
BTS in 2000 years

They were a world renowned boy band having fans all over the world. One fateful day changed all that and was the beginning of their hell. They were exposed to radioactive energy and their cells mutated. They were declared dead to the public and experimented on by their Government. Afterwards war and ruin ravaged the world and they were caught in an explosion. Miraculously they not only survived the explosion but were not injured at all, instead they had fallen into a hibernating state which lasted 2000 years. They wake up to find that the world has changed, technology was destroyed, monsters that only appeared in movies were everywhere, the total world population had decreased more than a half of what it was like in the present and that there were special humans called “Gifted” who had special powers. What, the Bangtang boys also have superpowers? And they may be the only hope for humans? NOTE: All is fiction

Renosuke · Combinación de músicas
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 A Theory

When they finally let go of each other Junkook asked what had been on his mind for a while.

"Where are we Jin? What happened?"

"We're in the same building we were in before the explosion."

Jin saw the disbelief on his face and explained to him what he found out.

"Although it doesn't look like it, this is the same building we were in. I had woken up just an hour before you and went around to explore the ruins. I found many similarities to the research facilities we had stayed in. As for what happened, I don't know I can only make conjectures. What I do know is that there we were in an explosion and we should be dead but we're not. I checked myself earlier but I don't have a scratch on me. Remember the scars I had from when they had cut me open for their experiments, it's gone. I'm sure if you check yourself you'll find that it's the same for you. I even feel more alive than I ever had before."

Junkook carefully checked himself and found that Jin was right. All his scars were healed, he did not have a scratch on him, in fact his skin was smoother than it ever was before, his eyes could see even better, he could hear better, it was as if everything was better than before. He felt more alive.

"There is also another thing, when I stepped on you today you sent not only me but all the rubble flying. That much strength is clearly not within the limits of a normal human."

Jungkook froze, what Jin had said was right. What he did was not humanly possible. When he threw him, it merely felt as if he was throwing a pillow not a grown man.

"That's not all, when you threw me I immediately reacted, it was as if time slowed and I could accurately control my body so that I landed on my feet. I have a theory, it will sound impossible to you and you probably won't believe it but please remember to keep an open mind."

He watched Jin become more serious by the minute and prepared himself for what he was about to hear.

"I think that that radioactive energy we survived changed our bodies somehow. I think it mutated our cells. But that's not all, I think we did die."