
The trip

Athena's pov

"How long will it take Chris?" Harper groaned while eating chips and yawning. It was indeed a tiresome trip but let's look at the bright side. The only thing which matters is that we reached! Right? But travelling was indeed aggravating at times. Hence, I don't blame her for reacting that way.

"Just a few minutes until we reach the hotel," Chris replied.

"First we travel by plane and then by car?"

Harper was really frustrated by travelling from one vehicle to another. It was impeded for me too frankly.

When we boarded our flight, I had to sit next to a kid and his mother. I didn't mind it but I had to play with the small kid most of the time as I couldn't say no. He was really adorable, even though his mother was sweet and friendly.

When our flight landed, I checked my phone and there were about fifty missed calls from Asher. I had to text him that I'm alright but when I opened my messenger app, he had spammed me. I texted him that I'm alright and we landed just now. I also texted him that we were heading to the hotel now. Asher replied with an "okay" after spamming so much.

Tonight we had to attend this ball and we had only one plan so we had to succeed today as we have our next flight to France.

When we had stopped by to eat. I placed a voice recorder under the table. It was a small device and nobody noticed it.

Chris had asked Alisha about the plan and she was persistent to tell us when we reach our hotel room because everyone was forcing her. She told us as there were no people near us at the moment. She then later explained the plan.

"We have to split up into four groups. For instance, Royce and Harper, Chris and Athena, Lily and Gabriel and me alone" Alisha informed us.

I noticed that Royce was about to say something but Alisha cut him off by telling us to wait until she finishes.

"Royce and Harper need to steal the key from Raphael, who is the bodyguard of Eric Fallon. We need to separate both of them. I will try to flirt and get him wasted, then he will give me the code and guide me towards the crystal. When we reach there, I will inject him."

She takes a deep breath as if she is drained and exhausted of the plan but still continues "When he falls unconscious. The power should not be on. Chris and Athena will go to the powerhouse and cut off all the wires which will lead to a power shortage and will turn off all the protection and the lasers also till that time the guests will start going home. Meanwhile, Gabriel and Lily will keep an eye on the security and the guests. We all have to wear an ear device to communicate with each other.

Then I-


"Wake up Athena! Wake up!" I felt somebody yelling and shaking me.

"Oh my gosh, Lily!" I screamed at her but my mood immediately swapped from huffy to ecstatic after seeing the aesthetically pleasing hotel. I got out of the car but I was awestruck by the elegance of the place.

"It's magnificent, isn't it?" I heard a voice from behind and it was Christopher.

I turned around facing him "Before I answer your question. Can I call you Chris?" I asked him politely as he laughed and nodded as a yes.

"Yes, it's indeed magnificent" I answered while surveying the hotel again.

There were many bellhops and one of them came rushing and took all of the luggage from us. The staff also guided us to our hotel room.

When we went and reached the hotel. I was again awestruck by our room. It was spectacular. They had this huge living room and upstairs area. Along with two bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was indeed luxurious as it had an enormous balcony.

When I entered one of the bedrooms. It had two separate beds and a Japanese-style bathroom.

Lily jumped on the bed "I am exhausted, I don't want to go for lunch. I want to sleep" she said while rolling on the bed.

There was an upstairs area as well which had another bedroom and a kitchen area, with an enormous balcony again.

"Guys we need to get ready," harper said while applying makeup. I took out a kawaii pink and white outfit

It was a gorgeous white skirt along with a ravishing pink top

It was a gorgeous white skirt along with a ravishing pink top. I also took out a pink and white cardigan to hide my horrendous scar. Sometimes I accepted myself and the other times I didn't like myself but that doesn't mean I'm not trying to love myself.

I then first took a marvellous shower. It was marvellous, okay? But I didn't realize it was past half an hour until I heard harper screaming. I quickly wore my clothes and rushed out of the bathroom. Everyone just stared at me. I didn't know why?

"Is something wrong with the outfit I'm wearing?" I asked softly. Are my scars visible? I thought to myself.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask them again.

"Because you look naturally gorgeous and stunning" Lily yelled jumping up and down again. She rushed toward me and gave me a tight hug.

"Thanks, it means a lot, but can you leave me? I feel like suffocating" and I really did feel like it.

"Oh my gosh, sorry. I forgot about that" Lily apologized.

We all then went out for lunch but halfway there I forgot that I kept my phone in the room. I quickly rushed upstairs but then a familiar hand grabbed me by the waist and took me inside their hotel room.


He smiled and nodded.

"How did you-"

"Ah yes, the tracker. I forgot about that completely"

I was about to hug him when I noticed he was not alone, I reframed from hugging him. He noticed that but still hugged me.

"I missed you so much dear," he said while hugging.

I felt safe under his touch but then we let go of each other.

"Wait I will introduce you to them"

"The guy with the strawberry blonde hair is Willow and the guy with the ginger hair is Bryon and guys this is Athena"

I gave them a smile and then turned towards Asher.

"I really need to go now or they will be suspicious of me"

As soon as I opened the door, I found Lily standing there with her arms folded.

"You know how risky it would've been if someone else would've been here instead of me"

Lily smiled at them, took my hand and pulled me outside while closing the door. When we turned to the left side, we heard a familiar voice.

"Guys what were you doing in that room," Chris asked.

I could feel me and her both shivering but then I blurted it out.

"Their necklace fell down, that's why we went there to return it" and he seemed to believe it.

"Shall we go down then?" Chris asked and we both nodded.


"Guys I'm full" Royce exclaimed.

Indeed, even I was full. The food was delicious.

All of us got up and were going up when I saw a woman getting dragged by a man in the elevator. I ran towards them and pulled the woman to the side.

"Excuse me what is this behaviour?" I asked in a stern tone.

"it's none of your business," he said while coming closer to me but I stood there still.

"Why were you pulling the woman when she clearly didn't want to come with you?" I spat on his face.

It seemed like the last straw for him, he raised his hand to hit me and I closed my eyes. I wondered what happened? When I opened them, I saw asher holding the guy's hand.

"never hit a woman, nobody taught you that?" and punched him right in his face. The guy fell down hard on his back.

"Are you okay dear?" he asked me and I nodded.

I glanced at the woman "are you okay mam?" I asked as she was standing right behind me. She had long black hair and sharp facial features. She was really stunning as her glossy black skin made her shine.

"I'm alright, thank you so much." She gave a genuine smile and went outside the hotel.

"nice of you to save her brother but next time stay away," Alisha said while pulling my hand.


"Guys we need to get ready!" Harper screamed.

She started to frantically roam around the room.

"we will be there on time Harper don't worry". Then we all started to get ready. I went to my luggage to find something but I had nothing to wear for the ball.

"Oh god, I forgot to pack the dress" lily groaned and kept on apologizing to me.

"you can have mine," Alisha said and gave me a beautiful short black dress to wear

The dress was elegant and alluring. I went to try on the dress and fit me perfectly. Along with ravishing golden heels.
