
Beyond Impossible

" Nothing is impossible, It's just the probability of it happening is infinitely close to zero which makes people believe it's impossible. But remember one thing, even if you are infinitely close to death dont lose hope as its still possible for you to live an extra ordinary life." A teenager boy kept on murmuring these words as he was laying on the ground covered in a pool of blood on the verge of death but the chances of him living were very slim. Then suddenly there was a loud thunderclap which alerted the galaxy and the boy suddenly disappeared from the pool of blood. This is a story how that boy lived his life full of adventure and overcame the difficulties in his life step by step until he reached the realm of God hood and started to control the elements of the universe freely like he controlled his fingers. ------------------------------------- This web novel is based in magic cultivation world and just follows up the adventure of a young man named Avadhut. The cover isn't mine. Its just something I got from google.

Destamon_0332 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Avadhut's first Quest

Avadhut was very happy as he was finally able to start cultivating. He was not an oddball any more and was just like any other human beings who cultivated and strengthens the human foundation. He could also live a long life and would not die from old age at just 60-80s which was considered pretty young man in todays society as normal peoples usually live up to 700 years and some could even live up to 1000 years. It was said that from Gold realm and above peoples lifespans continue to grow even more. The eight Adamantium realm experts who normal humans referred as sages are rumored to be older than 10000 years old and are still in their prime.

When Avadhut was dreaming about his future with his eyes gleaming stars, a system prompt could be heard.

[As the host has finally stepped into the ranks of a cultivator, the host has unlocked new system functions and received a gift.]

{Ding. Quest window unlocked.}

{Ding. Inventory window unlocked. Just say or think 'open inventory' to know further}

{Ding. You have received two new techniques.

1.Heavenly Elements stealth technique

2.Heavenly Elements sensing technique

Please visit the status window for further information.}

Avadhut was surprised with the sudden gift which he received.

[Don't be too surprised. Its just the things which would be helpful from now on and almost every cultivator possesses these techniques though the technique you received are of the highest level.]

"OH" after understanding it Avadhut then called his status window,

{Status Window}

Name: Avadhut Sureshwar

Race: Human

Elemental Affinity: Lightning Affinity(10%-can be increased in the future)

Cultivation Technique: 1st form of Heavenly Tribulation, 9 Heavens Heavenly Tribulations(locked)

Stealth Technique: Heavenly Elements Stealth technique(more...)

Sensing Technique: Heavenly Elements sensing technique(more...)

HP: 25

System Level: 1(Bronze realm)

(Note: Every system level refers to a realm of human cultivation ranks and every increase in system level gives host with 100 free stats points.)

Host Level: 1

(Note: Every host level refers to a sub-stage in every realm of human cultivation ranks and every increase in host level gives 25 free stats points.)

Experience: 0/100 (100 exp. required to level up)

Strength: 20

Physique: 20

Agility: 23

Wisdom: 24

Vitality: 25

Unallotted S.P: 25

{Quest: no quest issued)

{Store: locked} (unlocks after host levels up 5 times)


When Avadhut saw two new panels in his status window he then understood what it was. The Heavenly Elements Stealth technique as its name suggests was a stealth technique which helped in hiding his aura and elemental energy emitting from his body. Due to it being the highest level stealth technique only those who are two complete realm above him could sense his cultivation level. It was the most required technique for him as his new cultivation level would attract a lot of attraction and danger for him because in common knowledge a person with no elemental affinity could never cultivate. If Avadhut could cultivate in those circumstances, than he would sure have some short of secrets which would help anyone to cultivate and become stronger.

Even though the humans were much more united in this era than ever, they were still greedy in these short of cases. Humans still had a huge hunger of power.

Similarly, the Heavenly Elements sensing technique was a top level technique which helped in sensing the environment and cultivation levels of people who were 5 levels higher than him. Both of these techniques were very helpful to him as the cultivation world was full of danger and the ones who could not know their surroundings or hide themselves among these huge powerhouses could not rise too high in the world.

After getting the rewards and understanding them completely he moved over to his inventory function which helped him place any of his belonging to a closed of dimensional pocket which could be accessed only by him. It was like a room with a volume of 100 cubic meters.

Not even a speck of dust could be seen and there was no presence of air in there. This place was like there was no effect of time. It was a completely separate space.

After checking every one of the systems features Avadhut stopped thinking about those things and started comprehending the new two techniques he received. After about 2 hours he finally finished cultivating these techniques. The level of these techniques would automatically increase with his rise in cultivation level. Then he started practicing the stealth technique. The aura around him were suddenly sucked inside himself and he now seemed like a person who never cultivated. There was not even a speck of elemental energies emitting from him.

After he finished cultivating he started to make his plans for future. As he wanted to enroll into one of the academies he must increase his cultivation level to the seventh stage of bronze realm but it wasn't so easy. As he was thinking over and over what to do he suddenly received a notification from the system.

{Ding, first Quest for the host issued.

(Quest: Increase your cultivation level to copper realm and get accepted to a High level Institute.)

Reward: 100 free stats point

: Increase in elemental affinity(Depends upon hosts level upon completion of the quest)

Time limit: Before the enrollment examinations

Failure Penalty: Withdrawl of the system, Drop of cultivation level}

When Avadhut saw the Quest mission and the failure penalty he could not help but curse the system out loud.

"Fuck you. What do you think I am trying to do here. And what is with this insane mission. Do you really think it is easy to jump over to Copper realm so easily. Peoples usually spend two or three years leveling from the bronze to copper even with average level talents and do you really expect me to do it in mere three months and with this low grade talent." shouted Avadhut.

[Do you really think yourself as those average people. You have me host the mighty system itself.] System's voice could be heard full of proudness.

[As this is your first quest let me give you a hint. 'Hunting monsters or asuras with cultivation level higher than yourself gives you high amount of experience points.']

" Are you asking me to go on monster hunting. Seriously. Where am I going to find monsters in this place." asked Avadhut.

[That's not my problem. Now just complete the quest or be ready to say goodbye to your cultivation and me. And don't disturb me anymore. ]

"Curse you!" Avadhut's voice sounded in the room and then he started thinking the methods of completing the quest.