
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

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56 Chs

chapter 26: The Lunar knight part 2

Rowan: [Moonblade: Soul of the Lunar knight]


Suddenly, a thick dark purple aura burst out of Moonblade and covered his whole body.

Everything went silent for a moment as the

aura around Rowan's body slowly died down, a Armored figure emerged from the aura, It was Rowan.


Rowan: Whooaaa!

he surprised by his own doing. After admiring his new form, he looked at the mud monster.

Rowan: Let you be my practice dummy...

Here I come!

Leaving a trail of dark purple aura in his wake, Rowan shot forward, his every step caused a crack on the ground, as he closed the distance between him and the the monster.

Mud monster: D.. ie.. You.. will die...

Dodging the fist of the giant mud monster, Rowan charged forward with his sword in his hands.


Stopping in the middle of the track, he launched himself high into the air until he was at hight that surpassed the head of the monster.

Rowan: [Aura Burst]


Releasing a thick dark purple aura from his sword, Rowan watched as the monster's chest blasted away.

Rowan: Done..

Sally: Wow, Rowan! What was that? It's not magic, That's not magic nor anti-magic!

Rowan: Go to hell, you crazy girl! ...Huh??

He turned to look at the mud monster and was surprised to see that the chest of the monster started to regenerate.

Rowan: It can regenerate...

The monster launched a punch at Rowan, he avoided getting hit and shot backwards.

Rowan: Then let's see who'll last longer!?

[Ice Magic: Bone Chilling Flames]

Realizing that the monster could only regenerate due to the now massive amount of mana it had Rowan started to freeze as much as mud he can.

Rowan: 'Let keep freezing it and force it to use up all its mana healing itself.'


Sally: Give up Rowan! Just let me Capture you and Asta.

The girl yelled watching Rowan evade every attack.


Sally : Ahh.., I really like you Rowan.

Mud monster: Die.. y..uo all... need to.. d...ie!


The monster looked down at the white haired Neige was still alive crawling on the ground.

Neige: B-Baro.. It's me Neige.

Not understanding his little brother's words, the monster Swung its fest downwards.

Rown: *tch* Dammit!

Appearing in front of Neige with aura covering his sword, Rowan used [Aura Burst] to blow up the mud fist that was about to crush Neige.

Neige: Y-you saved me.

He stuttered in shock.

Rowan: You're going to Magic Knights headquarters with us.. you need to answer many questions.

Mud monster: RAAWWRRR!

Staring at monster from inside his helmet, it's showed bright golden light coming from inside.

The glow around Rowan's sword started to change from dark purple to a blue color.

Sally: Firey Ice again!?

Taking a step forward he watched as the monster healed it's hand and threw another punch at him.

Rowan: [Ice magic: Ice God'sThundering Foot]

Activating his spell Rowan Combind the physical enhancements he gain from aura and his new Armored form he pushed himself up from the ground and shot towards the approaching fist.




The fist and Rowan's sword collided sharply as Rowan started to furiously hack away at the fist slicing of the large chunk of mud in the process.

Sally: Oh wow.

She raised her eyebrows seeking the mud arm getting whittled down.

Rowan: This is not enough...

Using his power to his extinct, the flames on his sword started to dei down slowly and replaced with aura, the aura around his sword started to solidify as new words started to appear on his sword.


Rowan: I want...



Rowan: I want..,no.

His movement started to become blurry, his mind gone to a state of enlightening.




As if hearing his declaration, the aura coming from his sword intensified and the Moonblade started to vibrate heavily.

Suddenly new information started popping up in his mind and a voice come from somewhere.

"To be called a Lunar knight, one must live in harmony with celestial forces beyond this world During the night, while others must slumber, Lunar knight serve as both watcher and protector."

"Even when the dawn seems far away, everyone can rest easy knowing the night is on their side.With sword in his hands, soul and heart, Lunar knight are those how choose to stand between enemy and all that he love or hold sacred."



Sally: Ohh.. what was that??


He screamed in response as the aura around him started to burst in every direction.


Sally: Whooh!

She watched every thing in amazement.

Rowan's hole Armor was surrounded in dark purple glow, his slashing speed and attack range increased as he practically tore through monster's arm cutting even smallest pieces of mud in to nothing.

Neige: Am..azing...

His eyes lit up as he watched the scene.

Sally: You're amazing! I really want you Rowan!

Rowan: Not yet.. I'M NOT DONE YET!

He shouted as he kicked off the cave wall and shot towards the monster's back with full speed.

Rowan: [Moonblade: Sword heart]


Crashing into monster's back, Rowan's Sword violently hacked away at it from the inside to the point that he made a tunnel o

on the chest of the monster in his way to the front and burst out from it's chest.

Sally: Hehe.., Amerzing, amazing... amazing! You're seriously amazing!

The girl laughed Madly as the monster's body started to regenerate.

Rowan: 'Even that's not depleting it's mana fast enough. Do I need to use my last Trump card!?'

Suddenly a voice sounded out from the entrance, turning back Rowan saw Gauche and Asta running back Inside.

Gauche: [Mirror Magic: Reflect Refrain]

Asta: We're here to help, Rowan.. huh!? Where did Rowan go?

Asta started to look around for Rowan he can't recognize him because of his armor.

Rowan: Here... Asta!

Rowan waved his hand attracting Asta's attention.

Asta: Huh!? You got another cool stuff, you jerk!

He shouted in dissatisfaction.

Asat: Just you wait, I'm the one that going to become the wizard king.

Bringing out his second Anti-Magic sword, Asta slashed at the monster sent out a flying slash in monster's direction.

Asta: There it is.. take this.

Mud monster: RAAWWRRR!!

The monster screamed before healaling again.

Asta: Ehh!?

He was surprised after seeing not even that worked.

Rowan: What did you expected, I blown him dozens of time but nothing happened.

Sally: Wow! What was that!? A flying anti-magic slash attack!? How did you launched that??

Gauche: 'Damn it! The only way to beat this thing is to either depleting it's mana or damag it faster than it can regenerate!'

He clenched his fists remembering that this this was the thing that kidnapped Marie.

Before arriving in the area with Asta, both of them had seen Armored man tear through the chest and depleted some of it's mana.

Gauche: 'Wait a second.. I've always used a double of myself of the fight.. what would happen if I used it on someone.

After seeing the damage that both Rowan and Asta were able to do to that monster, Gauche had no choice but to acknowledge the two of them.

Gauche: 'tch, to think that I have to rely on someone else..!'

Looking into his grimoire, Gauche was surprised to see new words forming on one of his pages.

Gauche: Asta! Rowan!

He called out and drew their attention.

Both boys turned to look at the Gauche who was revealing a small mirror embedded in his left eye.