
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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28 Chs


"Come on, you can do better than that."

"Ugh! What was that for?" He stood up from the concrete floor, having adjusted to the darkness, he looked at the braided woman, his eyes filled with hatred and anger.

Standing there, her cold brown eyes seemed to pierce through souls.

One second she was there and the in next she disappeared.

"On your right" was the last thing Vic heard before getting punched on his right cheek, but this time much harder than the last, which in turn made him hit the wall immediately fainting.


Vic woke up to find himself laying on the floor at one side of the warehouse, the lady rested beside him, with her black katana in hand as she sharpened it with some kind of rock.

"Huh, what happened?"

"You fainted" she answered without batting an eye at him, as she continued sharpening her already sharp katana.

Vic stared at her for a moment before memories of the incident started flooding in making his expression turn from suprise to anger.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Don't play dumb, you punched me, two times even"

"Oh that"

Using the rock to scrub her cheek, as if recalling something she answered

"What, that's all?" standing up Vic shouted his voice laced with anger, but before he could continue, she shot him a glare ,her cold eye's making him swallow his words

In the heat of the moment Vic had forgotten who he was talking to, with everything he saw back on the site still fresh in his memory, and the speed and strength the woman before him possessed, he had to force himself to calm down.

"Why?" He asked his voice barely audible.

She stood up, sheathed her katana, dropped the sharpening rock, then glanced around the spacious warehouse that could fit in six buses.

"Do you think, that because you now have strength and speed, with those sloppy movement that you'll be able to kill the grounded myths?"


Before he could answer she continued

"You plan on going through the void where every other tier dwells, what makes you think you'll manage to survive even for a day?"


Vic had never come face to face with a myth, but from the books he'd read, he new they were mighty strong and that destroying their creator, the void was almost impossible.

Inspite that , the drive Vic had towards fulfilling his own promise was enough.

"I'll figure it out, and somehow I'm gonna evolve and get strong enough to fight them.

(...)The lady was speechless, after seeing the determination in his eyes, it had reminded her of someone important she used to know.

"I'm gonna teach you how to fight, evolving further however, you have to figure it out by yourself "

When Vic heard this, he almost fell to tears, he once begged his father to teach him but every time he turned him down, not being that close with the group, he couldn't ask anyone else for help.

And now Infront of him,there was someone willing to do it, he was beyond overjoyed, even though he was an introvert, he somehow felt like he could get along with her, so before he even knew it his lips had already moved.

Even though he really wanted to learn he had to know.

"Why are you helping me?"

"It's a favour for an old friend"

Judging by how her face darkened after asking the question, Vic somehow felt like he shouldn't pry and so he asked a question he'd been dying to ask.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name"

She shot him a cold look then answered

"Call me Anna", she paused for a second then continued "it's common courtesy to give one before asking, then again you wouldn't know anything about that"

Vic just stared at her with a puzzled look, courtesy? What was that? he pondered for a moment before adding it to his library of unknown words.

"Victor, but my dad calls..used to call me Vic"

"So how long till your curse activates?" Anna ignoring his dejected look asked.

"Huh, oh! Till next shadow"

"So a month, that's more than enough"

"So when do we start?" Forgetting the pain on his cheeks and his back from before, he asked with a smile on his face.

"It's getting dark out, rest and get a beauty sleep today, you're gonna need it, we'll begin tomorrow"

With that she walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back tomorrow, if I don't find you here I'll assume that you gave up" She walked out, then dashed forward leaving only an after image.

The sun is already setting Standing outside the warehouse, Vic gazed at the sky, yawned as he stretched his arms today was really tiring, surprising and very eventful his lips curling upwards, he went back in the warehouse.

He choose one of the corners laid down on the cold concrete floor, but this time according to Anna he had to rest. Surprisingly he didn't have to force himself, the moment his head hit the cold floor, he immediately went to sleep.
