
Chaotic World: The rise of human

The story about a young little wolf boy after survive the massacare by the human kind. And now he had want to take revenge, from that he found out many thing more happen. the rise of human kind, the civil war in animal kind and angel kind, everything is in chaotic thought Multiethnic realm.

KhamWalter · Fantasía
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3 Chs


In my dream, I see myself return to my house. Inside I see my lovely and kind mother stewing meat for our dinner. She looked at me and smiled, but tears flowed out from her eyes. Something is wrong here I thought. I ask her:

"Mom? Why are you crying?"

She wipe her tears from her face and said:

"From now on, you have to take care of yourself. I won't be there for you anymore."


I rush to her, the distance between us growing as she gets further and further away from me. A fog came rolling in from nowhere and my mom slowly vanished into the whiteness. Then the white plumes surrounded me and the scent of smoke filled my nose.

I immediately wake up with tears streaming from my face. As I wipe the salty tears away from my eyes, the smell of gunpowder and smoke rushes into my nostrils causing my allergies to flare up. I cover my nose with my hand to try and keep the stinging smells from entering my sensitive nose. I have to find where that smoke is coming from! 

I did not expect this to happen! The direction of the smell was coming from my village. A scream rang out from the village, tearing through the once calm silence of my village I was so familiar with.

"WILLIAM! WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" My dad rushed to me in a panic.

"I don't know."

"Shit! The village is on fire! Follow me!" He threw a sword to me and headed to the village.

Inside the village, horrible scenes of fire and dead bodies lay before me. I just looked on dumbfounded for a moment, then looked at my father who seemed to not feel anything despite everything that was unfolding. He had a stern and stoic expression as he held his sword in his calloused hand. It looked like he needed to say something, but he remained quiet. I pull on his shirt and ask:

"Dad? What is going on? What should we do?"

He yell:

"The village is under attack! Go find your mother! I will distract the enemy!"

After the talk, a group of people dressed in full armor step out from the burning house. Just a glance was all I needed to know they are not of animal kin. They are human. 'Why are they here?' I question myself. While I was frozen in fear thinking of why this was all happening, my father pushes me away. One of the armored humans charged and attacked my father.

He used his sword to block his attack and turned the sword tip right at the enemy, with a press of a button the blade flies out and shoots straight at his opponent. Being surprised by the unexpected attack he had no time to dodge. The blade stabs through his armor and into his body. 

After the blade hit its mark, my father pulls back on a thin wire connecting the blade to the hilt. The blade ripped out of the enemy standing before him and he crumbled to the ground, dead. The rest of the humans see this and prepare to attack with more caution. With everything that is happening, my mind swirls with panic. 

I used to hear from him about how he had earned his trophy when he was young but I didn't care much to listen. However, now these things have proven to me that they were not merely exaggerated stories. His tales were true. He whipped his head in my direction and yell:

"Go find your mother now! I will hold them back!"

After that, he rushed into the enemy group. With lightning speed he cuts one of them down. He then shoots his sword out a second time but the enemy sees this attack coming and uses his sword to block the attack. However they did not realize the wire extended much farther than the first attack and it swung around them like a rope effectively tying the whole group together.

Then he used his elbow and hit one of them causing all of the humans in his wire to fly into a nearby burn house and the whole lot disappeared in the suffocating smoke. I push myself to run as fast as I could to my house while my father fights off the enemy.

'Hope she oki, she has to be fine.' All my thoughts and fears becoming reality like a horrific nightmare. I just wish all this was not real!

When I reach the house I see the tent burning and three of those human enemies stepping on my mom. My heart broke in pieces. The woman I love and regard highly was being humiliated by those armed strangers!

Furious, I pull the sword out and rush to them. But it was a mistake to yell while approaching them as I did. They noticed me running at them and one used their sword to bat my sword out of my hands and on the ground.

 It happened so fast, I didn't know how to react. Another kicked me to the ground. The 3rd teased:

"Oh! The little bastard wants to save his mommy! How sad!" He sneared.

He walks in front of me and puts his dirty boot on my head and smiles. another enemy appears and says to the other 3:

"Attention! Our mission is complete. All teams retreat!"

The one stepping on me replies to him saying:

"Hold on! Let me enjoy this moment."

Then he steps down with more force trying to crush my head. My skull feels like it wants to split in two. I fight back and try to lift his leg off of me but it is useless. He gave me an evil smile and lifted his leg off for the finishing blow. But luckily, my dad appears behind him and he brings down his fist on the unsuspecting head of this enemy causing the iron helmet to cave in, effectively killing him.

The others see their ally drop to the ground and pull out their swords. My dad looks around and sees my mom lying on the ground with enemies still stepping on her. His anger flares up and at that moment they attacked. 

He rushed one of them and stabbed his opponent through. Before he could pull out his sword from the humans body, another attacks from behind, trying to strike him down. Dad thrust his elbow back and slammed it into the attackers face. The force snapped his neck back and he died. 

The last one ran up and tried to stab him but my father was faster and grabbed his head in his big, battle toughened hand. Surprised and panicking, he struggled against his grip before my dad crushed his head in his hand. 


Seeing this made me admire him more than I ever had before. He stood there for a moment before collapsing to the ground. Fearing the worst I rushed to him:


He lost a lot of blood. I couldn't do anything, I was useless compared to my father. Nothing I could have done to save anyone… Then he weakly turned to me and asked:

"How is your mother? Have you checked her yet?"

"I will check on her now."

When I approach her she looks as if she is sleeping so I shake her and yell for her to get up: 

"mom! MOM! Please wake up mom!"

When I checked her breathing, there was no breath. She was no longer alive. How do I tell my father? I turn around to tell my dad but could not bring myself to say it. Seeing my tears he must have guessed. He gathered his remaining energy to crawl his way to my mom. I help him the best I can.

I know how this is going to end and my heart aches immensely. This moment is the longest moment I have ever experienced in my life. Time seemed to freeze so I could get closer to my mom. 

Then my father's wounds gush blood from the strain making me realize I dont have much time. When we arrive by my moms side, I help my father lay next to her. Heavily breathing, he hands me his sword and tells me:

"For now you have to step on your foot. I don't have much time, they will arrive here any minute. So go!"

"They have left us dad! We are safe!"

Hearing that, he relax a bit but his body is slowly weakening. I watch him in his last moments. he look to my mom and held her hand in his:

"May god save our child my darling!"

With the last word, his eyes close and he passes away. But his hand still holds my moms hand. They have left this world, leaving me alone, crying in hopelessness. While my home is burning, the sound of flames drowns out the cry of a useless kid.