
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasy
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15 Chs

A chance for Lin Min to Cultivate

Chapter 13: A chance for Lin Min to Cultivate

meanwhile, Hauna finally left Lin Min after she was sure he was asleep before returning to her courtyard to meet with her guests.

"Apologies for keeping you waiting, Now can you tell me the real reason why you are here, don't tell me it's to return my boy safely cause I'm not buying that lie, you could have just sent one of your guards to do that instead, " Lin Huana said curtly with her eyes glued at the young miss of the city lord manor, her tone was casual and she didn't even invite them inside her house.

Although she was glad they saved her son she couldn't let go of the hatred in her heart for her loss, this young lady in front of her was after all the daughter of the genesis of the calamity that took her husband all those years ago.

Jun Tao, who was standing behind the young miss was angered about her obvious indifference towards them, his expression darkened immediately, he didn't want to be here anymore than the next person but that didn't mean he would allow anyone to disrespect him, as a powerful cultivator known far and wide, he had his pride, So how could he let a mere potion master of a puny Lin Clan act arrogantly in front of him especially when it was obviously him doing the other person a favor.

"Is this how you treat your benefactors!, Since you have forgotten your manners, I would take it upon myself to welcome myself inside" Jun Tao coldly said taking a step forward to walk into the small house behind Huana.

But before he could go any further his young miss raised her hands to stop him, "Don't be like that uncle Jun."

Jun Tao gritted his teeth and retreated to the side.

The young miss was satisfied with his loyalty, she nodded before turning her attention back at Huana, a childish apologetic look appeared on her face and she said with a weak yet melodious voice, " Aunty Huana's shrewdness truly matches your reputation, it is true that I could have sent someone to bring brother Lin Min back but then I wouldn't be able to finally give you my most sincere apologies what the trauma my moth....."

Before she could finish Lin Huana harshly caught her words off, "I don't want your apology, I have no business with you, only your mom and your father, but since the former is dead, then only the latter can repay me.... And want I want from him isn't something he would be willing to hand over... I'll just have to take it myself, if that's the only reason you are here I'm afraid I can't accompany you anymore, my son needs by urgent care ' Huana said with a very serious voice, although she didn't say what she wanted it was easy for anyone with half a brain to guess from the sharp glint flashing in her eyes.

As they say an eye for an eye, and a life for a life, in this case, the city lord's life for her husband's life.

"How dare you say such treacherous words about the city lord and who do you think you are to send the young miss away.... take back your words right now otherwise don't blame me for being rude, don't think I'm afraid to kill you because I am in your Lin clan!" Jun Tao bellowed angrily at her words, his hands quickly clutched hold of his sword by his waist, he assumed a stance of a hunter ready to attack at a moment's notice!

Lin Huana didn't relent or show any fear seeing his threatening stance, instead, she quietly gathered spiritual energy in her hands preparing to defend herself if the need arises.

The atmosphere quickly became tense as sparks began to fly in the air between the both of them.

Luckily the Young lady quickly stepped forward and tried to calm them down before things escalated too much, "it seems I have been too rash and chose the wrong time to come, I truly wanted to give you something that might help brother Lin Min become a cultivator, but since aunty is too busy I'll come another time" after saying that she turned around and began to walk out of the courtyard,

Jun Tao frowned, he had a lot of questions and objections but still chose to follow his young miss silently.

The young miss childish voice was low but when Huana heard the contents of her words, it made her heart fall into turmoil! her breathing quickened and a light of hope rekindled in her heart.

There wasn't anything more important than helping her boy cultivate, if he could then he had a chance to recover his eyesight and live a long life in this world where spiritual energy is toxic to mortals.

Now that there was a chance to make that happen, how could she not be excited?

However, there was no free lunch in this world! , one had to give something equal in return for benefits in the cultivation world, especially when dealing with a stronger party not lacking cunningness.

And from what Huana could tell, this young miss in front of her was no ordinary girl, she wasn't so young on the inside as she was on the outside, she possessed the shrewdness of those old grandpas under all that childishness she was displaying.

Otherwise, she would have just handed what she had as a form of apology immediately to Huana or even given it directly to Lin Min on their journey here, instead she decided to use the more roundabout method to pique the interest and burning desire of Huana!

As all these thoughts raced through Huana's mind, she immediately raised her hands and called out.

"Young miss wait!!"

Although she knew that the young moss likely had some ulterior motive, she still willingly fell into the bait for the sake of her son!