
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Chapter 11: Different

Several minutes later, the group of four entered a beautiful courtyard, it was lush with greenery.

unlike the beautiful scene of the courtyard, Lin Huana leading the four into the courtyard doesn't look so good at the moment.

her face was pale white like a sheet of paper and her eyes were raining tears like a damn that was opened.

During the period it had taken for them to get here from the Lin Clan's gate, as a result of Jun Tao's big mouth She had found out about all the terrible things that happened to her son these few days.

she kept crying in her heart, the cruelty of this world had finally caught up with her precious child even though she had tried hard to protect him.

Fate was really cruel to her family and these past few years have been a roller coaster for her, firstly, her husband went missing during that event all those years ago, and The day she found out he wouldn't be returning was the darkest day of her life, she never knew how she would explain to her little child that daddy was gone.

Since that incident she dedicated herself to cultivation, the only reason became strong was to protect her son in this world where only the strong were right and respected.

Secondly, The cruel Fate crippled her son's meridians before he could even begin to cultivate driving him into doing things she detested, she was well aware of his infamously big reputation in the town, but she still did her best to protect him after all she understood the pain of not being able to cultivate in this world

And now this happened.

she couldn't imagine how much terror he must have felt being tortured all alone in the dark, the excruciating pain he must have felt having his skin being pulled out or burnt by those hateful people.

He must have fallen into despair having both his eyes forcefully gorged out while being conscious.


What puzzled her was that she put two guards to always watch over Lin Min but those fools lost Linin that day, so she vaguely felt someone in the Lin Clan had something to do with this suffering her son was forced to bear.

How could these ungrateful Lin clan members dare do this to her son, she was well aware of his evil deeds all around town, a lot of the accusations were all lies weaved by people trying to frame Lin Min so they could get

her pay them, but she always made sure those people were overly compensated regardless of whether they told the truth or not.

But these bastards have taken things a step further and nearly killed her boy!!

This thought suddenly made Huana's tears flow even more and a fit of great vengeful anger started boiling within her.

she originally thought that she would continue refining potions for her missing husband's clan until he returned... if he ever did. she wanted to remain low key and live ignoble even though she was strong enough to act wantonly, but how could she remain calm now that someone did this to her son!

she was going to investigate and find the bastard that did this and let them experience her wrath.

Just thinking about all this made Huana's eyes grow cold and firm, she began to emit a faint killing intent that almost choked the poor Lin Min in her embrace.

'm-mum, .....can you let me go, I'm so tired I need to rest Lin Min coughed awkwardly when he felt a power full pressure bearing on him and he could help but cry out with great difficulty

Only now did Huana realize that Lin Min was in her embrace, she quickly retracted her aura.

"yes... yes, that's right you must be tired, ill bring you to your room immediately, you guys can wait here I'll be with you shortly" after she directed those words to Jun Tao and the young miss, Lin Huana hurriedly carried Lin Min like a princess causing the later to blush in shame, she was a powerful cultivator and easily picked him up despite the excess fat in his body..

Lin Min wanted to find a hole to hide when a woman carried him like that, although it warmed his heart that someone cared for him deeply here he felt weird.

And he had a feeling that the old coachman would be sneering at this scene, but he was helpless to do anything, first of all, he was blind and couldn't see anything, secondly, Huana was just so fast that he couldn't even react before she brought him away, he could only helplessly wait until she brought him to his room.

Soon enough Huana finally stopped moving, from the sound of the door opening Lin Min could tell they have finally reached his room, then his frail body was carefully laid on a soft surface.

Lin Min smiled now that he could finally relax, he felt the bed was really comfortable.

"get some rest, how get some potions prepared soon and help you recover your energy and lost blood, as for your eyes....don't worry your mother will would all she can to get a pill to help you recover no matter what.. just you wait" Huana's voice reached Lin Mon's ears as he was about to close his eyes, her voice was filled with grief and sadness and Lin min could tell she was probably sobbing again.

Lin Min felt it was only right to console her, even though she was not his real mom, he could feel the sincere love she had for him so he said, "don't worry mom, you should also get some rest after you finish with the people that saved me, I don't want you to fall sick worrying about me I'll be better soon as for my eyes I'll recover it someday!"

"okay son..... uh?"

Lin Huana answered subconsciously until she noticed something strange from his words and her eyes grew wide with surprise, she could sense great confidence and firmness in his tone, was this her son? the one who didn't want anything to do with cultivation and was lecherous like many men, the son who like playing around and getting into trouble, she thought he would shrink his head in heavy despair and bitterly complain after all this but the reality was different from her expectations!

He was worried about her, him acting like this was new to her and confidence reminded her of her strong-willed husband.

"seems like Min'er is finally growing up," she thought inwardly with a bright smile on her face then she added, "I've heard you son, now get some rest"

That said she returned back to the garden to host her guests, also the savior of her child.

When she left Lin Min finally let out a sigh of relief!, he was tired of pretending to be that other guy and was finally alone and could check the rewards he just received from the Revenant system immediately after he saw Huana.