa and James before going to the meeting place "Marvin told the truth.

"Ohhhhh... So that's why "Red said while showing a devious smile. Red wasn't angry that they arranged a blind date with Vanessa, he doesn't care about that because they were not in relationship to begin with. He was angry because they arrived late because of doing a useless thing.

"Huhuhuhu! They tried to molest me! "Vanessa cried before running to Red and hugging him. Red ignored Vanessa hugging him as he stared at Leo, James and Vladimir.

"We... We can explain "Leo and Vladimir said while raising both their hands, as if showing that they both surrender. James was staring helplessly at his companions while cursing both of them in his mind, fucking traitors! Shameless bastards!

"I'll give you 1 minute to explain then "Red said while trying to remove Vanessa's hands on his waist. James was staring at them jealousy, I should be the one being hug by Lady Vanessa.


After an hour, Red and his detective squad arrived at MS intelligence headquarters, which is located on the very inside of MS academy for detectives. Literally, it was inside the MS academy for detectives, it was just below the academy buildings.

"Wow!" The whole squad, even Red stood still while feeling amazed by the whole intelligence headquarters.

There was a gigantic 'Super computer' in front of them which was showing all the location of the member of MS Detectives on the whole Asia. A lot of people were running around the whole headquarters, some were in a table in discussion of something. Somewhere going in and out of some higher ups offices, and etc.

"Welcome student Red!" a tall guy with a brown hair said. This person was someone Red was really familiar with, Clayd, his mentor.

"Student Red greets mentor!" Red said.

"ohhh, this must be Vanessa, the one who tried to hack the MS academy server without any trace. Hahahaha! This must be Leo, the person who manipulated hundreds of people just to destroy one company. This must be James, the person who seduced 10 rich man's daughter and successfully escaped with $10,000,000. Ohhhhhh!!! This must be the great Marvin, the youngest assassin who has never failed any of his missions! This??? "Clayd said while looking at Red, expecting him to introduce Vladimir to him.

"His Vladimir. I found him when he tried to snatch my wallet "Red answered.

"Everyone can snatch a wallet, even Vanessa, Leo, James and Marvin can do it! Is there anything special with how he stole your wallet? "Clayd asked. He trusted his student, that's why he didn't said that snatching a wallet is not a talent, but instead he said what's special on how he stole his student's wallet.

"Well, after he stole my wallet he immediately started acting like he owns my wallet. All the onlookers even believed the way he acted, if only he didn't meet the wrong person, then the wallet would have been his and that person would really be in a really sorry state "Red replied while looking at Vladimir who's embarrassed at this moment.

Vladimir thought that Red was actually right, if he didn't meet Red and instead it was someone else, then that wallet would have been his with only his acting skills. And that person he stole the wallet from, would be look down by everyone or be reported as a snatcher instead of him.

"Ohhhhh! What a awesome way of snatching someone's wallet! Maybe it was fate that bought you two together "Clayd laughed.

" Pfttt! Hehehe " Leo and James can't help but make a silent laughing sound, which was then immediately stop by Vanessa's deadly stare, that was like saying, Red is mine!

Leo gulped down a mouthful of saliva while James felt really jealous.

"Okay, let's proceed with the test before I introduce you with the rest of the facilities inside the MS intelligence headquarters "Clayd said before walking forward.

"What test?!" Leo said. James immediately stop on his tracks and look back while staring at Red, he then said "You didn't tell them about the test?"

"Sorry mentor, but I believe on them. That's why I didn't inform anymore them anymore. "Red answered. Red believed that, because they can't achieved those past crimes of them which was nearly perfect if they were not good.

"Okay! " Clayd nodded before he continued walking to the testing area. Red and his squad followed Clayd.