
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Lin Clan Lockdown.

chapter 11: Lin Clan Lockdown.

meanwhile, a distance away from Huana courtyard the flustered third elder of the Lin clan burst into a grand hall unannounced, his face was covered with beads of sweat like an athlete that ran a thousand miles just now.

For someone like him, a powerful man with a profound cultivation base, his bones meridians, and internal organs have been endlessly tempered by spiritual qi so he wasn't supposed to feel tired talk less, or sweat after running for just a few miles, however, he was completely stricken by what he had just seen so his entire mind was in turmoil as he ran over here.

A middle-aged man sitting down cross-legged in the grand hall, his eyes were closed and from his expression, one could see he was currently in a state of enlightenment, unfortunately, his concentration was broken when the third elder burst in without any warning, The middle-aged man sprang open and he was about to unleash his fury on the bastard that dared interrupt his cultivation, but when his gaze landed on the still panting third elder he abruptly stopped and swallowed his anger.

He could see the worry in the third elder's eyes, he was panicking which was quite rare for this arrogant third elder if and he could immediately tell that something terrible must have happened in the clan.

"What is the meaning of this, why did you return here, didn't I tell you to bring Huana to the medicine hall to help my injured clansmen" The middle-aged man coldly glared at the third elder, his voice sounded ancient and aloof that it demanded the respect of those that heard it.

The third elder managed to calm the surging undercurrents in his heart when he heard the middle-aged man speak, he immediately bowed, and hurriedly said, "clan Leader, it's not what you think, I did as you commanded and was trying to get the lady Huana to follow me but she resilient and chose to remain there to wait for her son..."

"you can't even complete a simple task like this, what use is your old age if you can't convince a girl to do your bidding? why I'm I surrounded with incompetent people these days" The clan leader snorted at the third elder's words, his tone was filled with displeasure as he looked down on the elder with disdain.

The third elder felt wronged, and immediately tried to explain his case, "If I had more time I would have brought her back but someone unexpected came to the clan unannounced and caught me off-guard"

The clan leader eyebrow's raised in surprise at his words, he wondered in his heart and asked," who was it..." a thought suddenly flashed through his mind and he felt a little bit afraid inside, he didn't show it though and continued, "was it the city lord or the other two big clan heads?"

The third elder shook his head, "it can't any of them, but the evil spawn of that devil and the city lord!" his eyes flashed when he said the last part of his words.

"what!!" The clan leader jumped up from his seat in shock! why was that girl of all people here!, he had heard several things about that girl and already had her among the names of people to die on his hit list because of the rumors he heard about her.

Some say she was the real cause of the great massacre that happened in the city ten years ago some called her a walking disaster that poisoned everywhere she went no matter how beautiful it was, when the entire city lost two-thirds of its entire population, that being said she was probably the most hated person in these lands and probably the most despised little girl in the entire far west desolates.

And now this disaster was in his clan!

At this thought, the clan leader couldn't help but shiver seriously.

In the distance, the Third elder suddenly said, "clan leader since the spawn of those evil people have brought themselves here like hens under a chopping block shouldn't we act accordingly and make sure she never leaves the clan... alive of course ?'

" idiot!!" The clan leader roared angrily at his suggestions, his voice was like thunderclaps, how could someone as old as this man be dumb like this,

'I might really end up dead without a burial place with people as stupid as this man around me all the time" The clan leader sighed before speaking again

"you fool, how dare you have such foolish thoughts and bare to say it loudly enough for everyone to hear, Don't even thinks about touching that girl, now that she's in the Lin clan and even openly entered her, we must ensure her safety at all cause otherwise our entire clan will follow her to her graves!" The clan leader felt a headache thinking about this, he felt like this was some sort of plot devised by the city lord to get him and the other clans to fight so he could swoop in and take it all for himself after the clans battle powers were heavily injured."

The third elder revealed a complicated look when he heard that, "clan leader I understand if you didn't intend to kill her yet, but why do we have to ensure her safety"

The clan leader shook his head, he was really tired of this old man and wanted to get rid of him immediately otherwise he might end up beating him in anger!

He ignored the third elder's question, he knew the third elder was blinded by greed and wouldn't see the logic behind it

He commanded, "Tell all ordinary clan members to return to their chambers at once and stay clear of anywhere that girl has touched! aside from that double the guards at the gate! lockdown the entire clan and make sure that not even a fly can set foot without us knowing, you hear me?"

The Third elder felt displeasure in his heart, he also lost several grandchildren during that great massacre all those years ago so he was really for an opportunity to get rid of the spawn of that mass murderer, too bad he never got any chance until today!

Regardless of his thoughts he had no chose to say yes to his clan leader, otherwise something might happen to them.

'As you wish clan leader" The third elder bowed, then he left a little disappointed.

He quickly did as he was told and in less than ten minutes the entire clan was shut down, not many people could be seen walking around, but most of the people patrolling outside are all cultivators with emitting strong auras.

All their eyes where shining as they monitored cover of the clan with high level alertness!