
The messy circumstance pt.1

Athena's pov

I was agitatedly searching for Alisha when I spotted her talking with some people. I hastily in a frantic manner rushed towards her.

"You need to come with me right now," I said as cordially as I could in a serene way. I took her hand and smiled at the people before I led her somewhere less crowded. We were on the enormous balcony where fewer people were present.

"What happened?" she asked me in a worried tone. I was catching my breath, completely frightened and nervy. I needed to get my act together before Lily came, I could feel my eyes becoming glossy. I trusted him. I trusted him so much. Why? Just why? I dread. I hate myself for having such a fragile heart. I thought I loved him. The moment our eyes met. Never falling for someone ever again. Never.

"We need to change the plan" I managed to say without stuttering

She put her hand on my shoulder as I tried to get steady.

"Dear, look at me. It's okay. I won't yell at you. I know you were confused and that's alright" she hugged me tight and comforted me.

The moment she let go. I started speaking again.

"Lily is a part of Asher's people. Even I was before but then found out he lied to me about everything" I could feel my eyes tearing up and my words were evidently stuttering. I still continued with my story.

"Asher, he must be knowing our plan through lily" I could feel Alisha's indignation but she tried to stay mellow.

"It's alright, at least you got to know about the truth" she gave me a genuine smile. I was glad that she was calm about the situation but we had to act fast before Asher could do something.

"We need to search for everybody else without Lily knowing," she explained while touching her nose. Unsure about something which was quite evidently shown on her face.

"Wait, take this. This will help us communicate with each other" I was confused at first but I took it from her hand and put it on my ear.

Both of us parted ways then and started searching for others. While searching, I bumped into a guy and was about to fall when he grabbed my waist before I could hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry" he exclaimed without looking. When I realized who it was. I was utterly shocked.


"Long time no see best friend." He smirked at his own comment and looked me in the eyes. I immediately looked away and turned to search for the others when he held my hand and turned me around to face him again.

"Come let's dance. Shall we?"

At the same moment, I felt like somebody was staring at me but I didn't bother much to see who it was. One dance couldn't hurt anybody right? I held his hand and he took me to dance with him. As soon as he placed his hands on my waist. Somebody yanked me and pulled me close.

"Stay away from things which aren't yours, Enzo"

I looked at the person and it was Asher.

"Who said u owned me?" I muttered while pulling myself out of his grip. He was extremely tough. I wasn't able to get out of his grip.

Suddenly out of nowhere Alisha came and took me by my hand. The hearing tool indeed worked, I thought to myself. I was pleased to see her. I didn't want to get into this foolish boy drama.

"don't even dare to touch her again or else there will be consequences for your action brother and you too Enzo"

Tonight was really confusing. Enzo was my childhood friend and the only friend whom I had when I was with grandma. We use to always stay together and he always looked after me. I saw him as a protective elder brother but I don't know if he is still the same or if he has changed? Meeting him today was a miracle indeed. After my grandmother "fake" passed away. I thought I would never be able to meet him. Ever but here we are. I still remember the day we hugged each other as I was going to stay with my aunt and uncle. I hope he hasn't changed though.

Alisha then glared at them, took my hand and hurried away from there to our group which was waiting outside. I even spotted Lily there.

"Alisha why is she there?" I muttered to her.

"She was with Gabriel," she whispered as we reached. As soon as Alisha opened her mouth to speak, we heard a gunshot from inside and everyone quickly took out their gun.

An insane man was holding the diamond piece and was running when suddenly someone shot his arm and the diamond fell into somebody's hand. It was quite a show if you ask me.

"Our plan definitely flopped, didn't it?" Royce folded his arms and sighed.

"We need to get that piece and go away from here. Madam Amara has already booked a private jet right now" Harper exclaimed.

Everyone rushed inside and parted ways but I decided to stay with Alisha. We rushed towards a pillar and hid behind it. She took out another gun and handed me that. I had never used a gun before in my life, I was indeed confused by her gesture but didn't say anything.

"Be with me and don't go anywhere Athena" she whispered frantically and we ran to another pillar which was close to the stairs. A lot of shooting was taking place. the diamond was getting passed from one person to another when the diamond ended up falling Infront of me and Alisha. She quickly picked it up and we made a run towards the door when someone tried to shoot her hand but failed miserably, the piece was about to fall down, but I caught it and took Alisha by the hand as we made a run outside. The rest of the group joined us there and we immediately sat in our car and sped it up as the other people followed us.

We sped up the car entirely but suddenly we heard shooting noises. People were trying to shoot the windows and tires of our car. When suddenly the back of the car glass got shattered into pieces. We didn't know what to do but then Royce started driving the car in zigzag, as they won't be able to shoot the tires. We had reached the bridge where our car tires got shot and our car crashed at the side of the bridge.

We had nowhere to go. The cars stopped all around us as soon as they got out. We were astonished to see that they were all Asher's men and even Lily was in one of the cars.

"Get out of the car before we shoot you" a guy screamed as we all slowly got out of the car. They made us kneel down with our hands behind our backs.

"Athena, Harper and Chris. You guys need to run out of here. Jump from here" Alisha said while whispering as they were tying Gabriel's hands and we four were close to the corner of the bridge. There was water underneath the bridge. Without thinking, Harper and Chris bolted towards the edge with the piece in my hand and jumped. I didn't know how to swim so I was barely able to breathe when I felt huge pair of arms around my waist and then I blacked out.

"So you finally decided to get up"

I wasn't able to figure out whose voice it was as my eyesight was already blurry. I rubbed my eyes and saw Asher sitting in the corner of the room with his hands on the side of the chair. He was just staring at me. He gave me a smile, got out of the chair and tried coming close to me.

"Stay where you are. I don't want you to come close to me" he shrugged it off and just stood there with his arms folded.

I could feel my anger raising "You are a liar. A huge liar. I hate myself for falling for you. Stay away from me"

He didn't utter a word and just looked at me. I examined the room but then I realized my clothes were changed.

"How dare you touch me and change my clothes!"

"I didn't touch you, my angel. Lily changed your clothes"

I was astonished and was about to open my mouth when a guy with blonde hair opened the door and I just looked away.

"I told you to knock, didn't I?" Asher said while his jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry sir, I will go out but I just wanted to inform you that we aren't able to track them both down"

"Okay. We will think of something. Just go out"

The poor blonde guy went out. I felt bad for him.