
The messy circumstance pt.2

Athena's pov

He came closer. Closer and cupped my face in his hand. I didn't want to pull away from him. Even though he was untruthful, I wanted to stay close to him. He gave me the comfort I needed. No Athena. Stay away from him. Stay away. I swiftly got back to my senses and tried to pull away.

Before I could go far away from him. He pulled my hand and hugged me. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want to see his face. I wanted him to go far away from me. Hate being this attached to someone. Tears were falling from my eyes. I didn't want to hug him back but I did. I was naïve. Extremely naïve. It felt like my heart was on fire. It was on fire. It was painful. So painful. I cried, so much that I couldn't stop. I didn't want to let go. I never wanted to let go.

"Let me explain myself, Athena," he said as he pulled away from the hug. No, don't let go. I had nobody growing up after grandma. This meant a lot to me. I didn't want to let go. I didn't know whom to trust. I couldn't blame him until I knew the entire truth.

"I did lie to you about one thing love. Only one thing I swear. Never meant to lose your trust like this. Please believe me. The people whom you are with are good but your grandma is not who you think.

Even warned my brother and sister about this. They decided to join believe her anyways. I am part of a group; I just didn't tell you as I didn't want to scare you off. I'm not a bad person Athena" I could feel my tears streaking down my face. I wanted to believe him. I really did. It felt genuine.

"If you still don't believe me, let me show you something. Follow me" he picked me up and made me stand. He gave me his hand and I held it. I held it because I wanted to believe him. Every single word. We then headed outside of the room and there was a huge hallway.

We headed to the right and stopped at the last door. When he opened the door, it was an enormous room with plants and an aromatic smell all around. It was his office. He left my hand and hastily went to his desk's drawer pulling out a file. He handed me the file and motioned me to open it.

When I opened it, it was a file filled with the crimes my grandmother committed in the past. She was in jail? Not once. Not twice but thrice? It was a huge shock to me. The woman who took care of me. People change but the third time in jail, she escaped from there? How did she manage to keep herself low profile? That's why she wouldn't send me anywhere. The file was entirely real and I did trust him after that.

"So you didn't want to use me?" I muttered in a low voice.

He lifted my chin.

"Never in a million years, I will think about using you, dear"

He gave me a genuine smile and I was happy. I was happy that now, I could fully trust him again. I was ecstatic and hugged him tightly. Hugged him as if there was no tomorrow. I didn't want to ever leave him but then there was a knock on the door. So I let him go.

"Come in" he yelled while putting the file back into the drawer.

A tall guy with brunette hair and grey eyes entered the room. He was a decent-looking guy but I found him intimidating.

"Here are the files of the other two people who escaped" he handed it to Asher and without a single word, he went away. It was kind of strange but I didn't mind it and chose to ignore it.

"Yeah, I know, he looks intimidating"

I quickly turned towards the door and it was Liam?!

I rushed towards him and hugged him.

"I missed you so much, Liam. I'm really sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you"

"It's okay Athena. You didn't hurt me don't worry"

"He gets a hug from you and I have to initiate a hug? You are happier to see him than me"

"So?" I put my hand on my hips and stick my tongue out.

"Oh really?" he said while scoffing. Liam was trying not to laugh. I kept sticking my tongue out until Asher came rushing towards and I bolted. We kept running until he caught me and we both fell down on the floor. When the guy from earlier came rushing towards the room. He was worried and saw us both on the floor as we fell straight towards the door. He looked down and just sighed with his arms folded.

"What are you? Five?"

We quickly got up and couldn't stop laughing at each other.

"Mr. Marceau, I never expected you to behave like a child. You never act this childish. I'm quite impressed to see you like this but grow up. You are 23"

Asher just stared at him.

"What?" the brunette raised his eyebrow.

"Stop acting like a mature guy. You are not intimidating like this"

I saw the brunette's lip twitch but he tried to keep his cool. He then burst out laughing.

"Seriously Ash, I haven't seen you run behind a female nor act this childish"

Asher just rolled his eyes and took me by hand pushing the brunette aside.

"At least introduce me to her. Aren't I, your best friend?"

"I will take off the best friend title"

"Hey no, that's straight-up mean"

"Athena this is Eric and Eric this is Athena"

"Nice name for a gorgeous girl like you" Asher just glared at him and was about to say something when Liam came from behind.

"Guys, can we eat now? I'm hungry"

Of course, Liam is always hungry. I'm always hungry too but meh.

"Can I change and come first? I don't want to be seen in Asher's gigantic shirt"

Asher just rolled his eyes and nodded.

"You change and come to this room again. We three need to discuss something until then. Pick anything from the closet"

I nodded and left the room giving a smile to the three of them. The moment I entered Asher's room. I saw Alisha sitting there.

"What? How?"

"Enough questions, we need to go right now" she tried to pull my hand but I moved behind.

"I'm not going anywhere with you"

"Did he brainwash you? We need to go right now, Athena"

"I'm not coming with you"

"It wasn't a question" she pulled my hand and I screamed at top of my lungs.

"Be quiet. Others are waiting down"

The moment we reached the window, Asher entered the room.

"You don't want to, then don't come," Alisha said while jumping off the window using a rope.

Asher rushed towards me and grabbed my hand.

"It's okay if you don't change" he took his phone out and alerted all the security outside. He seemed extremely mad. I didn't question him more and just followed him. The moment we reached the dining area. Approximately 10 people were sitting there, not including us. I only knew Liam, Eric, Willow and Bryon.

Asher pulled my chair behind me to let me sit. Such a gentleman, I thought.

"They escaped?" he asked the others

"Not yet, still the old lady is smart" Willow muttered.

Asher just sighed and shrugged it off.

"Never mind that. Let's all eat, shall we?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and we waited for our food to come. When the food finally came. The dinner for today was a steak.


"I'm full," Liam said as he sighed.

"The dinner was wonderful," I said to Asher. He smiled and held my hand.

"Oh my gosh! You and her? You and her!"

The two blondes screamed. Making me scared.

"Those crazy people's name is Ruby and Alice and my name is alexander" he whispered to me.

I was about to laugh but Asher started glaring at Alex.

"I just whispered their names; you don't have to be cranky about it. Not like I'm going to steal your girl, mate" he rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"Can we go to the room? I'm exhausted for some reason"

I was feeling drowsy and dull today. Even though I slept, I couldn't get myself to feel energetic.

I just wanted to sleep.

"Let's go, shall we?" He said while wiping his face. He got up and without any reason, he dusts his pants as if he was sleeping on the sand. Typical rich people, I thought. I gave this puzzling look without realizing it.

"I know, he does that all the time. Not all rich people do that don't worry" Alex whispered again. I was trying to control my laughter by looking down. Asher just stared at us.

"And what are you both laughing at?"

We both just looked down.

"Grandpa is angry" I whispered back to him. That was the last straw. Asher bit his lips.

"I'm never letting both of you sit together and I clearly heard what you said dear" Me and Alex couldn't control ourselves and started laughing at Asher. He just stood up and lifted me in his arms.

"Hey! Let me down"

I screamed. When we reached the living room, he put me down and at the same moment the front door opened. It was lily.

"They ran away," she said while trying to breathe calmly.

"Should I get water for you?" I asked her while patting her back. Trying to calm her down.

"Y-yes please" I made her sit on the chair while Asher was walking back and forth in the living room.

"How could you let them go lily? Every time? Are you kidding me!"

He kicked the round table which broke that glass, it scattered everywhere on the ground. Because of the noise, everyone came rushing towards the living room. Lily was visibly crying. I went next to her and hugged her tight.

"Calm down lily he is not going to hurt you, okay?" I said while calming her down, she couldn't stop shivering. She was that scared, I could feel my anger rising up again.

"This is not the way you act Asher! This is absurd. You need to learn how to control your anger"

"If people weren't that weak. I would"

Then he just hurried away upstairs without letting anybody say anything else.

"Lily calm down. You aren't weak, okay? He is just saying it out of anger. Don't listen to him"

She hugged me tight again.

"I'm scared of him Athena. This is not fair. He can't control his anger. What am I supposed to do? Every. Single. Time. Every. Single. Moment. All I did was try my best and I get this? This is not fair. He is my cousin. I always chose his side. I know he loves me as his own sister but sometimes I don't get his anger."

I pulled her gently away from the shattered glass.

"It's okay Lily, he is just frustrated losing a sister and brother. He is just angry. Talk to him tomorrow, okay?" I looked at her with pleading eyes.

He gave me a genuine smile and I was happy. I was happy that now, I could fully trust him again. I was ecstatic and hugged him tightly. Hugged him as if there was no tomorrow. I didn't want to ever leave him but then there was a knock on the door. So I let him go.

"Please give him a chance, I'm sure, he doesn't mean this"

"Why don't you go with ruby and Alice? Have some dinner and take a rest. Everything will be calm till tomorrow, trust me. I will talk to him" she nodded in agreement and went with ruby and Alice. I then quickly headed to the staircase, when I reached the room, I found Asher smoking on the balcony.

I rushed beside him and took his cigarettes out of his hand and threw them away.

"Now what? Don't touch my cigarette, Athena. Let me be alone"

He tried to light another one and I snatched them away from him.

"Athena! Give it back, I swear to God"

"No, first, you yell at the poor girl then break the table scaring her and now I should tolerate you smoking? Never. Never going to happen, mister. Until I'm alive and we are together, I will never let you behave this way. The way you acted right now was horrendous, she is younger than you Asher. We all make mistakes. Please understand some things" I explained while there were tears in my eyes.

"Okay fine"

"Fine? Only f-"

He put his hand on my mouth, and it made me forget about everything. I just looked into his mesmerizing eyes when something clicked in my mind and I hit him on his arm.

"Ew! Ew! Cigarette hands. Go wash your hands first you moron!" I started jumping and circling around the balcony.

"What the hell are you doing Athena"

"Cigarette hands!" I pointed at his hands. I'm so funny I thought to myself as he went to the bathroom to wash his hands. He even kept the bathroom door open while showing me that he is washing his hands.

"Bye-bye cigarette hands," I said while jumping on the bed.

"Oh my gosh, women. You are weird but I like it"

"Yeah-yeah sure"

"Why did you get mad at her like that?"

"Since I grew up, I had a bad temper and it just got worse. I try to stop it but it doesn't work these days because of the pressure"

"I felt bad for yelling at her today. I know she tried her best. I shouldn't have. Shouldn't have yelled that badly and acted that badly. I will try to apologize to her. I should do it now than tomorrow."