
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Exchanged Originally?

Chapter 60

By the way, don't you guys find it odd? The small circle contains nothing but obscure symbols, could it be-

Sh*t, impossible, this is really impossible. I swear, how could I see his body without a natural barrier between the two of us?! Woy rib, give me an explanation. Even if you say just a hint, it's the same as throwing out a special buoy when the body enters the sinking phase.

As I was about to convey the mutterings that were running through my mind, slowly by slowly, the body of a young man prostrating himself popped out from the center of the artificial circle of saliva.

I honestly don't understand why this happened, but the incident just now made me fail to understand even more, seriously.

"Through My Name, Rise and Return You to Your Original Position!"

Oh my God. Seriously? Am I really witnessing an illusion of a European witch in power? Really? Not in a joking situation, right? It's hard to understand, you know.

After an unidentified voice rang in my earlobe, a gust of wind with more power than a human walked at will and was present all around the area. Yeah, I know it's unbelievable, but when the gusts faced the women, somehow they were able to spin around, creating a full circle without any desire to hit a single hair.

Etdah, standing with Dissidents in a similar place is not a good idea. Their identity alone could be considered an impossibility, i swear.

"Haaaahhhhhh, I actually don't want to do anything. It's just that-"

"A- a- a-"

Oy-oy, you're not joking, right? He's not the guy you were fighting minutes ago, right? Don't you feel that what you did this time was a form of abuse of power? Really? Alamak, my brain is burnt to the ground, it's real.

Mumbling out from the inside of his mouth, regret clearly combined into one short sentence is an apt description of the situation here.

S- just sighing and doing nothing is fine, the thing that makes me surprised is the young man near the woman. I swear, how did he come back to life, man?! Arghhhh, you know, Dissidents do have abilities beyond limitations, ciyus!

While regrets were being expressed without any filtering at all, on the other hand, a young man of about 20 years old looked confused as he was successfully logged back into the fight.

I swear, you guys don't want to explain the article, do you? Haaah, where is that kid acting silly. Did he think the other realm had passed as easily as his eyes opened?!!! What an annoying guy!

"Eh? I came back to life? No way, i- this must be a figment of my imagination-"

Yes, isn't it? Let alone you, I'm confused about the exact reason you're here.


Feeling that something was off track, the young man hurriedly moved both hands all over his body with the intention of feeling and confirming whether this was just a dream or indeed a factual occurrence. Actually I want to argue something, but-

"Eh? My body starting from the upper limbs to the bottom does not experience anything? A- I- am I really alive? B- lie, there's no way this is a real incident. B- isn't it...."

... The logic system for the Dissident clearly doesn't apply at all. It's unfortunate, viewers. We observed the wrong research subject


Although the censorship area was intermittently moved to an uncertain area, the result "you're back on your feet" is the only answer in cases like this.

Heyya, don't ask me about this. Even your head is confused, let alone me trying.


"A dissident can't come back after his path is ruined by others, can he?"

You're being disrespectful again, aren't you? Oy Dissident, weren't you taught about manners of speech? Maybe just feel or something, but-

I feel like you don't understand what manners are.

When the young man's words were still in the final phase of the journey, the unidentified girl in front suddenly spoke, connecting the young man's words by stating that the way of life chosen by the Dissident had its own risks and responsibilities. Yep, indirectly she said that if they alias Dissidents make a decision to get out of the straight path, then all the provisions of the Almighty including death will not be cared for again by Him. This is clearly understandable, after all they themselves have deviated from the predetermined truth.


Being able to revive a fellow race even though he was essentially considered trash and never cared about again, it's really very shocking to see, isn't it? I can't understand, but I'm also unable to deny your achievement. What a pity.

"K- j- why- are you doing this to me?"

Haih? You feel curious, huh? Same, I'm experiencing the same thing as you. Ciyusan, why am I fantasizing, try? It's useless.

Saying that while looking up to the face above, the position of a prostrate servant was instantly ruined by one small movement from the young man in the area. Although the script sounds like it's about to be cornered, but I'm on your team, my friend.

"Heeehh, you shouldn't be happy just yet. Remember, your body has already vanished from the pages of fate, in other words, you can come back because of me."

Okay, no need to talk too much, what's your reason for saying this? Do you want her to shout words of praise dozens of times? Or maybe doing painful things like running around the rotating earth? Unbelievable.

Moving the knees to a squatting position obtained after 2 seconds passed, the kite of words of advice ended with a gentle smile again enchanting glimpsed very well on the eye's sensory catch.

Hayya, I don't want to talk too much, I'll just give you a hint, my friend. What you see is not necessarily one hundred percent true. I think this saying has been taught over and over again during our school days, right?


"Huh? So what do you want?! Please don't give me a headache as-"

<Kow down, disrespectful pet!>

Damn, you want so much, markonah. What's more, what's going on? Why do you want to obey his orders? Hey idiot, I need your explanation right now!!! Your actions are so annoying, really!

After explaining a string of words with no manners, the forehead that was originally raised up instantly fell, plunged uncontrollably, collapsed and hit the ground so hard that it created a condition of people prostrating themselves in a state of forced prostration.

Hayya mas, I honestly don't understand why you are like this. Putting your forehead and both hands in one position, one action certainly makes anyone, including readers, feel disgusted with themselves, doesn't it? Original, your behavior looks like a dog asking for food. For the sake of riyus, bye.

"K- k- what are- you doing?"

Heeeh? Your physique is quite strong, isn't it? Even though the body is in the midst of a big problem, it's indeed a different kind of dissident.

Although the situation continued to pull him into a compulsion beyond limits, with a slightly stuttering tone of voice, the nameless young man in front then spoke, moving his tongue gradually, uttering a word as a question about the intentions and purpose of the woman he was worshiping at the moment.

Well, I wouldn't be surprised, anyway. Forcing the opponent to be grateful without a clear qualified explanation makes the youth confused and does not fully understand the will of the woman in front.


Your fate is very unfortunate, my friend. Even though you were determined so hard in the beginning. It's really unfortunate, isn't it?
