
The Ballroom

Athena's pov

"Aunt Katherine!" I rushed towards her and gave her a tight hug while I looked up at her and saw if she was glad to see me. Unfortunately, she wasn't. She pushed me aside, it seemed like she was repelled by my presence.

"Get away from me you brat" I felt hurt by listening to that. I was just eleven, trying my best to cope with my grandmother's death. I thought my aunt would take care of me and console me.

Sometimes life is like a puzzle. You can spend hours, days, weeks, months and years figuring out which piece goes where. Sometimes we should realize to leave the pieces there and look on the indisputable side instead of pushing ourselves to cross a limit.

There is a limit to everything. Especially figuring out life like a puzzle. We should not force ourselves and cross the limit. We can't always stay in one place imagining what could've happened or what should've happened.

"You will be living in the basement" Aunt said while looking into her phone, unbothered. My eyes had become glossy as tears in my eyes were building up.

"But it's scary down there aunt," I said while stuttering.

She took me by my hand and pulled me towards the basement where a petite room was there. There was already a bed for me which was a towel.

It was pulverulent and friable. Even worse, it was pitch-dark. There was dust everywhere, and not even candles were present to light up but thankfully, I had matchsticks.

"This is your place whether you like it or not. It's not upon you. Be gratified we even let you stay here." And then she left the basement after saying pure guff if you ask me.

"You zone out a lot, you know that" I peered around to see Chris waiting while leaning against the wall.

"Hey, I didn't realize you were here" I folded my arms while he came to sit beside me at an average distance.

he studied my emotions for a bit and asked "let's talk. Tell me what's bothering you".

"Nothing happened" I tried to curve my mouth into a smile but failed miserably.

"Guys we need to leave," Harper muttered, hastening towards the door with her handbag.

"Harper calm down, we will be there on time" Gabriel yelled from behind.

"I guess you will be telling me everything later" I nodded as a no to Chris.

"We will see about that," he said while getting up and smirking as he went towards the door where Gabriel and Harper were standing. As soon as I stood up, I heard Royce and Alisha arguing.

"You think it's safe for you to be alone?" he drew his lower lip between his teeth while he glared at her. His jaw clenched and it was clearly visible.

"I'm not letting you go on your own, remember that. It's either me or someone else with you. So choose" he pulled her hand gently and made her stand in front of everyone. Lily came from behind them and stood by next to me.

"Okay, fine Royce. Lily and Athena will stay with me" Royce nodded slowly still unsure of letting go of her, but he refrained from saying much since it was their job. "Will both of you be okay with that?" Royce glanced at us and asked.

"of course, we will be alright!" Lily yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Shall we leave now?" Harper asked in a frantic tone.

We all laughed it off and walked towards the lift. When the lift arrived, we quickly went in but before it was about to close. Someone's hand came in the middle. Asher?

"Hello there sister and brother as well as the other people whom I don't know. I hope you guys are having an amazing day" he later glanced at me but got inside with his two men.

"You are going to follow us everywhere now?" Chris asked aggravatingly while Alisha was trying to control her anger as it was visibly shown.

"Why do you care? Why do you keep following us?" Alisha blurted out.

"You guys have something which I want and don't worry, I will get those before you guys do or after you guys do. You can never get passed me"

The elevator opened and we all got outside. Asher and his two men left immediately.

"He is extremely aggravating. Just because he is the eldest son, mum and dad should give him everything. He is a good mafia leader, who is vivid and shrewd." Alisha started venting how much she hated her brother as I looked confused and Chris seemed to notice it.

"Athena are you fine?" he came closer and asked me while looking worriedly. "I thought he wasn't a mobster or even a part of a group or a gang" I muttered as I had tears in my eyes.

"He lied to me didn't he," I asked as tears were building in my eyes again. I couldn't help it and the tears started slipping out of my stupid eyes, I had to run towards the elevator again. I couldn't help but cry. Why would he lie? I then later reached our hotel room and I rushed to the bathroom and locked it. My sobbing got worse as all of my make-up got messy. I heard someone coming into the room.

"Hey, Athena are you alright?" I heard Alisha ask softly.

"He lied to me. I loved him soon. He lied to me, Alisha. I was going to help him find the pieces." I unlocked and opened the bathroom door with teary eyes. I pulled the necklace and stomped on it until it broke.

"Athena, pull yourself together," she said while taking me in a hug.

"Everything is fine dear," she said while patting me as I cried helplessly on her shoulder.

"Athena, you can explain to me everything after we are done with this mission, okay? I will listen to all of the things you want to talk about, even if you find me intimidating. I still care about people," she said with a gentle smile. I hugged her again.

"Thank you so much, Alisha. It means a lot" I gave her a smile and then harper and lily entered hurriedly.

"Oh my gosh, Athena, are you all right?" Harper asked worriedly. I nodded.

I saw Alisha gestured them to not ask anything now. They then didn't ask about what had happened.

"We need to touch up your makeup," Harper said as she and Lily pulled me into the bathroom. They did my hair and makeup all over again. When I saw myself in the mirror. I looked opulent. I felt beautiful. Everything seemed graceful.

"You like it?" Alisha asked while leaning on the bathroom door.

I nodded as a yes and hugged everyone when Gabriel barged in without knocking.

"don't you have manners? You big gorilla" Lily screamed at him.

"Gorilla? You could've called me a better name like sweetie or something but you chose this word?" he sighed and acted as if he was hurt. Lily was about to say something back but Gabriel cut her off.

"Guys we have an hour to get there and implement the plan so we better leave now" we all nodded in agreement and headed down to where our limo was waiting.

Everything was really luxurious if you ask me.


"You are not even wiping the floor you little brat" she yelled at me as Paden kept laughing at my poor state.

She took me by the hand and threw me outside the house. Don't come until you learn to listen, you doltish girl.

I was just twelve and I couldn't run away as I was demure and didn't know about anything. At least I have 10 dollars with me, which was more than enough for me to survive for one day.

I then went to the local convenience store and bought some food. On the way to the park, I spotted a hungry mother and her son. I felt disastrous for them but I just walked ahead of them. I felt really horrendous for doing that but I was hungry too you know. As I had an open heart like grandma, I went back again and gave my snacks to them as they needed them more than me and was more than joyful to offer food to them.

I was famished at first but after seeing them be happy, it made me less hungry as I was ecstatic.

While looking towards the park, I looked through all the shops which had angelic dresses. There was this one dress I laid my eyes on. It was a classy pink gown which had flowers on it. It was breathtaking and was for 300 dollars which were overpriced for me. I was gawking at the dress when the person from inside the store came out.

"Can you please go away and not stand outside my store like that? Poor people like you are apathetic and want to steal everything.

"Excuse me? Don't you dare say that to poor people? People have their reasons and you should truly not focus on others' business and make assumptions. Not all poor people are like that"

He was about to say something but I plainly just walked off from there.


Somebody tapped my shoulder, Chris.

"You zone out a lot, you know that right?" he asked me

"I know and I can't help it because I keep on seeing flashbacks."

"It's okay if you want to talk to somebody. I'm always here, okay?"

He took my hand and held it tightly giving me a reassuring smile.

He held my hand because he noticed I was shivering. I was grateful for having a friend like that.

I started to talk and surprisingly we had a lot in common.

I didn't realize we had reached it until Chris pointed it out.

"This place is aesthetic," I said while smiling from the car window. The place was massive and the decorations were just immaculate.

While getting out of the car, Chris offered me his hand and I took it. He had become a marvellous friend of mine as we chatted a lot on the way here.

"Can we link arms?" I asked confidentially.

"Sure I don't mind" and offered me his arm and I held it.

"I know you are doing it to provoke my brother, Asher"

"He is your brother? Oh my gosh," I almost acted as if I saw the witch giving Snow White a poisoned apple. It was that awful. My eyes were wide and even my mouth couldn't utter a word.

"I know you are surprised but that's the truth I mean," he said while shrugging it off.