
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasía
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64 Chs


Chapter 61

"I said submit, submit. You don't need to give many orders, your existence here is nothing more than a fly in a dirty place."

Die gile, how rude the way you spoke to him. Hey woman, don't you understand the article on politeness of speech? Don't you? Really? Wow, that's sick to listen to, bye.

Stepping on both feet while staring at the opponent's body without having pity and also concern, a small smile wrapped in the feeling of the curve of the cheeks so hollow is a typical depiction for the woman in front.

If I'm being honest, I'm starting to feel sorry for the young man. How is it, huh? A pale face, a body with no synergy, a limp and no intention of making any movement other than prostration certainly creates a sense of concern for normal humans, right?


"A- a- a-"

"I what?!"


You savage, rib cage!!! What's your role here, a joke?! You big-time psychopath!!!

Instead of helping the young man to stand up, with a single word the woman spoke, throwing extremely painful tortures at the opponent, creating so much blood splashing from the two ribs of the male possession in front of the eyes.

I swear, what in the world would she dare to do such a heinous thing for! Sia*, unforgivable, bye!!!

"K- kisanak, don't play such tricks. Arghhhhhh-!"

Patience bro, patience, don't shout like that. Please bear the pain, okay? Help should be coming soon l-

"Shut up!"


Sempak, why are you speaking without being mandated by me?!!! Woy idiot, how far have you come in your thinking?!!! I feel like I'm chatting with rocks on the beach, really!

Stopping the flow of conversation unilaterally, the effects of the torture experienced by the young man in an instant were brought down to the lowest possible level.

Genuinely, just experiencing a cut on the skin would give you goosebumps, how about seeing all the important senses such as the ears and nose bleeding endlessly? You would vomit, wouldn't you? Right? So instead, please stop what you're doing, bro. Fellow humans should take care of each other, not destroy each other. Please remember my words well!

"K- k- okay-okay, I give up! Until this body dares to betray, just kill me in your hell!!"

Yeah, bro? How can you just give up? Come on, get up and show your hidden abilities! Prove yourself not a loser out there, rill dah!!!

Feeling that the path of life had slipped into the abyss of emptiness, the young man without an identity card in sight then moved, speaking a sentence of surrender, waving a white flag to indicate that he had to give up the fight this time.

Actually, I don't accept the outcome of this battle. Committing an act of violence in order to reach an unequal agreement, your actions are quite cruel, bro. But what can I do? I can't possibly take the young man's place to receive pain. Arghh, stuck in an unfavorable situation, fuck you, Dissident!!!

"Huh, why didn't you try earlier? Yokai, I accept your apology. Next time don't k-"

"Owh, it turns out that there is a group of keroco holding a conversation here."

Are? A man's voice? But it doesn't sound like a young man in front of a woman, does it? Seriously, it doesn't sound like that guy, you know. For the sake of riyus, I really am.

Wanting to convey an apology from a man, I don't know where the source of the intonation of an unknown man's voice for a moment is clearly painted in the listener's senses.

Suwer, it felt unfamiliar. Since the beginning of the fight, I have never heard this person's way of speaking. Ahhhh, what a hassle, my head is about to explode, siala*!

"Whose voice was that just now?"

Are? Is it over? Heh? Really? Really? Wow, it's hard to understand.

Questioning the origin of the mysterious person's voice in both ears, a ritual of long-term torture was momentarily halted as he turned his gaze to the surrounding area.

Heck, let alone you, I don't even understand the source of the sound. Seriously, joking around doesn't work for me, seriously.

I guess so, huh? After being stuck in an uncomfortable moment for so long, you can now breathe a sigh of relief without having to worry about unexpected problems. Congratulations my friend, your safety has been guaranteed up to this point. Very pleasant, isn't it? What luck she has.


Heeeh? The reversal effect is real. Suwer, I just found out about that article, bro. Ciyus, for the sake of whatever.

Considering that the opponent's mind was haunted by various incompletely composed sentences, all the wounds and blood flow Bein had experienced instantly reversed direction, returning to a single path, namely to the young man's body.

Damn, curiosity can make the opponent's life in the safe zone. Fortunately, I think he will suffer for a long time.


"Areh? I'm safe?"

"Shut up fool, you don't seem to realize there's a third person behind this small arena."

Humu? A third person? You mean an eavesdropper or something? I honestly don't understand what you just said. It's so confusing, ahhh.

Wondering about why his body condition was improving so quickly, the interruption from the nameless woman in front spontaneously came out and lodged right in Bein's hearing.

Opinion? No need to ask again, you already know whose side I'm on. As the day wore on, curiosity began to rise.


"Hohoho, so you were able to realize it, right?"

"That voice-"

Hmmm? What's wrong with you Bein? Looking around, you seem to realize one thing. But what? Who and why? It's worth noting-

"Fellow Dissident."

Oh boy, sh*t, no way, m- how could someone like him come here without anyone's consent?!!! Oy, answer, don't ignore me like a pebble on the road, siala*!

Stopping Bein's words unilaterally, a well-built man suddenly appeared, present without an invitation label, coming and setting foot not far from where they were standing. Where did he appear through a mini black hole. Ahhhh, hard to understand, sempak!

"B- lie, this must be a lie. There's no way that he-"

"Giant Gremorka. One of the strongest races with physical characteristics in the form of a muscular body."

Eh dek, I know your intention is to convey some information to Bein, but I really hope your manners will be maintained until death. Knowledge can be forged in just one or two days, unlike manners. You can definitely understand what I'm saying, right?


The conversation was still a step on the way, swiftly the nameless woman near Bein spoke, connecting and continuing the young man's words that the person who was standing around them at this time was not just any human.

Just the arrival of a hunchbacked human I don't mind, the problem is we are watching a giant in human form, you know. It was really very dumbfounded, for real.

"Well, it may sound like small talk, but I didn't expect you to become a Dissident. I congratulate an-"

"I don't need your opinion, you fool. The reason I'm here is to complete a task."

Hmmmm? Task? What? Can you tell me? No? Well, that's disappointing.

