
Beyond Impossible

" Nothing is impossible, It's just the probability of it happening is infinitely close to zero which makes people believe it's impossible. But remember one thing, even if you are infinitely close to death dont lose hope as its still possible for you to live an extra ordinary life." A teenager boy kept on murmuring these words as he was laying on the ground covered in a pool of blood on the verge of death but the chances of him living were very slim. Then suddenly there was a loud thunderclap which alerted the galaxy and the boy suddenly disappeared from the pool of blood. This is a story how that boy lived his life full of adventure and overcame the difficulties in his life step by step until he reached the realm of God hood and started to control the elements of the universe freely like he controlled his fingers. ------------------------------------- This web novel is based in magic cultivation world and just follows up the adventure of a young man named Avadhut. The cover isn't mine. Its just something I got from google.

Destamon_0332 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

What to do?

A boy who was currently flipping over a book like 20 pages a second with an irritated expression on his face. It was like he was searching for something without even the knowledge of what he was searching. There were even more books next to him which were in a mess. Any one who saw it could guess that the boy was just an idiot who new nothing as the books he was flipping were all about the the basic knowledge in cultivation which any one in the current world was familiar with.

Yes it was Avadhut who was currently searching for the ways to increase his cultivation and complete the quest issued to him by the system but as the things were now in the upcoming three months he was going to lose the system and once again become the one and only loser in the galaxy who could not cultivate.

As Avadhut kept flipping the books over he could find nothing which could increase his cultivation level to copper realm in just 3 months. Even the miraculous pills could only increase his cultivation to copper realm in about 5 months with side effects.

After sometime Avadhut could be seen laying in his bed with a depressed expression.

{System alert}

{No any progress in the Quest. Reminding the Host about Quest once again.}

(Quest: Increase your to copper realm and get accepted to a high level Institute.)

Reward: 100 free stats points

: Increase in elemental affinity(Depends upon hosts level upon completion of the quest.)

Time limit: Before the enrollment examinations.

Failure Penalty: Withdrawal of the system, Drop of cultivation level

Completion rate: -4%

When Avadhut saw this notification Avadhut started getting angry and yelled out loud." What the fuck? I know it damn it. You don't need to keep on reminding it. I am trying it you shit. And what the hell does the completion rate means huh,-4%. How the hell is it in minus? I can understand if it is 0% but in minus. Are you trying to make fun of me?"


Then there was nothing but only silence for some time in the room.

As Avadhut was new to the cultivation world he knew nothing about the world. He was in this backward planet since his birth and he didn't even have a proper ID which identified him as this was only given to the normal citizens at their elemental testing and verifying their affinity but Avadhut never got any ID due to him being unable to wield any affinity which was currently a good thing for Avadhut as there was no any record of his being in the world. Only the people of the slums and the the ones from his academy know about his existence as he can start a new life some where new.

As Avadhut was thinking of ways to cultivate fast, he thought of the one and only hint given by the system about hunting asuras. As he was thinking of this he remembered one of the lectures he attended in his school. It was about a planet called Vringhi which was completely dominated by asuras. This planet was in the same solar system he was currently in and the distance could be covered within an instant with the present technologies as they were based on a particle far more advanced than tachyon(please search on google about it) and were hundred times faster than the speed of life. So even the small ships used this technology and the bigger ones could even bend the space and time opening wormholes to travel.

Due to this sudden realization, Avadhut thought of going to vringhi planet in order to complete the quest. But the real problem was how to reach there. Even though the technologies were far more advanced currently money was always a problem. Now he was rack sacking his small brain about this problem.

After thinking for a long time he thought of working as a escort person in one of the companies who help sending the necessities and goods to the camp at vringhi planet who keep an eyes on the asuras out there. But still he needed an ID if he wanted to work there. So the first thing he needed right now was an ID but he didn't want to get it right now as there were many peoples in this planet who knew of him being the only one without any affinity and him suddenly getting an ID would be like asking for a trouble. So he thought of feeding some money to the low level workers of the transportation company but he only had no more than 2400 Galactic coins which worked all over the milky way.

After thinking for sometime he thought of this plan as the most feasible one and then started calculating. He separated 2000 GC for the bribery and then started searching about the weaponries he would need in order to survive in planet vringhi.

In the next two days he finalized his plans and got every thing prepared for a new beginning. He thought for a long and came to a decision of leaving this planet completely and completely starting a new leaving his image as a person with no elemental affinities in this place.

According to his plan, he would somehow leave this planet through bribery to those working personnel and grow stronger and complete the rank requirement of the quest. After that he would join the military camp in the Vringhi planet as a trainee and create a new ID out there. After graduating as a trainee from the camp he would try for a University in military as there were many high level universities with military background and he wanted to pursue strength over all the things in his life.