
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Cómic
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77 Chs


"Shiro, where were you!"

-Wow, I see they're back, I just went for a little walk.

"And those bodies?"

-They are thieves who wanted to rob us, don't worry about them, better tell me, did they already find a way to buy a new boat?

"Well yes and no."

"Look Shiro, here we have a small notebook, of many ships!".

Luffy shoved the ship sample book into his face.

-Yes, I see.

"The problem here is that, to get a minimally decent ship, it would cost 100 million berris, but we need a very powerful ship."

"And there are about 300 million berries, those of the last generation."

-But, aren't there cheaper boats?

"Yes there is, but as I said, these boats are of very low quality, if we are going to continue sailing as in the places we usually go, we would need the strongest that currently exists."

-So now the only problem is money.

"If it seems that way, we don't know how we are going to get millions of berris, it's a lot."

-Then what if we steal.

"Hey no".

"Too bad Shiro, I never thought that you are that kind of person."

"What do you think, shiro? Are we pirates?"


-That we are.

"Ah, yes true, but we won't rob innocent people, there must be another way."

-Mmm....if you don't want it to be innocent people, what if we rob pirates.

"That would be more acceptable, but if we rob pirates here, we would earn ourselves a lot of trouble, we couldn't really leave, because the creation of the ship would take many days."

-That's not a problem, I can go to Jaya and steal some ships from there, maybe I can get something.

"Good idea!".

"WOW shiro, you are very useful!".

Wasn't it before?

Shiro only broke out a small drop of sweat.

"Hey, has anyone seen Robin, I don't see her anywhere."

"It's true chopper, hey shiro do you know something?"

-According to what I know, she went to the city to buy some things, from then on, I don't know anything, maybe she was entertained in a bookstore reading or I don't know.

"Mmm.....maybe, I guess we'll wait for her, I don't think anything bad will happen to her."

"Yes, you have to eat now."

"You can't stop thinking about food!"

It was already 6 in the afternoon, Nami had brought some sandwiches and dishes from this city, which she served as dinner, after that Shiro didn't want to waste any more time and decided to go to Jaya again.

Appearing in the shiro port, he saw how the place was illuminated by lanterns, since it was not so night, you could see civilians and some pirate groups walking around.

Shiro just turned and saw exactly the port, there were pirate ships a few days, some large and others normal.

Most of the ships did not have people, but only about 3 were infested with pirates.

He started with the first boat that seemed empty, when he got on it, he saw the typical things, barrels of food, dirty clothes, alcohol thrown on the floor, he didn't care and just entered the room of the boat.

Upon entering, he saw that there were two people.

"Hey, who are you..."

Two bodies fall loudly.

>You got 400 EXP<.

-Mmm... see.

He went into the offices, seeing Loge Pose, some maps, and money, what mattered most to him.

He took a sack and began to fill in the money, he could calculate at sight that there were about 3 million, although it was the smallest ship, already having millions is something remarkable.

After getting everything he wanted from the ship, he destroyed the base of the ship causing it to flood little by little, while Shiro calmly walked out of there.

-Okay, let's go with the next one.

About 20 minutes, and I was just on the fifth ship.

>You got 5680 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

In the 20 minutes he had climbed a total of 2 levels and the fifth ship was one of the ones with a lot of people.

At the moment, he had collected a total of 45 million, a good thing, but there was also a bad thing.

As Shiro's heart was so bad, that not only was it enough to steal from pirates, but he also made them sink, this caught the attention of many people, whether pirates or civilians who warned the pirates themselves, telling them that there is a guy who was attacking their ships.




Shiro who had a sack of money on her back, looked at these guys in a bored way.

-All of you are pirates, right?

"Of course we are, come on guys we have to kill him!".

He already confirming that all of them were pirates and that there were a total of about 60 people, obviously they were different pirate groups.

He just took out his sword, forming a dragon and launching a super powerful slash at the guys, killing all of them.

>You got 11200 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

He only needed 6 levels to reach level 100, so being scandalous and having more pirates come suited him.

And just like that scandal said, it drew the attention of the ships that were next to it, along with the people inside, either from the city or from the ship.

But that didn't matter, they were all cannon fodder for Shiro currently, so if they were already on alert, he wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

1 hour later.

>You got 9800 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

Shiro was sitting on his big sack of money, he currently has about 156 million.

And that he was sitting, well, waiting, waiting in case more people came, the port currently, was only blood, bones, heads, intestines, all scattered human parts, several meters full of bodies like destruction on the floors you could see.

It had been a complete massacre.

The civilians were very afraid, it seemed that people had recognized him in the half hour he was here, thanks to the incident when he killed Bellamy.

-Mmm....it seems that no one will come anymore, well I think it's time to go.

Shiro just took his sack of money and disappeared from the place, relieving the civilians in the area.

Now appearing on the boat, it was already 7:38 at night.

-I'm here.

"Yes, it took you time, eh, why did it take so long?"

-It was difficult to infiltrate the ships.

"I see, so, gimme-gimme-gimme."

-Have a drink.

Shiro put the big sack of money in front of Nami, she just opened it and saw a lot of wads of bills, her eyes lit up making stars appear in them.

-There is a total of 156 million there, unfortunately, I couldn't get the amount to reach 300.

"Don't worry, we can pay 150 in advance, and when they finish the boat, we'll pay the rest, it would be enough time to get the leftover money."

-It's true.

-Now changing the subject, how are you doing with your training.

"Well, I'm still adapting little by little to my fruit, I haven't even been a day yet."

-It's true, take your time with the fruit issue, but now I want to see you train your physique.

"What?!, but it's night and it's a bit cold."

-A thousand abs, warm up your body, so do it now.


Nami only squinted at Shiro, before starting to do the training.

-I'll go elsewhere, I also need to train.

"You will leave me doing sit-ups and only for you to leave later."

-That's right, now continue doing the sit-ups and you won't do anything else until you finish them.


Shiro just gave a small laugh that only earned a contemptuous look from Nami.

Leaving that aside, Shiro teleports to Skype again.

[Very good, I have 3 levels left to reach level 100, I'll start doing this quickly].

I do not doubt it and advance at full speed in search of its first victim.

1 hour later.

>You got 12500 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

>Congratulations on reaching level 100<.

>The first system update is starting to load<.

>Waiting time 30 minutes<.

>Wait a moment please...<.

Shiro I want now he had already reached level 100, he just sat in a tree to wait for the update to load, thanks to that he can't even increase a point in his statistics, the system was blocked.






30 minutes later...

>Charging complete<.

>System 1.5 implemented successfully<.

>Please check the new news and enjoy<.

[System 1.5]



(500/10100) [EXP] | [11 Golden Tickets]







Benefit Points:0 points | For each level will increase 10 points in the respective statistics of the class.


Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be tripled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Self Sustainment]: You can live without the need to eat.


[Improvement Points] [110]




Energy:500 (-250)




[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense he has lost, those points will double his speed and strength. [Multiplier effect by 2.6].

[+3 Improvements].

Limit Breaker: Any effect or damage that reduces any stat to 0 will be limited to only 1 point. [1 Use per Day].

[Active Skill].

Black Flash: A distorting blow to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies the damage hit by the user by 2.9) [Maximum uses 4 times per day] [+3 Enhancements].

Teleportation: You can teleport to any place you see or have been, with each teleportation you spend 50 energy points.

[My perk points reset?].

>No, the reason why it appears in 0 is that you start from 0 in the benefit points of this first update<.

>You will still have the points previously obtained before the update<.

[Oh, okay].

[So system, now it's true that I can fuse skills and get skills of higher ranks, right?].

>That's right, the skill fusion implementation is active and the skill ranges have been increased, this is the new list<.

Common - 1 Ticket

Rare - 3 Tickets

Unique - 5 Tickets

Epic - 10 Tickets

Legendary - 15 Tickets

Mystic - 20 Tickets

Spiritual - 30 Tickets

Treasure - 50 Tickets

Omega- 100 Tickets

[Whew, wow...Omega 100 Tickets, they must be very powerful skills].

[But to collect 100 tickets at the moment, it's impossible for me, so I guess I'll have to rule it out for now].

[I don't care, now if I have a good motivation, it's time to hunt].