
Chapter 8

"This is a disaster!"

"What did you do? Idiot?" Before Ye Xiao could speak, Xiao Yunfei jumped up and rushed to Tang Youran.

Tang Youran was scared by Xiao Yunfei's fierce look and stammered, "Sir... I... I didn't mean to..."

"If you deliberately watch me strangle you to death!" Xiao Yunfei glared at her fiercely. Probably because of anger, he grabbed Tang Youran's hand and pulled her aside.

Tang Youran stepped back in panic. He could not stand still and fell back.

Coincidentally, her head hit the foot of the coffee table. She immediately screamed, "Ouch!"

"Youran, Youran, what's wrong with you?" Bai He rushed over and reached out to help Tang Youran.

Tang Youran's forehead began to bleed. She was so scared that her voice was trembling. "Youran, bear with it. I'll ask someone to take you to the hospital right away."

"Did I tell you to leave?" Seeing Bai He running to the door in a panic, Xiao Hongfei shouted.

"Master... Master Seven, Youran is injured. She needs treatment."

"Such a stupid woman deserves to die!" Xiao Yunfei sneered and looked at Ye Xiao and He.

"Mr. Ye, I know that Youran has offended you. It's her fault. I apologize to you. Please forgive her and let her go to the hospital for treatment! If she is disfigured, her whole life will be over!" Bai He turned to ask Ye Xiao for help.

"Get out of my way!" Xiao Yunfei stretched out his foot and was about to kick Bai He.

"Seventh Brother!" Ye Xiao, who had been sitting on the sofa watching all this coldly, stopped him.

"Big brother!"

"This lady is injured. Take her to the hospital!"

"Send her to the hospital?"

Xiao Hongfei looked at Ye Xiaohe in surprise. Ye Xiaohe didn't say anything and quickly got up from the sofa. He reached out to pick up Tang Youran, who was lying on the ground, and strode out of the room.

The car sped toward the hospital. Tang Youran was lying in the back seat with Ye Xiao and his legs making sounds. Xiao Hongfei was staring at Ye Xiao and his face, who were covering Tang Youran's wounds with a handkerchief.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Xiao snorted.

Xiao Hongfei forced a smile and withdrew his gaze, but he muttered in his heart, "What's wrong with my brother tonight? It's not his style to send a Miss who offended him to the hospital."

He clearly remembered that there was once a bar girl who poured wine on him. At that time, the bodyguards standing behind Ye Xiao broke the woman's arm without saying a word.

He had been so furious just now that he was afraid that his brother would break Tang Youran's arm as mercilessly as before. If that was the case, it would be too cruel.

Tang Youran, who had been talking all along the way, was looking around the hospital. His voice became weaker and weaker. When the car stopped, she was silent. Ye Xiao and Tang Youran strode out of the car and went straight to the emergency room. The doctor quickly treated Tang Youran's wound.

Tang Youran's head was injured. The doctor said that she had a slight concussion, and she had lost a lot of blood. Although it was not a big deal for the time being, in order to be safe, she had to observe in the hospital for two days to see what was going on.

Tang Youran was pushed into the ward. Ye Xiao and Ye Xiao followed him into the ward. Looking at Tang Youran, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, a sneer appeared on his face.

Xiao Yunfei followed him. "Brother, go back and change your clothes!"

"Yes, sir. You're covered in blood. Go back and change your clothes," Bai He also said.

"No hurry. I want to say something to Miss Tang."

"She is in a coma now. Can't she hear whatever you say to her?" Xiao Yunfei stopped her.

Ye Xiao's face darkened and he looked coldly at Xiao Hongfei, who was blocking in front of him. Xiao Hongfei was a little frightened by his gaze, so he had to step aside.