
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Chapter 62

Before Bein could finish his sentence, the burly man in the arena blurted out his words, interrupting the young man with no shame at all.

Damn, what kind of guts does this guy have? He looked like an idiot, that's for sure.

"Tccckkk, how dare you!!!"

"Please shut up, loser. Your presence is not needed at all. I can clean her up without needing your help. Is that understood?!"

Gosh, what's all the fuss about, bye? Calm down, bro, calm down. Problems cannot be solved when emotions are lodged in the heart.

Realizing Bein's anger was spilling over without any control, a gesture in the form of an arm's reach momentarily intervened and prevented him from jumping to conclusions.

Hayya masbro, a little anxiety is certainly not a problem, right? It's not that we're being suspicious, it's just that if something happens that's out of the ordinary, would you still be willing to take action? No, right?


"You want a one-on-one duel?"

"So what, are you afraid?"

Wow, this kid has a lot of style. Eh ribs, don't do too much, get beat up a little later and cry. There's nothing, bye.

With such a dismissive look in his eyes, a snide word momentarily appeared, intuitive, coming to him clearly after the muscular man asked him a question.

If I'm being honest, my friend, the way you intimidated her looks so amateurish. Really, even a beginner like me wouldn't have such an impression, seriously.

"Doesn't the mirror show the opposite?"

Damn, the water is calm again, your words just now made me sink as shallow as possible. Seriously, what am I bragging about, trying? It's so unethical.

Although the woman's eyebrows were raised uncharacteristically, the big man on the other side casually spoke, responding to the other's words, responding to the rib's words without being instigated by feelings of resentment or emotion.

Good friend, under no circumstances should we throw a temper tantrum for no reason. Acting according to estimates and strategies is the right move. You definitely don't want to get into a mess that keeps getting worse and worse.


"Tcckkkk!!! You talk a lot!"

"Dialanto Multagan!!!"

Stress, don't you realize what you've done? After the whole series of events, he doesn't want to admit his own mistakes? What a waste!

With her hands clasped together in front of her, a move that is none other than a woman's signature skill then appeared, came to mind, and came out right after her tongue strung together two words in a foreign accent.

Jeez, man, your ears aren't going deaf, right? You're not wearing a headset, right?! If so, why do you take my advice for granted?! Sempak, for whatever reason I'm starting to feel disrespected, arghhhh!!!

Anyway, is it just me or is it already nighttime around here? How come? Why? Ahhh- scram, don't ask me because I don't really understand.


Not long after uttering a bunch of useless moves, the view of the room that the three Dissidents were occupying instantly changed into a night atmosphere so dark.

A- I don't know what to say. Speaking frankly can make the perception of a crazy person pinned to me. Seriously, not in a joking mood, you bastard!

"Hmmm? Is this the only move and-"

"Don't jump to conclusions, idiot."

Oh my, God. Seriously? Don't you feel that every action has a reward? It's impossible, isn't it? Well, you're thinking, too.

One second after the woman replied to the burly man on the other side, dozens of ripped wounds as a result of the room being torn apart were momentarily painted in great detail on both senses.

Steady, you're already playing with fire. Please watch your actions, you fool. Carelessness can cost someone their life. Remember that.

"Hoooh? Space-time breaker? I see, if you look at the impact of the damage around you, it seems like you have the ability to damage something down to the source level, huh? So that's the reason why the surrounding space seems to be torn apart by that pointy object, after all."

Hey? I don't know what I want to say, but your words really break through the stupidity in my brain. Thank you, unknown person. I will always remember your service until the end!

Placing a curve of his index finger near his lips, the burly man in front looked relaxed, made a statement that had no indication of lying, explaining briefly that the woman's skill had the ability to damage to a deep level.


Deep phase, huh? An attack with a level of damage hits the essential blueprint. It's scary to imagine, really.

"Heeehh, I don't know where you learned from, but what you just said wasn't completely wrong, really."

He didn't try to dodge at all, you know? Asli, your thoughts are really hard to understand, Ciyusan.

Feeling that each other's words matched the circumstances around them, a brief word of agreement resounded quite clearly around the arena.

Opinion? Too lazy to comment further. I invite you to have suggestions or criticism, there will be no restrictions at all, really.


"Dialanto Multagan is a great ability that belongs to me alone. The power itself is quite extraordinary. With two words, you can lock up and also trap someone in a room that is slowly shrinking. It's really very interesting, isn't it? Listening to someone's screams when the hole is endless approaching the body is a beautiful entertainment for me."

What a psychopath, this kid is. Suwer, try changing your mindset, idiot. Do you want to be shunned by everyone?!

Flicking his black hair with his right palm, a follow-up explanation then came and continued what he had said in the last minute.

Come on, sis, I admit that you look like an artist, but still, character is considered more important than appearance. A good appearance but a hypocritical heart is the same as lying. You know the empty barrel? Well, that's a suitable picture for you.


"I'm guessing, targets who can't escape or run away will suffer bad luck, right?"

Hmmm? Are you joining in because you're curious or what, bro? It wasn't his intention to accuse, it's just that his tone of voice seemed to be leaning towards this activity. Seriously, yeah.

Asking a question at the person you are talking to, both hands are raised parallel to their shoulders for a moment, which is displayed in great detail to the image-catching senses.

Comment? Lazy to add. Just move on.

"Humu, your answer could be said to be half right and half wrong. It's true that your opponent had bad luck, but-"

He answered without any desire to lie, huh? Naruhodo, your attitude this time doesn't seem like usual. M- could it be-

"They'll be thrown into an irregular space, huh?"

Seriously, bro? Really? No more joking around, right? Dead crazy, ribs. Your existence is not expected to be present on earth!

Eyebrows were raised mixed with a small smile on his face for a moment after he answered the words that were deliberately interrupted by him. In other words, the burly young man in the area interrupted the words of the woman without an identification card. Understandable?

