
Beyond Impossible

" Nothing is impossible, It's just the probability of it happening is infinitely close to zero which makes people believe it's impossible. But remember one thing, even if you are infinitely close to death dont lose hope as its still possible for you to live an extra ordinary life." A teenager boy kept on murmuring these words as he was laying on the ground covered in a pool of blood on the verge of death but the chances of him living were very slim. Then suddenly there was a loud thunderclap which alerted the galaxy and the boy suddenly disappeared from the pool of blood. This is a story how that boy lived his life full of adventure and overcame the difficulties in his life step by step until he reached the realm of God hood and started to control the elements of the universe freely like he controlled his fingers. ------------------------------------- This web novel is based in magic cultivation world and just follows up the adventure of a young man named Avadhut. The cover isn't mine. Its just something I got from google.

Destamon_0332 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Finally Started Cultivation

It was still early in the morning when Avadhut finished reviewing everything about the system.

After finishing reviewing system he started to prepare to leave for the school. Avadhut was currently in his third year of high school and only three month were until college entrance exams. The average students of his class were already in seventh stage of bronze realm and some of them were already in ninth stage of bronze realm with only a step between them and the copper realm but it was considered a huge margin and a huge leap to be taken due to their low grade elemental affinities.

Previously, Avadhut had no chance of enrolling into those powerful academies due to his lack of elemental affinities but with the help of the system he was able to get one and finally had some chances in enrolling into one of those academies. Even if he managed to get to the seventh stage of bronze realm before the exam, he could only be considered average and can only enroll to those low level universities. He must at least be in the 9th stage of bronze level to enroll in the intermediate level academies but he kept these things a side. He would cross the bridge when he reaches there.

First he has to start studying the technique'1st form of Heavenly Tribulation' and step into the first realm of cultivation, the bronze realm.

But its not the right time yet as he has to attend his school as its the last day for attending the classes as the school will be closed from tomorrow and the students will be training at their own homes and preparing for their entrance exams.

After 30 minutes of walk Avadhut finally reached the school gates but there was a different charm in his face today which never appeared until today. He was very happy due to the appearance of system and gaining a elemental affinity.

After some time the sound of a bell ringing could be finally heard and the students rushed towards their respective classes. Avadhut also headed towards his class which was 3-D. When the students saw him they could not help but become surprised as this was the first time Avadhut entered the classroom in time in the last three years. After some their homeroom teacher Bhimdev also entered and was very surprised to see Avadhut present in the school. Avadhut was also very active and vigorous unlike his previous self.

The class went as usual except for Avadhut being attentive towards the class. After the classes ended Avadhut directly rushed towards his home without caring for anyone who was calling for him from behind. It was Surtur's group who wanted to beat up Avadhut again but seeing Avadhut getting away so fast they let it be as it was also their high schools last day and a full boring lecture was still left there by the principal of the school.

Avadhut without caring for anyone finally reached his home and then called the system.

" Hey system how can I study the cultivation technique? I don't have any books or any materials to comprehend it from."

[ Are you still an idiot even after investing all your stats points in wisdom. Just call for the status window and study it under the cultivation technique panel. But on the future you can directly integrate it with your brain and directly comprehend it from your memories.]

"Why wait for future? Can't you just integrate it into my brain right now?"

[Do you really think your brain with these little wisdom points will be able to resist from exploding when sudden high level knowledge is passed through it? Why do you think people don't start cultivating from younger ages and only start when they turn 14 or 15?]

"Oh, so its like that." After understanding it Avadhut finally started studying and comprehending the technique from his status window. It was really surprising that Avadhut was able to comprehend the complete technique within six hours. It indicated that even though Avadhut acted dumb at different times he had a very high comprehension power.

Even the young geniuses of the Elves race which was known as the most intelligent geniuses required three to four hours comprehending the god level techniques and Avadhut could still increase his comprehension powers with the help of the system in the future. Seeing from the perspective of the intelligent races of the universe Avadhut's comprehension was above average but not that extraordinary but unknown to Avadhut the systems thoughts were completely different. If the technique was any other cultivation technique system wouldn't be so surprised but the technique Avadhut practiced was the highest level technique of this universe and even a top genius would take more than fifteen days to gain even a little insight on the technique but Avadhut comprehended it within six hours.

According to the technique to step into the first stage of the bronze realm one has to absorb the lightning elemental particles in the surrounding and then form a lightning mark in the skin and strengthen it. In the bronze realm cultivators usually strengthen their body from skins to bone marrow and the five inner organs so that they can store and support the flow of elemental energy and finally form lower dantian to step into the copper realm.

After Avadhut finished studying he sat in a lotus position and started sensing the the lightning element particles present in the surrounding. As it was his first time it was very difficult in sensing the particles. Only after one hour did Avadhut finally succeeded in sensing it and started absorbing it and strengthen his skin. At first it was was very painful and his body felt like continuously being electrocuted by the lightning but the pain slowly started disappearing and faint tickling feeling replaced the pain.

After some time Avadhut finally completed strengthening his skins and it gained a bronze luster but he was still a final step away from stepping into the first stage of bronze realm as it required forming a lightning mark which will act as a gate which connects the skin and muscles and helps the elemental particles to pass through the skin to the muscles and strengthen the muscles.

Avadhut knew that even though it was just a small step it was very difficult to form this mark as this mark would be the most basic and fundamental mark which would help to form future marks and the stronger and sturdier this mark became the stronger he would become in the future and it will be much easier to form the other marks in the future.

After calming his mental state he started to form the foundation for his first ever mark and finally step into the ranks of the cultivators. Slowly but steadily he started giving shape to the mark in his skin using the lightning particles.

After some time the mark was finally completed and Avadhut could feel a certain energy further strengthening his body and his height once again increased and reached 183 centimeters. He could not contain the joy and finally screamed 'yes'. After that he listened some words from system and finally calmed down.

[Congratulations! Host for finally stepping into the ranks of cultivators and beginning your journey. For other information please check your status window.]

Avadhut then called upon his status window.

{Status Window}

Name: Avadhut Sureshwar

Race: Human

Elemental Affinity: Lightning Affinity(10%- can be increased in the future)

Cultivation Technique: 1st form of Heavenly Tribulation, 9 Heavens Heavenly Tribulations(locked)

HP: 25

System Level: 1(Bronze Realm)

(Note: Every system level refers to a realm of human cultivation ranks and every increase in system level gives host with 100 free stats points.)

Host Level: 1

(Note: Every host level refers to a sub-stage in every realm of human cultivation ranks and every increase in host level gives 25 free stats points.)

Experience: 0/100 (100 exp. required to level up)

Strength: 20

Physique: 20

Agility: 23

Wisdom: 24

Vitality: 25

Unallotted S.P: 25

(Note: Every time the host levels up all his stats will automatically increase by 10 points and when the system levels up all his stats will automatically increase by 50 points.)

{Quest window: unlocked}

{Store: locked} (unlocks after host levels up 5 times)

{Inventory: unlocked}

When he saw his status window he was some what shocked as all his stats increased by 10 points and he still had 25 free stats points available.

Even his quest window and inventory were unlocked. He even had a experience bar which indicated that after filling up that bar he will automatically be able to level up.