
Boundless Gilgamesh

The first hero, the king of Uruk, is said to be destined for greatness. Not to die at the hands of a faker, a mongrel born to serve him. He felt a tug on his soul. Speculation raged; perhaps he was being summoned for another grail war. After sensing the summoning end, he opened his eyes to find.... ——————————————— This is my first time writing a story, so don't flame me too hard. I’m so bored that I’m writing a story so don’t expect constant updates, but when I do, I’ll do it in upmost quality. 500-1000 words per chapter First World: DanMachi

ToPimpAFly · Cómic
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4 Chs

Ch.3 You are even more of a slut than you were back then

I gave rank noble phantasm in my hands to Hephaestus. She took it from my hands and started to inspect it, taking notes of the materials and methods that could've been used to craft the masterpiece. I've never seen a person so happy about a D-rank noble phantasm. Deciding to speak up, I asked if she could make something better.

"I'm sure I could do it, but it would take a few decades and cost a few billion vails," Hephaestus said. She stared at me and waited for my response. I didn't even have to stop to think about my response, and there is no way that I'm going to wait a few decades for a C-rank noble phantasm that I already have a near limitless stock of.

"No, I'll decline the offer, but I do have another request. I'm wondering if you could give me a quick overview of this city in exchange for a favor." Since I'm still new and needed to know the situation, I enquired.

She replied, "Sure," before explaining the details of the city. "This city is called Orario. The city is home to a number of gods who, in search of adventure, chose to limit their divine powers in order to experience the hardships of mortals. Each god has a retinue of adventurers and support personnel drawn from the people of a Familia. The primary activity of these Familia's is to explore the Dungeon, a labyrinth beneath the city, in order to battle monsters and harvest the crystal shards. These shards are used to make magical items and other treasures, but they can also be exchanged for world currency (vails). The level and a number of ability scores used to measure an adventurer's strength. By defeating more powerful monsters, an adventurer can raise their own level and ability scores, as well as unlock special powers known as skills." She finished letting me process all the information.

I enjoyed learning this information. Even though I am aware that there are gods and goddesses who live among humans, they at least acknowledge that they experience human emotions, albeit mostly those related to their divinities.

"What's your request, goddess?"

"Let me keep this sword," she asked, hoping for a positive response despite knowing she was taking advantage of the favor.

"No, goddess, I've been very patient with you, but once you step outside your bounds, you will suffer, consider this warning my kindness." I replied, taking back the sword and placing it back in my treasury. I turned around and left the store. I perked up when I heard the brown-skinned servant tell the goddess that it was wrong to take advantage of me. After some consideration, the goddess stated that if I had stayed, she would have apologized.

'Perhaps some of the gods aren't so bad,' I reasoned to myself as I walked through the dark streets. Every now and then, I'll make a turn to avoid running into a wall. As I walked deeper into the city, I came across a new district that was lit up by blinding purple lights. As I examined the area more closely, I felt repulsed. Brothels and prostitutes clogged the streets, and the stench of sex pervaded the entire neighborhood. Disgusted, I made the decision to start my first reformation in this world after taking just one look. I was getting the GOB ready to slaughter all of these mongrels when I overheard a discussion about Ishtar and her so-called party.

I approached to inquire about this so-called party. "Tell me where this party is," I inquired.

"Center of the Red Light District," they said half-heartedly before being pierced by my weapons and dropping dead without knowing how. Many of the people in the area were about to flee when dozens of noble phantasms appeared. With noble phantasms traveling at Mach 2, the mongrels were powerless to resist, and were slaughtered, leaving behind a bloody street littered with bits and pieces of human remains in its wake.


As I approached Ishtar's location, a crazed smile appeared on my face. I considered torturing her while strangling her with Enkidu. As I approached the building, I kicked open the door. Looking into the building, I noticed Ishtar being gangbanged by a large group of men and women.

"Ishtar, you are even more of a slut than you were back then," I said as I killed everyone except Ishtar, leaving behind the treasures that had been touched by those filthy mongrels. Opening the GOB and having Enkidu strangle the goddess of the same name and divinity as the one who killed him.

"W-what a-are y-you g-going t-to d-do t-to m-me?" She stumbled through each word of her question. She was petrified beyond belief. She couldn't connect with her body in heaven, which meant that if she passed away here, she would lose her personality and become an empty shell before being reborn as the new god of love and sexuality.

"You will see, you will see." I answered in a tone that belied my hysterical grin.