
Chapter 7

Tang Youran didn't know how powerful these two ancestors were, but she knew very well that they were not people who pitied women. If they were provoked, they would lose their arms and legs.

Tang Youran also noticed that his behavior just now was a little inappropriate. Bai He proposed to dance. She felt relieved and changed a song herself.

The "Phoenixtail Bamboo" in the box sounded. Xiao Yunfei and Ye Xiao looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't expect her to dance a national dance.

Tang Youran didn't wear the Jiang Clan's skirt. Instead, he was wearing a white dress. She had taken off her shoes at some point. With a pair of snow-white and tender lotus feet, she danced gracefully in the melodious gourd silk.

Her every move was so natural, and every frown and smile was full of beauty. It was hard to believe that she could hear such music and see such a dance on such an occasion.

Ye Xiao and Xiao Hongfei, who were watching the dance, watched her dance quietly, as if she were in the bamboo forest where the moonlight was like water. The breeze was blowing, the bonfire was burning, and the lover was whispering...

Until the music stopped, the fairy-like woman on the stage stopped dancing. Xiao Yunfei took the lead in clapping. "Good! Good! Good!"

He said yes three times in a row, but Ye Xiao didn't move. She just quietly leaned on the sofa and stared at Tang Youran.

This time, his eyes were fixed on Tang Youran's bare feet. After she finished dancing, she got off the stage barefoot.

That foot was snow-white, pink, and tender. Was that what the so-called Step-by-step Lotus said? For some reason, Ye Xiao and He Changdi had the feeling of wanting to caress that foot again.

The unhappiness disappeared magically. When Tang Youran finished dancing and returned to his side, Ye Xiao and his eyes showed a smile again.

Unexpectedly, he personally poured a glass of wine and handed it to Tang Youran. Xiao Yunfei was a little confused when he saw his brother's behavior. "What's wrong with my brother? Did he fall in love with this woman?"

This idea made Xiao Yunfei a little surprised. He knew Ye Xiao and Ye He knew him very well. He had always restrained himself when it came to women.

If this Tang Youran could arouse his interest, it would be a wonderful thing. "I drank too much tonight and didn't eat many dishes. I'm hungry now. Why don't we take two beautiful ladies out for supper?"

Xiao Hongfei's meaning was very clear. If Ye Xiao and he agreed, it meant that he liked this woman. On the other hand, he had no interest in this woman.

Ye Xiao looked at Tang Youran. "I wonder if Miss Tang is willing to appreciate it?"

These words shocked Tang Youran. She did not believe that they simply wanted to eat.

She couldn't help but think of what Bai He had said to her in the changing room. "Don't refuse their requests!"

She knew that if she went out to eat with him, there would be unexpected consequences. Only a fool would not refuse.

But given the circumstances, she couldn't reject Ye Xiao and He Yuxuan. She could only be an obedient woman.

"It's Tang Youran's honor to set off with Mr. Ye!" Tang Youran tried his best to put on an impeccable smile. He picked up the bottle and poured some wine for Ye Xiao and Ye Le.

Her answer made Ye Xiao and a little surprised. He was not a fool, so he stared at her for a moment, as if he wanted to see her heart.

Tang Youran panicked because of his stare. His hand, which was holding the bottle nervously, trembled a little. He even spilled the wine on Ye Xiao and Ye He.

"I'm sorry!" Tang Youran apologized and hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe it for him.

However, the more chaotic the situation became, the busier it became. In her panic, she accidentally poured out a glass of wine and poured it all on Ye Xiao and Ye He.