
Chapter 6

The light was very bright. Tang Youran watched as the man walked in like a god.

It was not a big deal to call him a god of heaven. He was tall and strong, with fair skin and extraordinary facial features.

It could be said that Tang Youran had never seen such a handsome man in his lifetime.

The man in black walked over to Tang Youran with a smile. He took off his coat and draped it over her. His voice was as gentle as water. "Beautiful women are loved. Xiao Qi, you will scare her if you do this."

"Big Brother." The arrogant and domineering Master Seven stood respectfully beside the black-clothed man.

"Take Miss Tang down to get changed!" The man's voice was very gentle, which warmed people's hearts. Bai He quickly thanked him and pulled Tang Youran out of the door.

Back in the room, Tang Youran closed the door and grabbed Bai He's hand. "Sister He, who are these two men?"

"Master Seven is a very famous person in black. His real name is Xiao Hongfei. As for that man in black, I have never seen him on the scene."

Bai He replied, "But judging from Master Seven's respect for him, I have already guessed his identity."

"Who is it?"

"Rumor has it that the Seventh Master, Xiao Hongfei, is not afraid of anything. I'm afraid he's alone. If I'm not mistaken, this man in black should be Ye Xiao He."

"Ye Xiao and him? I think I've heard of them somewhere?" Tang Youran repeated.

"Don't you like Heng Xing's jewelry very much? It's Ye Xiao and He."

"The owner of the jewelry shop?" Tang Youran was even more confused. "Isn't Xiao Yunfei a dark man? Why would he be afraid of a jewelry businessman?"

Bai He seemed to know what she wanted to ask. "The boss of the jewelry shop is just one of Ye Xiao and one of them. In fact, he has too many identities. He is a real estate tycoon, a business tycoon boss, and a company boss... Rumor has it that his business is all over the country, and his brothers are all over the country. Let me tell you this. He is not only a rich man with hundreds of millions of yuan, but also a well-known boss. No matter if he is in the underworld or in the underworld, no one dares to not buy Ye Xiao's face."

"Black-and-white underworld attack?" Tang Youran finally came to his senses. He had a question in his mind. Since Ye Xiao and Black-and-white underworld attack, why would he be chased like that that night? Although Tang Youran did not see his face clearly that night, she would never forget his voice and smell.

"Remember that half a month ago, someone provoked the royal court? This was what Ye Xiao and his men did. I heard that Ye Xiao's whereabouts were revealed by the people around him. His enemies sent hundreds of people to hunt him down. This Ye Xiao and a character escaped in the hail of bullets. They even dealt with the person who betrayed him."

"Is Boss Ma the one who betrayed him?" Tang Youran thought of what Bai Wei had said about Boss Ma.

"More or less." Bai He was not sure. "Youran, I'm telling you this because I want to tell you something. Master Seven is not someone we can mess with. Ye Xiao and we can't afford to mess with him. Not only can we not mess with him, but we can't even hide from him. Understand?"

Tang Youran nodded. In the face of reality, the weak were always the most pitiful.

"Since you became famous in the imperial court, there have been many people who want to hit you. I used to cover for you, but I really couldn't do anything about it tonight." Bai He sighed.

"I know that you and I are not the same kind of people, but people have to accept their fate. The people who do things here will come to this step one day. In order to be insulted by those disgusting men, it is better to find a pleasing person to talk about a good price, at least to find a good backer for themselves."

Tang Youran's heart sank little by little. Since she stepped into such a place two years ago, she knew what would happen to her in the end. She was afraid every day, and she was lucky every day. "Sister He, is there nothing I can do?"

Bai He nodded. "It's obvious that Master Seven is after you tonight. He's a fiend. If Ye Xiao and He Yu didn't show up in time, his men would definitely strip you of your clothes tonight."

Thinking of the situation just now, Tang Youran was a little scared. Bai He continued, "Fortunately, Ye Xiao and he suddenly appeared. I have been here for so many years, but I have never seen Ye Xiao and him. Tonight, he appeared and helped you out. The purpose is self-evident. Men like beautiful women. You dress yourself up better. By the way, remember my words. Don't refuse their requests. They will do whatever they want to do tonight."

Tang Youran didn't say anything. He just began to change his clothes silently. Seeing that she had changed into a long white dress and Bai He was about to make up for her, Tang Youran refused. "That's it. Since we can't escape, why do we have to spend so much effort?"

Bai He did not stop her. It was not accidental for Tang Youran to become famous in No.1 Royal Court, but inevitable. Before seeing her, Bai He had always been the big sister of this industry. Her beauty and temperament had always been envied by people in this industry.

However, after seeing Tang Youran, Bai He felt ashamed for the first time. Such a beautiful and talented woman should have been a princess high above the masses, and should not have fallen into the dust to be played by others.

Bai He had always felt sorry for Tang Youran. But today, when she saw Ye Xiao and Tang Youran descend like gods and put their coats on Tang Youran, she finally understood.

It turned out that the princess was waiting for the prince's redemption!

When he entered the No. 1 private room again, he heard a soft and soothing piano tune when he opened the door. Just now, it was very tense, but now it was leisurely.

The contrast made Tang Youran stop in his tracks. He thought that he had gone to the wrong room.

When they saw Tang Youran standing at the door in a white dress facing the sky, the eyes of the two people leaning on the sofa flashed with amazement.

Xiao Yunfei muttered, "She is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world. It's a pity for such a person to stay in such a place."

Ye Xiao did not speak. She just looked at Tang Youran quietly. For some reason, Tang Youran heard his heart beating violently. She had a feeling that she wanted to escape.

Behind her, Bai He gently pushed her, and Tang Youran was pushed into the room stiffly.

Bai He pushed Tang Youran to the side of Ye Xiao and Ye Xiao. She naturally walked to Xiao Yunfei's side and skillfully picked up a bottle to pour wine for him.

Ye Xiao and Tang Youran had been looking at her. She was not only beautiful, but also elegant and noble in her every move. That was not the temperament she had learned from the day after tomorrow, but she was born with it.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but ask why a person who lived in such a place would have such an innate temperament.

Tang Youran was a little frightened by Ye Xiao's gaze. He was completely different from that night. That night, Ye Xiao was murderous and bloodthirsty. He was so cold-blooded that she was scared.

Today, Ye Xiao had changed into another person. He was gentle and polite, giving people a warm and peaceful feeling.

Tang Youran didn't know which one was the real him, or none of them was him.

He was different from the men who used to come here to have fun. Those men were superficial. She could see their hearts at a glance and knew what they wanted.

She couldn't see through Ye Xiao and him at all.

Tang Youran was naturally more careful when it came to someone he couldn't see through.

Ye Xiao looked at Tang Youran with a smile. His gaze was very soft, making Tang Youran's heart beat faster.

Being looked at gently by such a handsome man, she believed that no one could face him calmly.

If he met a handsome man with such a gentle smile on his face elsewhere, Tang Youran would not hesitate to think that this man liked him.

However, they were in the royal court, a place where they could enjoy themselves to death.

The men here were all here to find fun with cash. Tang Youran would not be narcissistic enough to think that Ye Xiao and he liked him. What kind of woman had he not seen before?

She quickly calmed down and picked up the bottle to fill the glass in front of her. She picked it up and handed it to Ye Xiao and Ye He. "Sir, please drink!"

"My surname is Ye, and my name is Ye Xiaohe!" Ye Xiao didn't take the wine glass. Instead, he told Tang Youran his name in a gentle voice.

For the women in the field, those men who came to have fun were just code names. They were Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, and Mr. Zhang.

As long as they remembered what his last name was, there was no need to know their full name.

Seeing that Ye Xiao and Tang Youran didn't take the wine, Tang Youran hesitated in his heart. She didn't know why Ye Xiao and Ye Le didn't take the wine but told her their names.

Subconsciously, she looked in Bai He's direction. Bai He had been observing her and Ye Xiao. When she saw Bai He, she gestured to her to feed her some wine.

The young lady who accompanied them to drink was used to feeding guests in the private room. Tang Youran hesitated for a moment before sending the wine cup to Ye Xiao and his lips.

Her fingers were slender and white. Ye Xiao had seen countless beautiful women, but none of them were as beautiful as Tang Youran, which made him want to hold them.

He had always been a person with a strong body. He naturally held Tang Youran's hand and brought the cup to his lips.

Seeing that Ye Xiao had finished the glass of wine, Xiao Hongfei laughed. "Eldest Brother usually doesn't drink wine. What's wrong with you today? Did Miss Tang seduce you?"

This was a joke, but Ye Xiao did not deny it. "It's romantic to be a ghost under a peony flower."

He did not let go of Tang Youran's hand. Instead, he slowly sharpened it in his palm. His hand was very big and warm. Tang Youran subconsciously looked at him and saw that there was a strong gentleness in his eyes.

It was said that a woman's tenderness would make a man forget himself and be addicted to it. Tang Youran didn't expect that a man's tenderness would have such an effect. For a moment, she wanted to be addicted.

However, this thought only lasted for a moment. She quickly regained her senses and instinctively struggled to free herself from Ye Xiao's and He's hands.

Seeing Tang Youran break free from Ye Xiao's and his hands, Bai He immediately tried to smooth things over. "Masters, Youran's dance is the best in the imperial court. Would you like to enjoy it?"

"Okay!" Xiao Yunfei replied.

Ye Xiao's expression did not seem to have changed much, but there was a hint of gloom in his eyes. It was obvious that Tang Youran's actions earlier had made him unhappy.

As a person who could get what he wanted, so far, no woman had rejected his approach.

He, Ye Xiao, was not an arrogant man. He never took the initiative in dealing with women. Today, he was rejected for the first time. It was impossible for him to be happy.

Although Ye Xiao was unhappy with him, he was not a person who easily expressed his feelings. Those who were not familiar with him did not notice the changes in him and what had happened just now.

Seeing that Ye Xiao and she didn't refuse her proposal, Bai He breathed a sigh of relief. Her suspended heart was finally at ease.