
The unexpected guest

Asher's pov


There was a long moment of silence. I could still hear her sobbing which broke my heart. She was like my own sister and I never wanted to hurt her in any way. I was just frustrated about the fact that my siblings, my own blood decided to betray me.

Sometimes people try to do things perfectly and if any mistake occurs, some people tend to freak out. I am “some people” to be honest.

I hope she understands and forgives me for behaving that way.

What I did was disquieting and I'm truly responsible for my unexcused action. I shouldn’t have broken the table. I shouldn’t have made a scene.

My anger issues were getting out of hand these days. I need to control myself. I had to.

Hopefully, she will forgive me. I tried to knock the last time. There was a long pause again. Still no response. I turned around to leave when the door opened from behind.

“it's okay brother, I forgive you. I will always forgive you. You are the only family I have”

Her parents were always sweet and affectionate compared to my own who always pressured me too always be the leading. Her parents took care of me like their own child. They loved like their own. When they announced, they were going to have a baby. I was ecstatic and promised myself to always protect her with my whole heart. I kept that promise until now.

One day when she was 11 and I was 15. Her parents got into a gruesome accident. Not really an accident but murder. I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. I just kept it away from her.

I didn’t want to lose another sister. I even protected my own siblings from my parents every time but they chose to betray me.

“Y-you won't yell at me like that ever again, right?”

I felt my heart break. She was scared of me? Why did I act that way? I shouldn’t have acted that way. I feel awful.

“No, Lily. It was a mistake I swear. I will never yell at you like that again. You aren’t weak. You are tough. I was just infuriated; I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I will try to control my anger healthily next time”

She came and hugged me tightly.

“You are the best brother on this entire planet for me, don’t worry”

I was glad that she wasn’t crying. I said goodnight and then went over to the end of the hallway where my office was located. Work and work and work. It just kept piling up. I didn’t why I had a house in Barcelona. Doltish work.

I had only one diamond piece. When I jumped in the water to save my little love. She had the diamond with her. She indeed must be fatigues after that.

Athena scares the hell out of me every now and then but I still love her. Speaking of her, she fell asleep in my arms again. She told me to apologize to lily and then she said to make her sleep. At the end of the day, she is still a baby for me.

I then diverted my attention to the files that were scattered all over my table. I decided to clean up the mess and then start working.

A file fell down the table, as soon as I picked it up. I realized it was Athena’s file. Never seen this one before.

The only thing written was her name, her parent's name, age and gender. These were the only things visible. The rest of the information was anonymous. Her grandmother did a clever job of staying low profile. But not for long.

“Can I come in” I heard the small angelic voice.

“You can come in Athena”

She came cheerfully and hugged me. Her eyes then darted to the file I was holding.

“what’s that?”

“This is your file” I handed it to her.

“Most of the things are anonymous”

“Indeed, because of your clever grandmother”

She nodded and I could still see she was drained. I put my work aside for today and picked her up.

“You need to stop doing that”

“If my girlfriend is sleepy then, of course, I will do that. Why make you walk love?”

“When did I say yes?”

“Actions speak louder than words”

“Says you”

“Excuse you” I was taken aback by her response but ignored it as she was exhausted. How can I be mad at this adorable thing? I mean human, gladly. I put her on the bed and decided to sleep on the couch. She has already fallen asleep. I put a blanket over her and went to sleep.

Out of the blue, in the middle of the night, a loud scream came from outside which made me and Athena wake up.

I took out my gun and went outside but Athena followed me.

“It's dangerous, stay inside please”

“No, I'm coming with you”

“Please?” I looked at her pleadingly.

“Okay fine but just be safe”

She waited in the living room and I went outside. The housekeeper’s son came running to me crying.

“What happened, dear?” I bent down and asked him worriedly.

“A guy. There is a guy behind the tree. Please go. Please check”

I ran towards the tree to see Chris had fallen from the massive fence.

“When will you stop acting like a moron?”

“I came back as I cared, okay?”

“You just came to spy, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t. believe me or not. I don’t care but help me walk”

I just rolled my eyes at him and helped him get up on his legs. I took him inside and made him sit on the sofa.

“Let me check on the boy really quick. Athena, can u give him water?”

“Yeah, don’t worry”

Then I rushed outside to spot the small boy crying.

“Hey, don’t cry. It's okay. Nothing is going to happen now. Do you want me to leave you to your mommy?”

He nodded as a yes. I took his hand and left him at the small house he and his mother stayed in.

I had to rush back to the house and when I reached, everyone was gathered around him.

“Guys, what happened?”

“What if they have sent him to spy on us?” Eric asked.

“I came here by my own will”

“What makes you think we will believe that crap?” Abigail responded.

“True, handcuff me and take me around with you then”

“Not until we check you entirely”

“Eric and Avery please take care of this”

“Yes sir”

They then grabbed his hand and led him downstairs.

“Such a hectic night this is”

“You guys can go sleep; we have to wake up at 4”

Everyone went upstairs but Athena stayed. She pulled my hand and made me sit beside her on the sofa.

“Are you alright”

“A bit. Are you alright?”

“I'm good Asher, just look after yourself first”

“I will Athena. Why don’t you sleep? Take some rest, we need to wake up early”

“I would love to sleep but I'm not going without you. I will wait here and am absolutely alright with that”.