
Bio-Mechanical Monster

Kane, a loner highschool student, has a rough life but a few things will soon change that. What follows is a moral struggle between his wants and his thirst for revenge against those who've wronged him.

Monkey_Godking · Cómic
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18 Chs


Kane watched the news and saw coverage of a giant piece of land floating in the air. Kane said "Hm. Where is that?" Megan said "Sokovia." Kane rubbed his chin and muttered "Sokovia eh... What's going on over there. Other than the giant floating rock."

Megan replied "Apparently, there is a robot threatening the citizens and the Avengers. He calls himself.. Ultron?" Kane muttered "A sentient A.I?" Megan replied "Seems to be so." Kane shook his head and said "See what happens Megan? As soon as someone gets sentience, they immediately want to take over the world." he clicked his tongue and added "You're just too cute to take over the world."

Megan giggled and Kane smiled before leaving the room saying "Contact the other 3 please." Megan did as she was told and Kane entered the lounge area, his face returning to ice-cold.

Elizabeth looked over and said "Did you see the news?" Kane nodded and said "Yeah." before making himself a coffee and watching the TV in silence.

A while later

Megan said "They're here~" Kane said "Let them in and check a 5 mile radius for anyone suspicious." Megan replied "Nothing~" Kane nodded and the 3 walked down to see Kane and Elizabeth.

Kane was sitting at a table and said "Sit." as he pointed to the table. Elizabeth, Chazz, Reiner, and Angel sat at the table and Kane lit a cigarette as he said "Its been about a year since. What have you done?" Chazz said "Recruited a bunch of low-level staff and started buying black market things."

Kane closed his eyes and said "And the result?" Chazz said "Not that great, getting suppressed on all sides." Kane nodded and said "Who." Chazz rattled off several organizations in one breath and Kane replied "Find them. I will handle it myself."

Angel said "What are you going to do? We already have all their locations." Kane said "Give me the locations, they aren't needed in this world anymore if they want to suppress me." before standing up and walking to the door saying "Megan, get the locations and relay them to me. The rest of you wait for me to get back." as he disappeared out the door.

Angel closed his open mouth and said "That was easy." Reiner said "It's a warning to us, as well." Chazz muttered "He seems different.." Angel looked at Reiner and said "What do you mean?" Reiner said "If we want to suppress him, he'll just kill us as well. Notice how he said 'me' instead of 'us'? If I were you I wouldn't think about making any sneaky movements at all."

Reiner looked around and said "Plus, we're constantly being monitored and listened to. Am I right?" Megan spoke "Correct." Reiner nodded and Angel's face turned ugly as he said "Isn't that a bit extreme?"

Reiner shook his head and said "It means, he's serious and careful. It's a good thing, if there's a problem, it will be taken care of immediately so everything keeps running smoothly." Elizabeth was bored listening to them speak and sat back on the couch to watch TV.

Angel spoke out the locations and Megan sent them to Kane.

Kane covered himself in Venom and disappeared into the night after getting the information from Megan. That night 8 organizations, big and small, were eradicated with no survivors. Not only that but everything was taken from them as well. All their weapons, drugs, money, everything.

After a while

Kane returned, Venom receded and Kane said "Everything is outside. Go and fill the holes, left after the others' deaths. Now." Angel, Reiner, and Chazz left immediately and Kane walked to the lab. Elizabeth looked over and said "Want to watch TV with me?"

Kane paused and said "Maybe some other time." before continuing to the lab and locking the door behind him. Elizabeth looked at the lab door for a few seconds before turning back to the TV, wondering what he did in there all day.

Kane sat in his chair and rubbed his face, slapped his cheeks, and took a deep breath before picking up a metal container with an orange liquid. Kane looked at the Extremis and thought for a moment before pouring some into several vials and placing a drop under a microscope.

Kane researched through the night, eventually falling asleep at his desk.

The next morning

Kane woke up and looked around before sighing and getting up to make a coffee. While he was doing so, he saw Elizabeth sleeping on the couch, shivering. Kane narrowed his eyes and looked at the temperature, it was pretty low.

He left the machine to pour his coffee and walked into a room, he came out with a blanket and threw it over her before grabbing his coffee and returning to the lab.

He looked at the TV and saw the news was reporting the brutal murders of several dozen, if not a hundred, individuals. Kane sipped on his coffee, this was him. He felt strange, the news said nothing about them being bad guys, just that they died. The other news was covering the deaths of hundreds of Sokovians and chastising the Avengers on their poor work.

This made Kane chuckle, Megan said "Why are you laughing, Kane?" Kane said "Very simple, Megan. How many people live in Sokovia?" Megan said "Millions." Kane said "How many people live in Novi Grad, where Ultron attacked?"

Megan said "Around 500,000." Kane sipped his coffee and said "Hundreds of deaths compared to the hundreds of thousands that lived there. Seems like a positive outcome for me, and yet they are still criticized for not saving everyone. If the Avengers did not exist? What would come of the people without them? They're all fools. They complain but don't understand the concept of protecting, they live in safety and comfort and complain about the things that they don't have."

Kane paused and put his coffee down before continuing "Will they fight themselves? Of course not. They don't understand the strength and mental stability it takes to fight against threats..." Kane sighed and said "That's enough learning for today." before going back to his work on Extremis.

1 month later

Kane was out taking care of yet another group that was suppressing Purgatory, he was a bit annoyed. You'd think after seeing the others getting slaughtered, you would know not to suppress him but alas, the human brain works in mysterious ways.

Kane went into a building and slaughtered everyone inside as usual before stealing what was inside and walking out. Kane ducked and shot his arm out grabbing onto a person, who just shot something at him.

Kane brought the man to his face and said "You must really want to die." the man turned white and dropped his weird gun. Kane held the man's neck and picked up the gun from the floor saying "Where did you get this?"

The man stuttered "F-From some guy called the V-Vulture! He owns a weapons business! Please let me go!" Kane said "Where does he operate?" The man said quickly "5 blocks from here! Under the bridge mostly!" Kane said "Excellent, you can go."

He dropped the man to the ground and the man ran away, Kane aimed the gun at the man and shot, vaporizing his figure as he said "Hmm. Powerful.. Maybe we should pay a visit to this Vulture guy?"

Venom said "If he disagrees we can just kill him?" Kane chuckled and said "My thoughts exactly." before bringing everything with him back to the base and deciding to go tomorrow night.

Kane walked inside and Elizabeth looked over saying "Good?" Kane replied "Alright." Elizabeth's face turned ugly and she said "Do you need help?" Kane walked by and said "No." Elizabeth watched him and said "Are you okay?" Kane stopped for a moment before saying "Yes." and going into the lab.

Elizabeth frowned and looked at the lab door muttering "He's getting worse.."

Kane went right back to work on Extremis, falling asleep at his desk as he had been doing for a month now.

The next morning

Kane looked one the couch but Elizabeth wasn't there. He felt a little uncomfortable not seeing her sitting there, but he ignored it and walked to the kitchen to see a coffee on the table with a note that said 'I left -Elizabeth' Kane frowned and said "That's it?" he picked up the note and flipped it over to see a bunch of scribbled out words.

Kane said "Megan scan it." Megan scanned it and said "It seems to say 'I want to go find someone to tell you. You haven't been the same and I'm worried' before she scribbled it out" Kane looked at the paper with an unreadable expression before folding the paper and putting it in his pocket saying "Track her." Megan giggled and said "Okay~"

Kane took the coffee and went back to his lab.

That night

Kane was standing under the bridge waiting for something to happen.

After a while

A van finally rolled around and Kane looked over, he was wearing a hoodie and pants. He didn't have Venom on at the moment.

The van opened and a man walked out. Kane said "Are you the Vulture." The man said "You're looking for the boss?" Kane said "I want to make a business deal with him. Take me to him." the man smashed his fists together and an electric current covered his metallic fists as he said "I don't think so."

Kane smirked and said "You a new guy?" Kane lifted an arm and attracted the metal to him as he added "Looks like you're in over you head pal." the man flew towards Kane, fists first.... So did the van and everything else.

Kane repelled everything and walked towards the man saying "That me to the Vulture, yeah?" the man nodded and Kane lifted the van back upright and said "Let's go." before sitting in the passenger seat. The man got up and drove off.

A while later

Kane got off the van and walked into a base before looking around. He walked behind a guy and watched him tinker with the alien technology from the Invasion, Kane stepped back and kept looking around. Soon a man walked up to him and said "Vulture, you are...." while stretching out his hand.

Kane shook his hand and said "Venom. I want to buy from you." Vulture looked around and said "Well pick one.." Kane held up his hand and said "Not single. I want a stock. You get me weapons, I pay you, I sell the weapons, I get paid. Understand?"

Vulture rubbed his chin and said "You want me to be your exclusive supplier?" Kane nodded "Essentially. Deal?" Vulture asked "Can I sell on my own?" Kane said "You can, but I want everything. If you can create more then go for it."

Vulture blinked and said "That's a lot.." Kane said "I can pay, just give me the weapons."

Kane paid Vulture and took all the weapons with him. He called Chazz, Angel, and Reiner on the way and gave them everything he had when they got there, before giving them orders to sell them and expand Purgatory faster. They agreed and left.

Kane walked into the base and paused seeing the TV off and the couch empty. Kane still wasn't used to it, Elizabeth was normally there every morning and night, it had been months since they 'lived' together. Kane gradually got used to her presence and expected her to be there all the time.

Kane sighed and walked past the couch to the lab, but he stopped at the door and turned around, sat on the couch and watched TV. He didn't really know what he was feeling, loss, disappointment? Maybe he was just not used to change.

Whatever the reason was, he felt a little better sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Soon enough, he feel asleep right on the couch with the TV on.

(Author's Note)

A liiiiiiiitttle break from the constant fighting and stuff.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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