
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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23 Chs


After hearing a sudden scream, a crowd gathered at his front door.

From the guards outside, to the apartment owners, they all gathered right outside his room, and not long after the door Vic had tightly shut, was broken down.

One of the burly guard from before entered, after seeing Vic tightly hugging his dead father, other than displaying a sad expression on his face, he didn't seem that surprised, like everyone on this apartment he already knew.

"Are you going to eat it now" the other guard that stood at the door asked,

Everyone one knew what he was referring, Vic was already 12 years old, even though no one knew when exactly, in a few months he would be branded by the 'curse of time', and sooner or later he was gonna need the strength to fight for time.

Inspite that no one was really open to going directly into the details, and so, the guard decided to just come out and say it.

"Come on, weren't you the one who was saying he was just a.."

"Yeah" before the other guard finished, he was interrupted by Vic, who had now stopped hugging his dead father, and was standing next to the bed.

Of course he knew what he meant, his father had already told him everything, he wasn't open to it, but his father, not wishing his son to suffer, had made him promise to eat it, to which he knew that breaking a promise was a very big 'no' for him.

He also needed the strength to fulfill his first promise.

(...) Everyone was speechless, they all made way for him as he stepped out of the room inorder to give the makeshift doctor a way to perform her duty.

And just like reading his mind, everyone stepped aside to give way to a woman who had her curly black hair turning white due to age.

She walked inside and immediately started the operation.

"We're all here for you"

Standing quite far from the room, Vic heard one of the guards say, to which he just ignored.

He never really got along with anyone except for his father, being the only child on this part of the city, maybe even the whole country, he didn't have a normal childhood, Vic never really interacted with anyone else and everyone knew he was a kid of few words.

Now that his father was no more, he didn't really see any reason to stay here, and that's why his plans were very simple.

After becoming a Trancender, he would travel south, he had heard rumours that there was a scientist who made hot air balloons in exchange for time. When the 'curse of time' activates on his skin, he would be able to hunt the myths for more time to exchange with the scientist.

If he succeeds he would go through the 'void of myths' evolve higher and find a way to destroy it.

"It's done" a voice pulled him back to reality, he turned around only to see the old woman who had her previously white coat dyed in red, in her hand she held his father's heart which was still dripping with blood.

When Vic saw this, he couldn't hold it in and almost vomited, despite that he still kept on his emotionless face as he approached the woman.

" Eat everything" with those two words, she handed him the heart and walked away.

After Vic received the heart, he walked towards the giant brown doors, stepped outside, he then walked for about five minutes before he saw scraps of what was once a car, he sat on its bonnet.

As tears streamed down his face, he gazed onto the sky that still had the massive red line streaming across it.

Thanks dad as he bit down on a big chunk of the heart, disgust displayed on his face as blood dripped from his mouth, he chewed the chunk tasting every bit of saltness in it, before swallowing it, he continued the process until he gazed on the last piece.

A mixture of sadness, anger, emptiness, disgust and relief somehow displayed on his face,as he chucked it down.

Immediately after he swallowed the last bite, a stinging pain that was magnifying by the second, caused through his body making him fall from the bonnet onto the ground, where he rolled around in pain.

After a minute of torture, the pain subsided and now all he could feel was his muscles expanding and his senses becoming sharper.

His dna was being altered.

Soon his body had finished it's modifications.

Vic stood up from the ground and after breathing in and out a couple of times he crenched his fist.

I did it from this point on he was no longer a mere human, he was a Trancender, he was no longer weak, and without anything or anyone holding him back, he could head south and after finding the scientist he could go through the void.

He could evolve further, kill stronger myths and one day destroy the curse that was brought about by void of myths.