
Chaotic World: The rise of human

The story about a young little wolf boy after survive the massacare by the human kind. And now he had want to take revenge, from that he found out many thing more happen. the rise of human kind, the civil war in animal kind and angel kind, everything is in chaotic thought Multiethnic realm.

KhamWalter · Fantasy
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3 Chs

No Home

The house William used to live in now stands completely empty, nothing left for him to hold onto. Everything he cherished, gone. Standing there, he feels astray and hopeless. With no other choice, he decides his dad's work place will have to do to keep him warm through the night.

But first, he needs to bury his parents. Even though they have passed away, he won't allow their bodies to lie in this cold and unforgiving night.

After a few hours, two graves have been dug. As he somberly stood in front of the earth he had opened up for his parents to rest forever in, tears welled up in his eyes and flowed down his face. The wind blew as he spoke his last words to his still parents.

"Mom! Dad!" - William cried out, - "I will take vengeance for you."

Although feeling useless and everything he had was gone, he plunges the sword into the ground in front of his beloved parents grave and kneels down.

The feelings inside him spill out of him one last time, tears rolling long streaks down his cheeks. He looks up and yells out to the sky, releasing all his sadness and frustrations he had accumulated from that day. 

This may be the last time he ever shows his weakness. When he could no longer yell and he had released all his feelings, the only thing left he felt was the wrath of revenge. Humans are his enemy. And he will do everything and anything he possibly can to kill them all.


At that very moment, just a little ways from the village, the humans have set up a barrack. One of the soldiers rushed into the big main tent to report his findings:

"Sir! The village has been destroyed! No one survived but…"

"But?" The captain ask.

"We have lost a hundred of our men to take the village down."

"Hmmm… it seems like we need to be more careful. My order to the remaining troops is to retreat without leaving any sign we were ever there."

"yes sir!"


Day one,

William walks into his fathers smithy, carrying the sword he had given him in search of any valuables that were possibly left. The very house he had eaten his meal in yesterday, now was empty and silent. 

Unlike the cold outside, inside his dad had put a heater and a table he had decorated in front of the doorto keep the cold out. The bookshelf was on the right hand side.

Flashes of memories come rushing back into William's mind as he walks through. He saw himself at a young age running pass and his father chasing after him, catching him, and picking him up.

His eyes drifted to the table, more memories play out in front of him. Young William sitting at the table with his dad as he speaks of his glory days. 

At seeing those memories replaying in his mind he gnashes his teeth and punches the wall next to him. Wailing: 

"Why does everything have to happen like this! Mom! Dad! What should I do?"

The force of the punch caused some of the books to shake and fall from the bookshelf, making fluttering thud noises as they fell. He bent down to pick the fallen books up and back onto the shelf. One of the books he picked up opened up just enough for a piece of paper to slip out and onto the floor. It was a picture of his parents and himself when he was young. This surprised him. 

This doesnt make any sense. The picture appears to be taken in the medieval century. His hand shaking, he picks up the picture. Tears come once again, staining his cheeks. But this time the tears were not of sadness, nor from hurt. The picture has raised his moral and strengthened his resolve for revenge. He must set aside his sorrows. 

If he wants to take out more of these enemies, he is going to have to learn more about them. 

He grabs a few books to skim through. Flipping through the pages he realizes these are his dads teachings of how to use a sword. But not just any sword, the very sword his dad had passed onto him. 

According to the book he had open that moment, this sword is called Erratic because of the ability to fight in both long and close range tactics. The records that were written of this sword explained that it can shoot out the blade as well as the ability to be used like a hook. The design of the blade made this possible 

The elaborate design of the hilt allowed the blade to be shot out with the press of a button on the fender. Four more buttons were located on the hilt, each one showing the range of which the wire connecting the blade to the hilt could be fired at. 5m, 10m, 15m, and 20m. 

Included in the description of the sword were a few tricks his dad left in there.

After reading for a while, Williams' stomach starts rumbling. He forgot about finding food. So he stands up, picks up his sword and goes out to hunt whatever he could find in the village. 

Even though there was a fowl stench of rotting bodies, he had no competition. The peaceful view of that day was now covered over with ash rain carried by the winds over the burnt village. 

The darkening sky and smell of corpses attracted small monsters. Taking the opportunity while the monsters are distracted feeding, William stands at a distance and aims the sword at one of them. 

With a few button presses, the blade flies out of the hilt in his hand and stabs into its target. The force of the propelled blade pushed William to the ground. Looking up and over to the monster he had targeted he saw the blade was still stuck in it so he pressed another button and the blade dragged it back and toward him. 

But when he picks up the now deceased monster, he sees the skin of his own kind in its mouth. The sight of this makes him feel ill. He drops the monster and decides to find another source of food to eat. 

Walking around the area, he finds only a few fruits that have fallen into the street out of the booths from the seller he met yesterday. Now the seller was lying dead on the ground.

He sits down in front of the place he used to call home, the place he used to take a nap in view. But now it is all covered over in ash, making the once beautiful and calm scene, bleak and depressing.