
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


5 hours later.

>You got 180 thousand EXP<.

[There is a big difference now in EXP gain].

[Well it's time to improve].

[System 1.5]



(6900/11700) [EXP] | [27 Golden Tickets]







Perk Points: 160 points | For each level will increase 10 points in the respective statistics of the class.


Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be tripled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Self Sustainment]: You can live without the need to eat.


[Improvement Points] [270]




Energy:660 (-250)




[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense he has lost, those points will double his speed and strength. [Multiplier effect by 2.6].

[+3 Improvements].

Limit Breaker: Any effect or damage that reduces any stat to 0 will be limited to only 1 point. [1 Use per Day].

[Active Skill].

Black Flash: A distorting blow to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies the damage hit by the user by 2.9) [Maximum uses 4 times per day] [+3 Enhancements].

Teleportation: You can teleport to any place you see or have been, with each teleportation you spend 50 energy points.

[Ok, so it will be, 100 points in both defense and strength and 70 points in speed].

[I also have to improve skills, so...].

[System, I want to upgrade my "Last Wish" skill twice, and my "Black Flash" skill 3 times in the multiplier part].

>Upgrade completed successfully<.


[System 1.5]



(6900/11700) [EXP] | [2 Golden Tickets]







Perk Points: 160 points | For each level will increase 10 points in the respective statistics of the class.


Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be tripled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Self Sustainment]: You can live without the need to eat.


[Improvement Points] [0]




Energy:660 (-250)




[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense he has lost, those points will double his speed and strength. [Multiplier effect by 3].

[+5 Upgrades].

Limit Breaker: Any effect or damage that reduces any stat to 0 will be limited to only 1 point. [1 Use per Day].

[Active Skill].

Black Flash: A distorting blow to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies the damage hit by the user by 3.5) [Maximum uses 4 times per day] [+6 Enhancements].

Teleportation: You can teleport to any place you see or have been, with each teleportation you spend 50 energy points.

[Now that I realize it, I don't see the time, what happened with that system].

>The first update, was going to be implemented together with the time section, making it so that you don't even see the system, you know exactly what time it is all the time<.

[Ok...I mean, I spent 1 ticket for the pure ones].

>That's right<.

[Well, who cares, now I'm starting to have the same problem as little garden].

[I already hunted for almost the entire island and the species will gradually decrease in quantity, so it is probable that I can only come to hunt 2 times more at most].

[What difference does it make].

Shiro then teleports to the ship, when he arrived, everything was already silent, it was obvious, it was 2 in the morning.

[System I have a question, class skills could also be improved, right].

>That's right, there are 5 tickets per upgrade<.

[Mmm...I see, that self-sustaining ability, I see it as very curious and useful, maybe I'll improve it when I get the necessary tickets, but hey, now I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy].

Our protagonist went to lie down on the bed to sleep peacefully.

7 Hours Later.

It was already after 9 in the morning and Shiro and the others had begun to search. On the one hand, Nami and Luffy left to talk about buying the ship, while Zoro, Chopper, and I were in charge of searching. to Robin, because he had not appeared even at night and theWorry made them think the worst.

Shiro just jumped from roof to roof looking at each alley without finding anything.

[Where would he have gone?].

While looking for Robin, he heard small riots in the streets, he didn't understand the reason, until when he looked at the people and the civilians saw him, they screamed.

"There is one of the mayor's assassins, catch him!"

"Yes, they will pay us!"



He saw many civilians, most of them builders, because of their clothes and because they had construction instruments using them as weapons, going up floor by floor to try to catch him.

[Oe-Oe-Oe, I know I'm a murderer, but at no time did I kill a mayor?].

He did not understand the reason why these civilians tried to attack him.

[Hmm....should I kill them? , naaa , they are so weak most of them are level 1 , apart from they are civilians there is no reason to attack them , if I kill them , who will build their ship , a bad reputation on this island , it would leave us without being able to navigate].

Shiro after thinking about it, just jumped from house to house with more speed, thus managing to lose people, for the moment.

He stood in a very tall building, wondering why these people were trying to attack and calling him a murderer.

Magically by the work of the script, thanks to a huge wind that had started since morning, a newspaper crashed into Shiro's face, he took it, to throw it away, but notices something striking on the cover.

In it was the photo of Zoro, Luffy, Robin and him, with their names and rewards, this news stated that his group shot the mayor of ice burg last night.

-What we what? I was hardly here at night.


Shiro sat down to think and pick up loose ends.

-Aver, none of the group used to use shooting weapons, with the exception of me and it's clear that it wasn't me.

-Ice Burge is the person to whom Mrs. Kokoro entrusted us so that she can help us with the ship, so there would be no reason to attack it either, since we would need her help.

-And also the group is not to attack for no reason and much less people who are not pirates or strong enemies.

-But he says it was last night and if I think about it, the only person who didn't show up was Robin and she's the one we're looking for right now, but it wouldn't make sense either, since according to his attitude and behavior, he showed he didn't know nothing from the city or did he lie?

-So either they are blaming us for no apparent reason or maybe Robin has done something, but for an unknown reason.

-Where will that woman be?

-To top it off, this city is huge with many ups and downs, it's annoying.

Shiro scratches his head a bit annoyed.

At that moment a voice is heard from the city's loudspeakers.

"For the lagoon water alert, it has been issued for the entire island, that all the gunners on the island will be turned into flood channels!"

"The channels are very congested, so we recommend you to run, to reach the evacuation area, do not forget that pier 1 is very dangerous!".

[Flood channels, will this city flood more? , it partly makes some sense, but it's another annoyance].


Shiro just kept jumping house to house.

30 minutes later.

He had been looking for Robin all this time, but nowhere did he see her, while he kept looking, on one of the roofs he found the group gathered on a roof.

So he jumped to the place, drawing everyone's attention.

"Oh, shiro, we were thinking of going to look for you."

- They already found out about the problem right.

"Yes, but now we have another problem."

-Which is it?.

"Tell him Chopper."

The little chopper listened to Nami and talked to Shiro about what happened, he had found Robin, chopper said that Robin herself had said that she was the one who tried to assassinate the mayor and that it was her intention to frame us, also saying that I would no longer be in our crew andthat this was goodbye.

So that's what he said.

"That's how it is".

"So if she said that she will never see us again after today and said that things will get worse, then it can be deduced that she plans to do something else today."

"This town is already upset with the assassination attempt on the mayor, there's only one way to make things worse."

-That this time they assassinate the mayor.

"Yes, it is the most obvious conclusion."

"But we know that he wants to make us the scapegoats of this area, it means it could be a trap, to lure us to the crime scene."

"And if the mayor dies, it would be easier to incriminate yourself."

"So if something is going to happen, it will be tonight."

"So, captain... shall we go?"


"But there is a problem".

Nami wanted to add some information.

"When luffy talked to the mayor, he told him that he saw Robin and a big guy with a mask with her."

"And it's obvious that guy isn't part of our crew."

-Then it is more likely that the cause of Robin's decisions is because of the masked guy.

"That's right, maybe that person is forcing her to do those horrible things."

"That can be the positive side, the negative side is that that woman works for that guy."

"But then now, what is our goal."

Everyone had remained silent looking at Luffy waiting for the answer, total, even though he is completely stupid, he is still the captain.

"We must catch Robin, that's the only way to know."

With the words of the captain, the decision was made, they would have to go to where the mayor was and capture Robin.